LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

  • Total voters
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I am disappointed Tres didn't win Best Debater. :sadpanda:

Also, funny how FF_Goddes got the award when she doesn't even actively debate.


just a fleeting memory
M-Mira, crackitlackin, Izaya Orihara, SAILOR NARU, Sharon Rainsworth, Mara, Brosuke Hanamura, Commissioner Gordon, Santa Claus, Lenneth Valkyrie
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Higher Further Faster
Speaking of Crappy MS Painted Text, Anastar was impressed that Alantie ADDED TEXT to an IMAGE in PAINT.
Seriously? That's impressive?



No but seriously that's the best thing I've heard in a while. Hilarious. :awesome:

Yeah he was disqualified :(

For proving points they don't want to admit are true?
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For proving points they don't want to admit are true?
And for being the only good choice in that category.

Hell, even Shrouded and Anastar are sick of debating. How are they eligible choices when they hardly even debate or bother continuing one?
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Shroudy would join in on TNC sometimes... he'd make everyone go "WTF?" for a while and then disappear... thus I guess Shrouded is a good name for him.


"I slice your ass in 4."
Raq, Raquel.
I never saw the "maybe" line as an indication of compatibility; just a general musing from one thought about how things actually went into another thought about how things may have if circumstances were different. Like "Maybe today would have been a better day if it hadn't been sunny."

Fair enough. To muse about it he would still have to believe that they could have been similarly compatible though, either way.

FFG's signatures have always bothered me, and not just because they're Anti Cloti. They're usually GIANT images with crappy MS Painted text on it, saying "LOLZ CLOTIS R DUMB". Seriously woman, you're 30 and married... mind is blown.

I don't know her at all but it is pretty WTF. But then there are housewives who have love affairs on Second Life and WoW when their hubbies aren't home and their kids are at school, so in comparison she doesn't seem so bad.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I don't know her at all but it is pretty WTF. But then there are housewives who have love affairs on Second Life and WoW when their hubbies aren't home and their kids are at school, so in comparison she doesn't seem so bad.

Who said she's not? :awesome:


"I slice your ass in 4."
Raq, Raquel.
Who said she's not? :awesome:


Then it's... a very fair use of anyone's time and it's a free country so people can do whatever they wish. :awesome:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
It is pretty funny how we went from "doesn't say what feelings, and you can't prove it's romantic love" to "well it's optional so there!" When the high affection scene is said to be canon (which it is pretty much) I wonder what it'll be.
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Shroudy would join in on TNC sometimes... he'd make everyone go "WTF?" for a while and then disappear... thus I guess Shrouded is a good name for him.
idk if I could trust him since I am so clearly Cloti and that means that as a default I have no friends who like Cloud/Aerith so people who do ship them are unwelcome in my sandbox. I'm even fine with Clotis who sockpuppet as long as no one catches them and they shouldn't because revealing IP addresses is invading their privacy.

Have I mentioned I could never, ever trust a Clerith? :monster:


yeah, did we ever get a clear answer on why he was removed from the list?

I just assumed it was because he was winning. xD

@Tina - Yeah, Cleriths are evil OLIVE LOVING whores. :awesome:

Anastar asked me to remove him from the list, because the award is for someone who debates well against Clotis, not against Clerith. I wouldn't have accepted him if I had known.

It's a reasonable enough response, but then again, everyone who was nominated in that category hasn't been actively debating.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I am disappointed Tres didn't win Best Debater. :sadpanda:

Also, funny how FF_Goddes got the award when she doesn't even actively debate.

Because she is loyal member of party.


Of course she did. That award is nothing more than a ego handjob to the undeserving.



No but seriously that's the best thing I've heard in a while. Hilarious. :awesome:

For proving points they don't want to admit are true?

Being Cloti.

Shroudy would join in on TNC sometimes... he'd make everyone go "WTF?" for a while and then disappear... thus I guess Shrouded is a good name for him.

No, disingenuous fucktwat is a good name for him.
The reason he'd make everyone go WTF was because he was a sophist equivocating asshole who makes dupe accounts to fudge poll numbers and doesn't have the cojones to respond to me in public, instead trying- and failing- to rip apart and mock my arguments behind closed doors.
Shroudy is a coward, a dishonest debater, and in general, is an unpleasant person.

yeah, did we ever get a clear answer on why he was removed from the list?

I just assumed it was because he was winning. xD

Because he was winning. And because he was leading in the polls.
Mostly because he was on the wrong team.

Never mind he's the only one in the poll who ever remotely comes close to 'debating'...

Of course, the cowards could prove me wrong. Find some neutral ground. Public discourse, formal point by point outline, followed by rebuttal. Five rounds. You may have the choice of first post or first rebuttal. If you are to make first response, I expect your post to be solely about validating C/A. C/T's validity is entirely ancillary to the very basic question of showing C/A to be remotely feasible.

