Also don't think I forgot about this one.
To me she's straight up Shrodinger's Aerith until SE lets me observe her actual state.
Also entirely fair. I am guessing just as everyone else is. I'm just saying what I see and how it fits the evidence as I understand it.
Resist temptation to reference Blackface-Norris. Resist.
Go on, live a little.
Better insulation and an isolation bunker on the capacitors, gotcha.
With purifying flame on standby just in case.
Feels like it could get ugly even if they did.
Plus most places have a "we do not accept fan suggestions" as a general rule for liability/ royalty's sake.
I love how she can shift comedic stylings for each party member you pair her with and never feel OOC for it.
She's EVERYONE'S wacky kid sister.
Almost nothing, that's just a shame. Going back to our talk of twists, one of my favorites is the twist silly reference joke. Example, back when MTG was just Eldrazi the game and we got "We know, you can't even."
Specifically taking a common idea or catch phrase and making a one step further response and then letting the reader work back to the reference itself, you mean?
So they're chaotic in approach while lawfully devoted to their ship. Is Pink Hell a chamber of the Underdark? Cause this sounds Drow-ish.
Ah Lolth, the psycho goth cheerleader bitch queen herself. Also yes, very second edition drow, before the got their especially odd edges filed off.
I think that actually happened more than once. Their "arguments" weren't the only thing they tended to repeat after all. Was it Tres who compared it to Spira's whole Spiral of Death? Sounds like him but it could've been any number of folks. Hell I thought it, but someone beat me to the post.
I could see Tres making that reference, yeah.
I'm quoting you on that later. I will provide ni context. The people receiving said quotation will be all "who the fuck is Ryushikaze?" and I will laugh.
Except the one person, who will know, and stare you dead in the face and go "Dammit. If he says it. It must be so."
It'd be criminal not to take that deal
Not only is it mutually beneficial, the whole world wins.
Ah but I never claimed Jean perpetrated the incident, only that afterward she was but rarely allowed to be the firey redhead of old by the editors.
I was just saying that two redheads who are technically you destroy a galaxy and invite a hell dimension to Manhattan and you never get to have fun any more. It's criminal.
I think the readership let Kitty move further from her time with Logan than most. I seem to recall her straight up being Headmistress of Xavier's School for a bit? Jubes by comparison still has Wolverine's sidekick vibes much later. Plus Laura is Wolverine so she's the most primed to team up with the others in general.
Well, she's Logan's test tube baby daughter rather than explicit clone (she has her own actual Clone, too) but yes, very much her father's daughter in the teamup regard. I do wish they'd pick one to be Wolverine and let the other have a new name. Like with Pete and Miles. Ben Reilly got a new name (And though not as bad as OMD, that's another arc I wish had gone in an alternate direction I heard was the original plan)
A thought, would Kurt work for Nanaki as well or better than Cannonball? Scary looking, covered in fur, comes off as wise and genuinely is but is also a big old child with a fanboy mentality. Scales walls, backflips midnight as an offensive technique... I could go on.
Actually very deeply spiritual, has a long term love interest who barely shows up, no, Kurt fits very well for Nanaki. Let's get some blue dye and run with this.
Also, Mr. Sinister for Hojo?
Him or Hodge for sure. Like all the mad science of Sinister and the petty bullshit of Hodge.
I'm not aware of him scamming cash from what I've seen, just attention.
Well you can't take a swing at the blurnz ball if you stand outside the stadium
Especially given the tether.
True rage tears down empires, frees slaves, and emboldens us to outlive our enemies. It's not some evil thing from outside, it serves an important function in nature and society. It exists for a reason. It's why I could never fully get behind the Jedi order. Idunno if they ever got this but Obi-Wan didn't beat Maul (first time) until he got mad. Luke beat Vader by getting mad. The trick is knowing when you've accomplished what you can with your rage and stopping... which is admittedly hard to do.
Yeah, a lot of fan media really wanted Luke to go down the balanced Gray Jedi route about mastering the self without denying the self.
But how's it's mileage?
Hard to tell. Crazy Tank never seems to run out, so... infinite?
That could be good or I'll depending on how it goes. Looking at you 76, with your fully modern Deathclaws and Brotherhood chapters and other such shite. Also just fir being shite.
I've heard the gameplay has much improved since launch, but yes, the wanting to shoehorn the recognizable no matter how well or poorly they fit is still bleh.
Friends don't let friends debate fallaciously
Stopping them is the most ethical thing to do.
NGL, I loved this part of Aerith's character.
It's both very admirable and very relatable at the same time.
Burger Time type customer service mini-games, but with flowers!
Bouquet Building Action!
I insist that he be out cold just long enough for some bored slum kids to paint his face in candy skull patterns. Then we watch everyone lose their minds over "what does this mean?!" Beyond that, agreed.
I'm down for this.