LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

  • Total voters
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
It also says "Aerith?"
So that might not be Aerith then :monster:

Also just noticed this:
Tifa's not Bella, kiddo.
1. Who is Bella
2. Did you just call Like Vines kiddo? :kermit:


My cat's like that, except instead of a keyboard it's my face while I'm sleeping.
Then you do this.



I need moar Chi.


And my mom's cat, though she got back today, so I'm not pet sitting any more.
I was petsitting my cousins poodle until today. :awesome:


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
Tifa should have sat around crying a river?

Tifa didn't sit around crying a river when her entire village was burnt and her life turned upside down. When her mother died, she fucking went up in the mountains, a place all kids were fraid of. She isn't some weak woman who will lie down out in the forest, hugging herself and crying herself to sleep when she's got two children to take care of, one of whom is dying.

When has SE shown her as what you describe?

Tifa's not Bella, kiddo. Never has been. Her pain is great, but she hides it for the sake of the kids. You can see it in the church while talking to Marlene. Tifa's strong. She's a warrior. That doesn't mean she doesn't feel, it just means she ain't got time to bleed.
WOAH NOW BUDDY. I never said "SE said a thousand times that she's a total crybaby god haven't u guise read those interviews", I just brought up the fact that she's only human and I would imagine that would hurt pretty bad.

Besides, it's not like there's no evidence that she wasn't pretty broken up about it. SE even said, "She's like any other woman that's been left behind by a man."

Women who get left behind by men are usually pretty goddamn upset about it. Besides, Tifa was never as emotionally strong nor independent as say, Aerith. She's very attached to Cloud during the game, but I feel like she really overcame this in the two years between the game and AC. When she yelled at Cloud I wanted to give her a brofist.

tl;dr, not saying Tifa's a crybaby. She would never cry in front of the kids, nor would she let her life fall apart because Cloud left. But... come on, it must have hurt her a lot.

I'm sure she cried about it on her own time.

Quexinos said:
Why are the dengeki profiles considered official?
Wait, which profiles are these?

hito said:
I tried to think of something to say that's relevant to this topic's interests, but I couldn't. I just wanted to talk about cats.
ahaha omg I love cats I accept this.

it's always cats or fang/vanille with you hito. or your deep love for cloti

I am still wondering why you got banned at 4chan.
let's say hypothetically I was posting not worksafe material in /v/....


I never said she wasn't upset, nor did AC portray her as someone who wasn't upset by Cloud's leaving. And whether or not Tifa cried on her own time wasn't something I dsiputed.

However, you said that Tifa's reaction was closer to that of roommate leaving because it lacked the breakdown & tears on screen, which si bullpoop. Pain doesn't always manifest itself as this:

Especially if you're not a tween. And ahve two kids to care for.
You made the above breakdown a prerequisite for showing emotional pain. Not me.

LV said:
If I lived with someone that I was in a relationship with and they abruptly left and didn't tell me why, I'd cry a goddamn river.

If my roommate abruptly left, I'd act more like Tifa did in AC/CoT.

Besides, Tifa was never as emotionally strong nor independent as say, Aerith.
Excuse me.

What exactly makes Tifa weaker or less independent than Aeris?
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Higher Further Faster
lol Oh Quex.

That said, I do agree with OWD on some points. It is obvious by AC and CoT that Tifa was deeply hurt by Cloud's actions. But she had a bar to run and two kids to take care of. She did a good job of keeping it together for them.

Also, the scene where here and Marlene first enter the church is very telling of this. She is shocked to learn that Cloud had geostigma and had been hiding the fact from her. Then she suggests to Marlene that they leave, obviously because the situation is painful and she probably doesn't want to deal with it. But she says it with a smile for Marlene's sake, but it's no difficult to understand why'd she'd feel that way.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Well Aerith had a rough early life too but I guess we never really saw her dwell on it. Even when she realizes Zack dies she just kind of nods and accepts it.... although she enters into denial but I'd guess this is what she means.


Pro Adventurer
Aerith wrote Zack 89 letters over the years and is still wearing pink as if waiting for his return still. I can't bring myself to say she hasn't dwelt on it.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Yeah thanks to Retcon Co- I mean Crisis Core....

Honestly when you first played FFVII, did you REALLY think she was in denial or did you think she was serious when she said she was over him? I believed her. Both Aerith and Tifa have had tragic pasts, but Aerith seems more... I don't know what the word is but just happier most of the time. Maybe she's just lying to herself but she seems to handle certain things better.

