There there, I find that there is Cloud/Aeris evidence that is perfectly legitimate.
I have to say without causing contentious or seeming "hardcore", in all my time as a neutral (having no real issue with Aeris or no real true love for Tifa), I've still yet to see evidence - that is articles that support a consistent rationale - that Cloud/Aeris is in anyway legitimate.
Everything I've seen suggested is either subjective or used without any greater context. You could take a piece of dialogue between Barrett and Cloud out of context and suggest there is evidence for their love, but no one really looks to moot that.
I certainly support people preferring C/A or even wanting to read in romance or attraction into their time together - that's fine, in fact, the game let's the player indulge in such a way, but anything more I've never seen. As you say LM, the player craft's Cloud's feelings for Aeris, not the character and to some degree, the player can also do the same for Tifa, but overall as a story on its own, its very clear that even when it was just FF7 with no complication, it was Tifa Cloud was meant to end up with, the whole Lifestream sequence makes that point abundantly clear, regardless of whether the player has played the game to shift the "game" into offering a slightly alternative low affection Highwind tangent.
I think its great some C/A are now saying "yes, we see Cloti is canon, but we prefer C/A". Cool, but there is a natural urge for the other "side" to feel the need to bend equally and say "well, there is probably evidence that Cleris could be the case in theory even though it never happened". I still don't really see any indication of that throughout the compilation, so while I'd happily bend if there was reason to, I'm afraid I have to seem smug and do the "I'm right you're wrong" dance.