Love Triangle Spoiler Thread


Great Old One
IndianaoftheJones, please don't troll their forums.

Also, more stuff - something about drawings, Tifa holding Denzel's hands, and awe see the first encounter between Cloud and Denzel, and the person described it as being a heartwarming family throughout the movie. ^_^ This truly shows that they're a family, no?


Your Mom
they spin this shit so well, they should be on Fox News
You win the internet for the night, Mako.

If the placement of sword marks where Cloud began his journey to be a hero...
I still don't understand this. He doesn't say that line at the place where the sword is (in the church). He says it on the hill, where Zack died and he took up the sword.


Great Old One
I can't tell if you're joking or not, but if you really need to troll, here:

But seriously, let's not troll. It just creates drama, and I don't like it when people troll my forum - I think they would feel the same.
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Dammit, the fun will be over by then. (I just wanted to read the posts, honestly)

Nah I wasn't going to troll, worst I'd do is post something like "I AGREE CLOUD XARITH FOREVER! WTF IS THIS SHIT?" or something...

Celes Chere

Yeah, don't troll. LURK. Lurk is fine, but troll is fail.

Oh, previewing again? See? Maybe they had trolls recently. I don't care who it is, trolls are just plain annoying. =/

PS- you killed nothing. Just don't be bad. =)

And that's cute, Ali. Hand holding. <3
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Yeah you all say it's bad but, admit it, you all laugh when Chris Chan gets trolled :loopy:

As I said though, I just wanted to see what they were saying. I might have posted an I agree just for fun but I wouldn't have done anything horrible.

So... when do WE get to see the film? :awesome:


Great Old One
@ Isabella: ^_^

@ IndianaoftheJones: I think everyone sometimes has the urge to do that, so as long as you don't actually act on it it's cool. :monster: Though, there was this one who impersonated me so I seriously was fuming at that, but ah well, idiots will be idiots, no? :monster:


And uh, anyways - I'm reading something about drawings? :huh:

And that part where Tifa puts her hand on Cloud, is when Cloud says sorry, and Tifa says, "No, it's okay."

By the way, I'm downloading a torrent right now which says it's ACC. It's only... five percent right now. T_T But if it's the real thing, I'll be sure to give it to you guys. :awesomonster:

And who's Chris Chan?


Great Old One
No, I can't find anything on Case of Denzel yet, unless the part where Tifa holds Denzel's hands is in Case of Denzel. Also, we get to see Cloud and Denzel meeting for the first time to. And I've seen some mentions about dating but I think it's just a Cloti fan trying to imagine some stuff up for the pairing. Not 100% sure, so don't depend on me. This is, 2chan after all.

Um, about 1 GB. But I'm not totally sure if it's ACC. I'll tell you if it is.

And I'm checking out a Chinese site too, so I'll see if I get any results there.


Your Mom
Is there any way to watch what you've downloaded so far, so you don't have to DL the whole damn thing if it's fake?


Beacause I am a puppet
First of all, thanks to those who have provided all this wonderful, delicious spoilerific info so far. It's like water in a desert!

And getting this out of the way: I'm in the Cloti camp, always have been, though I do (did?) appreciate the complexity of Cloud's relationship with the two lead ladies when I had my first run through FFVII many moons ago. Clack does intrigue me, however, despite the whole Zack being dead thing.

Anyway, the stuff I'm reading about here seems rather definitive. While I do enjoy some ambiguity when it comes to true feelings, I'm glad that SE seems to be making the effort to tie things up concerning this infamous triangle, whether it happened to be Cloti or not.

Uh, wow, I'm not sure what else to say...aren't these LT threads supposed to have more charged analyses about Cloud's every little action and word and TL;DR arguments about canon, with occasional smatterings of thinly-veiled Tifa hate? :huh: There's still time, I suppose...


Your Mom
Welcome, munatik.

We've never had a true LT thread here at TLS, because Clerith fans rarely post here. The ones that do are the more level-headed ones.


Great Old One
My torrent download was a fake, sorry guys. :( I'm still looking though! :awesome:

And also, those are epic lennethlee, thanks! ^_^ Cloud's expression made me laugh though.

EDIT: I have no idea how to access through that download, damn....

I don't think we should show links...
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