LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

  • Total voters
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Me gustaría
que todos
escriben poesía.

But it's stuck on the end of the action/verb, and not with the feelings, which was already modified by '言葉では伝えられない'.

True, but it's far simpler and says the same thing to say 'matching feelings' rather than the torturous adverbs. In asthetically pleasing english, anyways. Unless you want to fudge things a little bit and use 'mutually confirmed' I guess.
In any case, my point, 'matching' is a descriptor, not an action, and it doesn't really matter to the overall meaning if it modifies confirmation or feelings.
Edit: Also, I just noticed I left 'it's' out of a key section of the post, which does change what it seems what I was talking about.

1) lolz.
2) Wasn't that long after all that whole thing? IIRC it was OWD who made that sig, and I wouldn't have been consorting with the likes of her until after my fall from grace :awesome:

Petting the Chocobos came out years after your exile, didn't it?
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Pants are on the ground
You look like a damn fool
With pants on the ground

... oh are we done with the haikus?

Petting the Chocobos came out years after your exile, didn't it?
Or that he said mean stuff about them behind their backs, I have no idea :monster:


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
Pants are on the ground
You look like a damn fool
With pants on the ground

... oh are we done with the haikus?

Or that he said mean stuff about them behind their backs, I have no idea :monster:

one syllable shy
to be a real true haiku
bet Cloud had pants down

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
It seems obvious to me that -- and this is probably due in some way to her being Japanese -- MotA thinks "matching" is being used as an action in English to say that the two are altering their feelings in some way. And she's saying that didn't happen. Which is true.

But she is obviously saying that the feelings match. :monster:

And yet that's being completely ignored. :awesome:


AI Researcher
これこそが 真の俳句だ 見るがいい
あ、まてまて たぶんなんだか 違うけど
俳句とは 自然とかが テーマだな
川柳と 呼ぶべきだろう そう思う

Okay I'm done being a poetry ponce for today.

So how would you have translated it?
That whole thing? (Was this even directed at me :monster:)

"Before the final battle against Sephiroth Cloud, having regained himself with the help of Tifa, confirms with her the feelings that they were unable to put into words."

If she's really a translator she would be more interested in gaining the correct meaning rather than just furthering their pairing. If there's really a huge difference then wouldn't it be better to talk to other translators and smooth out the grammar. I've seen translators do this all the time, I don't see what's so hard about anyone trying to get her to talk to someone else who knows Japanese.
I always thought knowledge and everything being correct was more important than being right about fictional couples.

But that's stupid :awesome:
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Your Mom
I don't know shit about Japanese but I do know a thing or two about English, and I can say with a reasonable degree of certainty that the verb is "confirm" in the translation, not "match." I'm not even sure when you'd use "matching their feelings." Is that like matching paint colors? Because that's what I've been trying to do this weekend. I'm painting my bathroom. :monster:


AI Researcher
True, but it's far simpler and says the same thing to say 'matching feelings' rather than the torturous adverbs. In asthetically pleasing english, anyways. Unless you want to fudge things a little bit and use 'mutually confirmed' I guess.
In any case, my point, 'matching' is a descriptor, not an action, and it doesn't really matter to the overall meaning if it modifies confirmation or feelings.
Edit: Also, I just noticed I left 'it's' out of a key section of the post, which does change what it seems what I was talking about.
I'm not really saying it changes the meaning or anything. I'm just fussy.

Petting the Chocobos came out years after your exile, didn't it?
That came from the 10th Anniversary Ultimania interview, which was released with CC. IIRC I went bad after AC.

So you wouldn't even put matching in there... interesting :awesome:
I'm a rebel.


Your Mom
What have Japanese fans had to say about it? Anything? Oh wait, you saw some of them rejoicing over this, right Tres? That's what led you to order it in the first place.


I'm painting my bathroom.
NO WAI!!! I'm painting my bedroom. It's a glorious red. Or it will be once I finish my second coat.
IIRC it was OWD who made that sig, and I wouldn't have been consorting with the likes of her until after my fall from grace
Your soul was weak and I corrupted it fully.


Lurk mode: ON
Ok, I'm going to try to contribute something that's actually LTD related.

So I asked my LTD-neutral, Japanese-speaking sister for her translation of this line:

She responded with this:
Before the last battle with Sephiroth, Cloud, who had been returned to himself thanks to Tifa, made sure to relate to her the love he was unable to convey in words.

Someone show this to the Cleriths, and make sure to let them know this is from a LTD-neutral translator, who is not in this fandom at all. Let's see what they say.

Lily Ella

Pro Adventurer
They're not going to believe you, trust. You'll be accused of somehow twisting it to your liking, because you're such a bullheaded and biased Cloti.

@ Fairheartstrife:
Dude, the quote in your sig. My reactions to it were:
1st: WWWWTTTTFFFF is wrong with these people?
2nd: Actually, you're right. Break me off a piece of that Tif-Tat Bar.

That came from the 10th Anniversary Ultimania interview, which was released with CC. IIRC I went bad after AC.
Indeed, you did, you ebil Cloti cracker.

@Petting chocobos: I'm also reminded of this pic:

made by seimei, somewhat long ago.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves


Lurk mode: ON
They're not going to believe you, trust. You'll be accused of somehow twisting it to your liking, because you're such a bullheaded and biased Cloti.
Regardless if any Cleriths actually see this, I just want to call to attention the fact that a neutral translator used the word "love", rather than "matching/confirming feelings" or some such.

I would love to see their reactions, though. :monster:


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
Hey hey now, I'm far from squeamish. I'm not some innocent little virgin that thinks sex is too sacred and beautiful to be had anywhere but in the lifestream outside. :awesome:

I just think if you're on a bunch of rocks and your friends are watching and it would be your first time (Cloud's first time, I don't think Tifa's a virgin and I don't mean that in an insulting way at all), having sex outside isn't such a hot idea.

ANYWAYS the quote wasn't really black and white about whether or not they slept together, so I'm just gonna assume they didn't. :monster: That's all I'm really getting at.

also of course these translations are twisted and biased, they were translated by Hito. HE IS FULL OF LIES AND CLOTI LOVE
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