Love Triangle Spoiler Thread


Great Old One
If anyone likes Twilight, it's got to be Cleriths :wackymonster:
Lol, what, no way... that's not true.

I agree Ali, it's a very lovely scene. I am also glad that they did not rid of it. It's never been romantic though, and it never will be. I'm very pleased with the Zerith hints in the movie. Well, they weren't really hints at all. ACC has set things pretty much in stone, imo.

I've already seen "this is where a hero began his journey" be twisted in the most unimaginable way possible... I really am wondering how anything else can be twisted.
Well, I like that scene because it represents Cloud's guilt for Aerith. And why shouldn't he feel guilty? It's a very heartfelt scene in my opinion, and I love Aerith there. ^_^

Also, yeah. That's a bit saddening that they would refer it to as Cloud....

I work at a book store, of course I see how many stupid people like Twilight What's really depressing is that teenage girls aren't even the main demographic purchasing the books anymore
Hahahahhaaaaa, that goes in my sig now. :monster:

XD good point... I don't like Twilight... so it's obvious that i'm more Cloti's?
What? You guys, stop comparing the pairing Clerith to Twilight.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I work at a book store, of course I see how many stupid people like Twilight :wacky: What's really depressing is that teenage girls aren't even the main demographic purchasing the books anymore :(

It's midlife crisis ladies, yes?
Just like the twin heads of the Pink Hell cult.

I'm referring to the fundie cleriths, not people who just like the pairing in fanon :wacky:

I think all of our jabs are directed at a select few.

Though speaking of twatlight and pinkers, one of their number, I forget who, suggested that cloti should like twilight. As if the C/T conclusion was analogous to Twatlight.

It was quite hilariously ironic.


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Midlife crisis ladies are a lot of them, but these days you can't even say the vast majority of people buying the books are female. D;

also lol.


Great Old One
Midlife crisis ladies are a lot of them, but these days you can't even say the vast majority of people buying the books are female. D;
Goddamnit, now I have to add that.

Though speaking of twatlight and pinkers, one of their number, I forget who, suggested that cloti should like twilight. As if the C/T conclusion was analogous to Twatlight.
Um, sure. :wacky:


Great Old One
How is it Cloud? The scene shows Zack's sword and the Church, unless I'm missing something here because I didn't watch the movie yet. :wacky:


Bad Habit
Ruby Rose, Lucy
I would think it's Cloud. Cause him falling through the church is fairly early on in the game. How would Cloud know that Zack's been to the church?


Your Mom
No, he says the line on the hill, where Zack died. That's where Cloud took up the sword and began his own journey.

One of the main themes of the movie is Cloud's journey toward recognizing himself as a hero and not a worthless piece of poo. That line caps it off by telling us that he finally gets it.

Here, watch, and ignore Burton's terrible delivery. :awesome:
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Great Old One
Saw the scene on Youtube - and I'm glad that Cloud doesn't think of himself as a worthless piece of crap anymore. :)

Though, I don't understand the Zack's sword being placed in the church.

Ok XD... but, well if i have to chose between "Twilight" and "pairing Clerith" i prefer the last one...
Lol, well Clerith's a cute pairing too. :)


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Zack's sword is in the church because flowers are on his hill.

SE is telling us ZACK and AERITH are connected.


Great Old One
I need to watch this damn movie. I started downloading two days ago and it's still forty eight percent...

SE is telling us ZACK and AERITH are connected.
Now that is symbolism. And kinda cute too. :)
Whoa, lol ShuShu, calm now...

And are you asking us why they can't accept that Cloud and Aerith are not in love, thus writing "thoughts?" into your last line? :monster:

Make me calm down. :duhard:

And thoughts refered more towards the Clouds smile segment of my post.

Anyway I did calm down. Went to McDonalds. Were apparently Japanese people go to bastardize their own culture and language for the sake of Clerith, with lies, really bad and fake statistics and generalizations, and no sense of Japanese language and society whatsoever.

These fries are hella good. Sinfully delicious. :monster:


Your Mom
Though, I don't understand the Zack's sword being placed in the church.
Interpret it however you will. Some see a strong Zerith hint there, with the symbols of the two of them being reunited (and by Cloud, no less). Others may just see a tribute to two of Cloud's fallen comrades.


Great Old One
Lol, you calmed down by going McDonalds? And Japanese have WacDonalds, don't you know? :monster:

Also, what's with me lol'ing at all these funny posts today. Stop making me laugh you guys. :wacky:

Like I said, there's no way anyone living in the real world won't see the sexual imagery there
Tits or gtfo guy does his deed. :awesome:
Lol, you calmed down by going McDonalds? And Japanese have WacDonalds, don't you know?

You mean there are other ways to calm down?
And I SO KNEW :'D Its just hard to find a WacDonalds in Florida. Tha'sall.

Zerith symbolism = Pwnage. Its like SE bitchslapped them for all that strained and stretched symbolism crap that the pinkers come up with.


Aha! I thought he said in church before. LOL
That makes sense then :lol:

In showing the Buster sword next, they place the focus on the sword & its significance in being the symbol of pride and honor for both characters, be it Cloud or Zack (it is the sword that you notice first since it's centered in the frame and lit by sunlight).
And it's in the church prolly as a tribute to TWO dear friend. And also to show the connection between Zack/Aeris - although Cloud may not have known they were an item, the audience does, so the message is pretty fuckin clear to those watching.

Also, the flowers on Cloud's desk are CLEARLY taken from Zack's grave (they are identical & they zoom in).
So much for the Clerii saying Cloud picks them after some sexing in the fields with Aeris. LOL
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
BTW, since I KNOW you are all watching, ladies and gent of CxA forums, if you REALLY want this forum to stop being so C/T dominated, your only recourse is to come over here and actually post.

And you are incorrect, BTW. The C/A club was started by an actual fan of the pairing.

And yes, SE really wants us to 'get' that Z/A is and always will be a pairing, such as telling us Zack is always by Aerith's side, and then giving us the imagery at the end of the movie.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Though speaking of twatlight and pinkers, one of their number, I forget who, suggested that cloti should like twilight. As if the C/T conclusion was analogous to Twatlight.

It was quite hilariously ironic.
lol. Bella hung out with Edward for 10 days before she declared she loved him. Seems sorta like a certain pair who only hung together for a couple of weeks, yes? :awesome:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Indeed. But you have to flip the genders, of course. Edward is SpiritAerith, and Bella is the version of Cloud who thinks nothing but Aerith matters and just uses people (like Tifa) while he can't have his OTL.


Your Mom
although Cloud may not have known they were an item, the audience does, so the message is pretty fuckin clear to those watching.
Interesting point. How much do you think Cloud knew about the two of them? Did Zack ever talk to him about Aerith when he was alive? Obviously he must know they knew each other, since they walked away together into the light at the end.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Indeed. But you have to flip the genders, of course. Edward is SpiritAerith, and Bella is the version of Cloud who thinks nothing but Aerith matters and just uses people (like Tifa) while he can't have his OTL.
Didn't I draw that comparison? I win! :awesomonster:
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