Now I'm NOT saying Tifa didn't have a right, but when Aerith's mother was killed, she didn't start hating Shinra, in fact she cried when Tseng was hurt. I think Aerith just isn't capable of hate the same way Tifa is. It's not a bad thing, it's something that makes them different. But I can see what Winter means when she says Aerith is stronger in that sense.


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
Aerith wrote Zack 89 letters over the years and is still wearing pink as if waiting for his return still. I can't bring myself to say she hasn't dwelt on it.
working on my full response but

AERITH WEARS PINK BECAUSE SHE GODDAMN LIKES IT. Other than Tactics she's worn pink in every game she's been in, even ones where Zack doesn't exist. She wore quite a bit of pink before they even met.

As for the love letters, I probably wrote my ex around that many. I was in love.

It's only been two years and I heartily do not care about her at this point. I would say that by the time Aerith was 18 she was long past over it.

She's been lonely all of her life. Why would she suddenly turn into someone who depends on or waits on others when she never has been in her entire life?


Pro Adventurer
Both Aerith and Tifa have had tragic pasts, but Aerith seems more... I don't know what the word is but just happier most of the time. Maybe she's just lying to herself but she seems to handle certain things better.

Now I'm NOT saying Tifa didn't have a right, but when Aerith's mother was killed, she didn't start hating Shinra, in fact she cried when Tseng was hurt. I think Aerith just isn't capable of hate the same way Tifa is. It's not a bad thing, it's something that makes them different. But I can see what Winter means when she says Aerith is stronger in that sense.

While it's not true that Aerith didn't harbor hate for Shinra (as seen in Case of Shinra), she still moves past it while Tifa didn't. So QFT. The main reason why I like Aerith more than Tifa. Not that I hate Tifa, but Aerith is just more my type of character.

LikeVines said:
AERITH WEARS PINK BECAUSE SHE GODDAMN LIKES IT. Other than Tactics she's worn pink in every game she's been in, even ones where Zack doesn't exist. She wore quite a bit of pink before they even me

....Not really :monster: When she meets Zack in CC she's wearing blue. Not saying she hated pink and only stomachs it because of Zack, but her fondness for the color was heavily influenced by him saying she should wear it more often.
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8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
....Not really :monster: When she meets Zack in CC she's wearing blue. Not saying she hated pink and only stomachs it because of Zack, but her fondness for the color was heavily influenced by him saying she should wear it more often.


Haha, no seriously I can see her wearing pink on occasion, for him, but I would think 7 years later she's wearing pink because she just likes it. :awesome:

Also there's things like Kingdom Hearts where Zack (practically) doesn't exist, and she wears pink anyways. It's sort of her thing, at this point.

I also agree with both you and Q about Aerith. I think that, unlike Tifa, her hatred towards Shinra was something she grew out of. She was painfully stubborn, but never really emotionally swayed too easily. I recall reading somewhere (here I enter parts of the Compilation I am very unfamiliar with) that she turned down Elfe's offer to join AVALANCHE when she was a kid.

also off topic: I WAS JUST RE READING CASE OF SHINRA AND I love Tseng x Aerith but I can never figure out how goddamn old he is within canon. It's so weird, he goes from being Aerith's age to having a hand in her mother's death, what?
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Honestly when you first played FFVII, did you REALLY think she was in denial or did you think she was serious when she said she was over him?
After the first time I believed her. Every time he was brought up after that I became less convinced.

Like Vines said:
and she wears pink anyways. It's sort of her thing, at this point.
Yes pink is sort of her 'thing' at this point. But now we know why. Zack.

Like Vines said:
I also agree with both you and Q about Aerith. I think that, unlike Tifa, her hatred towards Shinra was something she grew out of.
I'm not sure how seeing your entire life destroyed by a company is just something you 'grow out of'. Then again Aerith does hear dead people. So I guess she had other things to focus on.


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
Yes pink is sort of her 'thing' at this point. But now we know why. Zack.
Yeah I'm sure that's why she wears it in KH. Right.

No seriously this argument grates me so bad because Aerith has way, way more backbone than that. She would not stay obsessed with a man for 7 years. After all she's been through, losing Zack probably affected her a lot less than people think.

Seriously guys, this was not the turning point in her life or something.

I'm not sure how seeing your entire life destroyed by a company is just something you 'grow out of'. Then again Aerith does hear dead people. So I guess she had other things to focus on.
Haha, pretty much this. I mean it's not that she didn't know they destroyed her life, it's just that hate is a very, very black and white emotion. Look at how she treats Hojo and Sephiroth; I don't think that sort of behavior says that she BLINDLY RAGEHATED them. It was EXTREMELY complicated, and she knew that.

