Pro Adventurer
Yeah, after Kalm escape where Aerith playfully said "it's a date, kind of" I dont see Tifa being jealous. She even waves hand at Aerith who sits on Nibelheim's water tower with Cloud.It's already established that "date" for Aerith doesn't really means anything. In remake she calls going shopping with Tifa a date, also in Rebirth when she's with Tifa in Costa del Sol. After their talks about first love and what happens in Gongaga, their no way Tifa to think that Aerith as a thing for Cloud (even Aerith doesn't know)
Even in Zack & Aerith's dynamic, what Aerith calls a date doesn't match up with what Zack calls a date. Every meeting with Zack is probably a date for Aerith as she just simply enjoy to spend time with him.