ANd I keep having to repeat that but it's not getting through.
I'm not saying you're doing it. I'm just saying it because it needs to be said.
yeah well I can just say what Tres says now... or you no, not care, because I really don't see the harm in letting them have one tiny little thing... except that it pisses you off so
'Letting them have this tiny little thing' does more than give them a 'love nugget' it throws a massive tangent at the end of Cloud's narrative at the end of Dissidia, and ignores the internal significance of those flowers to give them one that's contrary both to that and to the narrative theme established in the compilation, as Tres has outlined.
I've been trying to put my finger on why such a concession bothers me and I think it comes down to this: it treats this debate as a scavenger hunt. Whoever collects the most love clues wins the prize. You'll let them have one love clue because you've got four others squirreled away in a basket somewhere.
That's simply not how analysis works, as I'm sure you all know. The very thought gets under my intellectual skin.
Yeah, it's not about a scoreboard, even though we sometimes use that analogy, it's about making consistent narrative themes. And this concession (and not granting them the point for sake of discussion) both treats the analysis like a point based game and makes the narrative inconsistent in its themes.
I was just quoting Kuja. Oh, wait, he was talking about Oglops.
We've discovered something. Vendel is an Oglop.
It bothers me too, but that's how the LTD has always been done.

It was always a zero-sum game.
I typically try and focus on the whole of the narrative in my arguments, instead of tiny little points in isolation. You don't get a good idea of the overall narrative flow that way.
In any case, it doesn't have to be. Que now has the tools to go out and face the world.
She knows now how to counter that argument -- and as we all also know:
G.I. Quexinos. A real American oddball.
According to one of the guides Quex linked:
That's the Crown Scepter, so Princess Guard *is* in the game, just with the botched Translatation. Or as I call it, "it got the Puppeteer Wheel treatment".
Ah. Well, Cloud still can't use it.
And yes there's a "Great Gospel" Accessory, though it's not exclusive to Cloud.
It's also not that good, IMHO.
You could argue in favor of Saint's Dive - formed in TAY by Banding Kain's jump with Rosa's magic.
You could, but that's still sharing her only reference with kain, and not appearing, unlike Rydia. My point that the lack or presence of reference means nothing to the existing romance.
A side story should not fundamentally change the understanding of the main narrative. It should add to it in a way so that even if no one sees the story, the narrative still makes perfect sense.