LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

  • Total voters
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Higher Further Faster
I found something interesting on Xcomps site:

I think this applies not only for the movie but also for the whole compilation. Nomura was always like ”Try to find your own truth/answer, even if there is a canon version”.

Like this:

There is a canon truth…

…but feel free to find your own/fanon answer.

But considering the LTD is undeniably over especially after U20, I think, there is no way out as to confirm what is already confirmed.
I still wonder how he would answer when he is asked again though?
Maybe “I didn`t know that!” or something like “Because players make strong conclusions by themselves, I want to leave room for everyone's line of thought.” again?

Also an interesting question is:
If everyone would ignore certain Cleriths, would they disappear?

Well that's all good and fine if you use stuff that actually does happen in the story to form your own conclusion, but as far as Clerith fans nowadays who are of the more hard-core variety, one doesn't see this happening. Stuff that doesn't happen at all in the story, and even clearly goes against the plot, are all I ever see used as proof.

Cloud going to the flower field? Yeah that doesn't happen, ever, yet it is somehow proof. :loopy:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I think FFAerith's question begs us to ask the very serious question- is anyone ever truly 'perfect' for another?

Granted, I do think C and T are more compatible with each other, as Z and A are between themselves, but I would not go so far as to say either is 'perfect'

@Promise: Much like Tenny, I find the hardline pinkers do not make conclusions within the set of actual evidence. They make up new evidence, discard evidence they dislike- I have to constantly remind them Cloud is stated as being happy living at 7th heaven, so their fanon that he was miserable and went to the church to be happy is baseless and unsupported.
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I understand what you're saying and honestly, I agree. But there's also a difference between things that are clearly up for interpretation and things that are clearly set in stone.

Saying, "Cloud and Tifa shared their feelings for one another under the highwind" is different from "The angel statue on the 7th heaven has a variety of meanings to those who see it. Fans should draw their own conclusions."


"I slice your ass in 4."
Raq, Raquel.
Cloud and Aerith are probably comparably compatible to him and Tifa considering Nojima said, "Maybe things would have gone better with Aerith". If anything maybe we should take it that they'd be slightly more compatible from what he said.

Neither couple could be perfect though. That's wistful fairytale thinking.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I never saw the "maybe" line as an indication of compatibility; just a general musing from one thought about how things actually went into another thought about how things may have if circumstances were different. Like "Maybe today would have been a better day if it hadn't been sunny."


Higher Further Faster
I never saw the "maybe" line as an indication of compatibility; just a general musing from one thought about how things actually went into another thought about how things may have if circumstances were different. Like "Maybe today would have been a better day if it hadn't been sunny."


Maybe doesn't cut it as far as proof goes.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves


Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
because lord knows that nothing is confirmed between the two in the low affection version. Only that CLOUD HATES HER YOU DUMMIES.



Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu

The LTD IS entirely optional.
I am glad to see the era of completely wit-free Shops in lieu of evidence or an argument has returned.

Ladies, if you want to hand in your concession, just do so. No need for these roundabout games.

Who does the Kitiara_99 account belong to? Because taking three and a half months to come up with a rebuttal... and one THIS pathetic... I wish them to know how pitiful they are.
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Higher Further Faster
Wait, so peeps are saying that it is optional even though they've been trying to convince us it's been Aerith the whole time???

I have a headache. :sadpanda:


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
Wait, so peeps are saying that it is optional even though they've been trying to convince us it's been Aerith the whole time???

I have a headache. :sadpanda:

Actually, the Clerith fandom is kind of split on that issue. This poll on C x A shows that about half of them believe Clerith is canon, and then the other half of them believe Cloti and Clerith are not canon. That the LTD is up to interpretation.

And then you got the minority who say Cloti is canon. :monster:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
FFG... you are so sad and pitiful, I truly and honestly pity you, but more, I pity your alleged husband. For having to be with a person who lacks any measurable amount of wit, so that it took you THREE AND A HALF MONTHS to come up with this tawdry, wit-free rebuttal to...
a picture.
Not even an argument. Just a picture.

Celes Chere

FFG's signatures have always bothered me, and not just because they're Anti Cloti. They're usually GIANT images with crappy MS Painted text on it, saying "LOLZ CLOTIS R DUMB". Seriously woman, you're 30 and married... mind is blown.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Speaking of Crappy MS Painted Text, Anastar was impressed that Alantie ADDED TEXT to an IMAGE in PAINT.
Seriously? That's impressive?
She ought to be fawning over my ass sideways for the original then since I added Text AND a bubble to put it in.

For the record, I slapped that Koppel pic together in five minutes, and four of that was finding the right pic of Koppel.

Incidentally, I've never been bothered by them, more amused that they always amount to nothing more than being bald faced lies or blatant fabrications of events, the added text of the latest being no exception.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
FFG's signatures have always bothered me, and not just because they're Anti Cloti. They're usually GIANT images with crappy MS Painted text on it, saying "LOLZ CLOTIS R DUMB". Seriously woman, you're 30 and married... mind is blown.
HA HA :awesome:

.. it's not funny is it? :(

ignore this, it wasn't here :shifty:

wow I won a bunch of stuff from their awards
Funniest member, Most upbeat, most unpredictable, ... little surprised I didn't get anything in most helpful though

... now I feel bad
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Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Now now Quex, you know the only reason you didn't get that award is because its not good enough.
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