Don't get me wrong, I'm glad we have this desire thing... but what I'm wondering is... who's going to break this to the Cleriths and how?
In the most devastatingly horrid way imaginable! Embrace your true nature, heartless Cloti bastards!
They aren't desiring 'feelings'. That might word if it were 互いが(ふたりが・それぞれ)求める気持ち or just 求める気持ち, but 'each other' is the object of the verb (to want/desire) in this case. So 'feelings of wanting each other'. There's no way you can change that around, unless you want to start going for "they desire each other
as friends" or something. Ya'll know it's gonna happen
Unless someone can point out a mistake in my logic there, in which case I (very sincerely) would like to hear about it.
oh hito. I've got some pumpkin pie with bourbon in it if you're interested.

I don't remember seeing this translation. I think you like to tease us.
The amount of times you've offered pie in this thread, I'm going to have to call you a 'koibito' but not add a name to it. We all know what that means.
Also make it cherry and we've got a deal