LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

  • Total voters
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I never meant to imply the threads would do it justice, either, just that it would be hilarious.

Of course, finding the highlights from these threads is just as hard sometimes. Thuggish Tifa, anyone?

Well, here's a glorious old post...

Posted 8/23/2006 2:38:10 AM
message detail You found nothing?

I found something more then nothing. Rather then repeating it all, I will refer to the website. Doing otherwise would simply be repeating myself and others.

It's not like my team hasn't been accumulating evidence. We have been. You just don't wanna read it.

Of course, what may or may not have happened with a living Aerith isn't the point, it's whether or not he can continue to have a relationship with the SpiritAerith that's the point.

In Advent Children, she can:
B:Touch him.

If this pattern continues after AC, there is more then enough Aerith available to have a relationship with. Aerith's feelings for Cloud are uncontested due to it bluntly saying she loves the real Cloud in Maiden.

DoC says nothing about the LTD, so we do not know if Aerith continues to appear...all we know is what it says in the DoC instruction booklet. Which says, and I quote...

Many gathered around Cloud in this struggle:
- Tifa Lockhart, Cloud's childhood friend and a master of martial arts.
- Aerith Gainsborough, a girl with the blood of the Ancients running through her veins, who Cloud would never forget.

It does not say 'Tifa Lockhart, Cloud's SO. It does not say Cloud's wife. It does not say Cloud's paramour. It says childhood friend.
It also says Aerith would never be forgotten. So it seems like Cloud will never be getting over it.
There is a fine line between genius and insanity.
Which side am I on? You decide.

As always, Alex, you're firmly on the latter.

Remember when Koibito didn't mean lover AT ALL? I wonder if Alex does. He was against it meaning that.
Posted 8/24/2006 12:41:22 AM
message detail Ah, but even if it DID mean lover in Japanese (which I haven't conceeded yet), it got translated to 'sweetheart' in English, which is...quite a step down for your point of view. Sweetheart meaning 'nice girl, friendly, etc.' You see what I mean yet?
There is a fine line between genius and insanity.
Which side am I on? You decide.

Not to pick on Alex specifically, be he said a lot of dumb things on Gfaqs. And still says a lot of naff things.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Ah, but even if it DID mean lover in Japanese (which I haven't conceeded yet), it got translated to 'sweetheart' in English, which is...quite a step down for your point of view. Sweetheart meaning 'nice girl, friendly, etc.' You see what I mean yet?
Nice to know that in CoLW Aerith thinks of Cloud as a nice girl and friendly :monster:
Now I really see where this 180 came from.
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Mr. Thou
The 180° is a standard LTD tactic borrowed from modern skateboarding. It is a typically misunderstood maneuver, insofar as the debater thinks he has reversed course when in fact he is heading into oncoming traffic facing backwards. However the more salient point which has been neglected is that Alex thinks Cloud engages in sexual intercourse with the spirit of a dead woman. To use a vernacular phrase, he was "par for the course" - a unique individual who, nevertheless, veraciously exemplifies the caliber of the traditional LT debater in the first decade of the new millennium.


However the more salient point which has been neglected is that Alex thinks Cloud engages in sexual intercourse with the spirit of a dead woman.

The number of people who give this idea any credence at all is scary.

Add that in with the fact you still have people saying they can't see C/T doing anything with each other. As if it is some dirty and wrong thing.

Fucking shippers.





Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I've been thinking of the song in relation to Aerith in Cloud theories, and specifically whether it is sung from C or A's perspective, and if 'You get me closer to god' refers to Minerva.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
NIN's Closer == proofz
Ah, the song sung by drunk frat boys looking for vagina everywhere. Except I don't think they know anything besides the 'I want to fuck you like an animal' lyric...


Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
The Man, V
Ah, the song sung by drunk frat boys looking for vagina everywhere. Except I don't think they know anything besides the 'I want to fuck you like an animal' lyric...

They certainly haven't bothered paying enough attention to the lyrics to recognise how creepy a lot of them are.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I may have said this before but, speaking of songs, there's a line in this one song that I think really describes a lot of the Cleriths.

We don't wish to learn
But we hate what we don't understand.

I mean they hate koibito (or hated), they hate Tifa, they hate Crisis Core, they hate Zack, and they never want to take the time to learn anything about any of these things. I think it's kind of fitting.


Ah shit. "Hitler learns CloTi is canon" has been blocked by youtube. Has this been done with all those Hitler in the bunker vids?

Damn the Man. Got his foot right on our throats.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
The uploader needs to file the DMCA takedown response.
'Hitler in the Bunker' is ENTIRELY fair use legal.

Celes Chere

I told Tres it was blocked and he said he got no warnings about it, so how do you fix that? /sobs/

I felt like watching it again and it's no longer on my computer. T___T


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I told Tres it was blocked and he said he got no warnings about it, so how do you fix that? /sobs/

I felt like watching it again and it's no longer on my computer. T___T

There's a form somewhere on youtube itself, to file counter-DMCAs. After that, it becomes beholden on the initial DMCA filer to prove their case.


Higher Further Faster
Well, if the vids do constitute fair use, it could be that YouTube just wanted to not have them on their site. They do have that right, you know. :/

There could be nothing anyone can do. :(


Mr. Thou
Nope. "This video contains content from Constantin Film, who has blocked it on copyright grounds."

Thing is... they're fucking parodies. That's legitimate fair use.
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