Describing her characteristics would make no sense, as if her characteristics were of one of a 'girlfriend's' (now that they're admitting that koibito means lover, it's quite obvious they can't deny this), then tachiba would have no use of being in that sentence, as it means
Also, like Mako said long ago, it never mentions Aerith's name. Just 'the woman.' So if they're going to insist that it's implying with the statement that because there was no specific reference to Cloud, I'm gonna say that 'the woman,' is me, searching for troo lub.
Lol at how they make this such a victorious statement by using immature statements such as, "WE WIN, WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS." This is not a game they're playing. They just take this too seriously.
And also, LOL at this:
But koibito means lover, sweetheart, and or gf/bf. You can't have any of those with out the other side willing to return those feelings. If this statement doesn't clear it up, I'm not sure what will.
Because this statement / quote shows how both Cloud and Aerith feel towards one an other.
And a person can't call someone their lover, sweetheart, or bf/gf with out both sides feeling that same way. There's absolutely NO WAY around this.
Um, okay. This comes to show that social skills are needed in order to actually believe in a statement like so.
So ironic.
I wonder if they have an explanation for the fact that Cloud is a
symbol of something important.