Look at, for instance, how she treated Tseng as well.

After the first time I believed her. Every time he was brought up after that I became less convinced.
to be honest I never got the feeling while playing FFVII that Zack meant a HUGE amount to her. Like, it hurt a little, but she was long since over it.

I feel like a lot of her YOUNG LOVE DEEP FEELINGS was some serious retconning on SE's part.


No seriously this argument grates me so bad because Aerith has way, way more backbone than that. She would not stay obsessed with a man for 7 years. After all she's been through, losing Zack probably affected her a lot less than people think.

Cue her bringing him up at every opportunity in FFVII.

Her mother mentioning her broken heart.

Yea not obsessing at all.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I've had broken hearts... I'm not still obsessed with any of them. Also I tend to bring up my ex's if they did stupid shit or if it's relevant to the conversation. Cloud reminded her of Zack, of course she's going to bring him up.


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
Cue her bringing him up at every opportunity in FFVII.
HAHA OH WOW I have spent all night reading the First Disk script and she mentions him maybe a total of 4 times. Remember, she's also directly dealing with someone who is (or thinks he is) in his situation.

Her mother mentioning her broken heart.
Oh christ she's her mother and just worries about her. Aerith's been to the RED LIGHT DISTRICT before, I'm pretty fucking sure her mom didn't know everything about her. She's just a concerned and overprotective parent.

Yea not obsessing at all.
That's not obsessing, bro. That's just having an ex.


I've had broken hearts... I'm not still obsessed with any of them. Also I tend to bring up my ex's if they did stupid shit or if it's relevant to the conversation. Cloud reminded her of Zack, of course she's going to bring him up.

She goes after Cloud because he is Zack 2.0 in her mind. THAT is obsessing.

It isn't until right before she dies that she comes to her senses about the whole situation.


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
Vendel said:
She goes after Cloud because he is Zack 2.0 in her mind. THAT is obsessing.
Cloud was distinctly different from Zack. She knew this. Official sources say this.

He was a handsome soldier boy who thought he was a total badass. She is attracted to this, and yeah, he reminds her a bit of her ex. She didn't go after him LOOKING for another Zack.

I am pretty attracted to brunette girls, partially because that's mostly what I've dated. I won't lie, I'm drawn to girls that remind me of my exes. This does not mean that I am looking for MY EX 2.0
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Cloud was distinctly different from Zack. She knew this. Official sources say this.

Yes right before she dies. The fact that it took her so long screams 'denial' to me.

He was a handsome soldier boy who thought he was a total badass. She is attracted to this, and yeah, he reminds her a bit of her ex. She didn't go after him LOOKING for another Zack.

Official sources tell us she acts the way she does around Cloud because of Zack. Not because he is her type.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
You know the exes that hurt me the most are the ones I talk about the least, if she was really really hurt by Zack I find it hard to believe she'd keep bringing him up like that.


8ad 8r8k
oddishness, like vines, azula, femshep, winter
Yes right before she dies. The fact that it took her so long screams 'denial' to me.
It didn't take her that long. She knew he reminded her of Zack. She just chose then to tell him. Do you think Aerith is some bimbo who desperately seeks attention from men because her boyfriend died nearly a decade ago? what is this even

Official sources tell us she acts the way she does around Cloud because of Zack. Not because he is her type.
Yeah, because she is reminded of him, not because she obsessively thinks that Cloud is him.

Whether or not Aerith had a genuine affection for Cloud is, I guess, up to you. I think she did, based on what I have gathered and what official sources say. That is my opinion and I know it.

What isn't up to you is deciding that Aerith was omg, obsessed with Zack when it doesn't fit her personality at all and I would imagine with a genius father and Anceint mother she's probably a little smarter than that.

That's all INFERENCE, and nothing SE has ever said has definitively stated that Aerith was a crazy obsessed bitch.

You know the exes that hurt me the most are the ones I talk about the least, if she was really really hurt by Zack I find it hard to believe she'd keep bringing him up like that.
I have to agree with this too.


This is taking a rather alarming turn towards Mary Sue territory.

Aerith does not let little things like her mother's death bother her for long.

Aerith is even nice to her enemies.

Aerith does not obsess over her dead boyfriend.

Aeith does not project her feleings for that EX unto an unsuspecting substitute.

Aerith is pure and Holy.
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