I shall be waiting.

Son Goku

It's my stomach, I'm hungry.
Well that's all good and fine if you use stuff that actually does happen in the story to form your own conclusion, but as far as Clerith fans nowadays who are of the more hard-core variety, one doesn't see this happening. Stuff that doesn't happen at all in the story, and even clearly goes against the plot, are all I ever see used as proof.

Cloud going to the flower field? Yeah that doesn't happen, ever, yet it is somehow proof.

Ryushikaze said:
@Promise: Much like Tenny, I find the hardline pinkers do not make conclusions within the set of actual evidence. They make up new evidence, discard evidence they dislike- I have to constantly remind them Cloud is stated as being happy living at 7th heaven, so their fanon that he was miserable and went to the church to be happy is baseless and unsupported.

Things like the examples you both gave are some of the reasons for my last question:
“If everyone would ignore certain Cleriths, would they disappear?“

At this level it has nothing to do with interpreting anymore. They think if they believe strong enough something happened (example: flower field) then it happened. Or if they ignore things (Compilation, Ultimania) then it’s nonexistent.

And evidence != interpretation !
No interpretation is proof of canon/truth, it`s an attempt to explain things based on your thoughts/experiences and so on. The better the interpretation the most likely it equals the truth/canon.

U20 pg.394 said:
VII – The night before the final battle
Thanks to Tifa, Cloud regains himself, and before the final battle with Sephiroth, without using words, he confirms with her that their feelings match.
Now, this is evidence and not up to interpretation. Because it is the definite word of the creator. One can question this if he/she is delusional enough but: Definite thing is definite!

Son Goku

It's my stomach, I'm hungry.
Quexinos said:
Saying, "Cloud and Tifa shared their feelings for one another under the highwind"
This is a definite word of the creator, it`s not up to interpretation. And it`s also the reason why I said:
“But considering the LTD is undeniably over especially after U20, I think, there is no way out as to confirm what is already confirmed.”

Quexinos said:
is different from "The angel statue on the 7th heaven has a variety of meanings to those who see it. Fans should draw their own conclusions."
He doesn`t say there is “a variety of meanings…”. Actually, in the Commentary of the movie he says there is a (one) huge meaning to it:
commentar (AC) said:
# Back to Seventh Heaven.
?: There's the angel statue again.
Nomura: Yes, there it is.
?: Is there really a meaning behind it? (Laughs)
Nomura: There's a huge meaning to it.
?: Seriously?
Nomura: I can't reveal it yet.
But still says feel free to interpret/find your own fanon answer and enjoy talking about that.

An Example about Nomura:

Kingdom Hearts Ultimania Guide said:
Question: Okay then, so the person who Cloud is searching for is Aeris, right?
Nomura: Well, what do you think? If indeed it was Aeris, then the bit in the ending was the answer. You might say it was made so that you can take it that way. Cloud is a popular character, and I don't really want to decide myself, yes he is like this. Because players make strong conclusions by themselves, I want to leave room for everyone's line of thought.
That was one of the things Cleriths used as evidence.
Just look at the bold part. He says confusing things on purpose!

Here is my version/interpretation:
Question: Okay then, so the person who Cloud is searching for is Aeris, right?
Nomura: Well, if you put your pink sunglasses on, then you will be able to interpret every occasion where Aerith is seen near Cloud as Clerith proof. Cloud is a hot guy and I can`t blame them for getting wet, yes they are like this. Because certain fans are able to incredibly delude themselves along with other reasons (cash), I don`t want to destroy their Pink fantasy.
Maybe that makes it clearer.
I take a break now…


Chloe Frazer
who debates well against Clotis
Actually all of them should be disqualified, none of them are active 'debaters' anymore and what they do is not debating for that matter


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
FFG debated with Tres via PM ... or something. Shrouded, although his debates tactics were... strange "debated" on TNC a couple times. Cali debated on TNC as well... those are the only ones that I really know of that would come close to debating.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Things like the examples you both gave are some of the reasons for my last question:
“If everyone would ignore certain Cleriths, would they disappear?“

No. They would not. Because they will not allow the canon to happen, and insist on spreading their misinformation.

FFG debated with Tres via PM ... or something.

And she categorically did not 'pwn.'
She got her ass handed to her on so many levels.

Shrouded, although his debates tactics were... strange "debated" on TNC a couple times. Cali debated on TNC as well... those are the only ones that I really know of that would come close to debating.

Shroudy did not debate. He whinged and wheedled and played bullshit games.
Cali also barely debated, because calling her wrong was personally offensive to her and she'd refuse to answer if she ever felt the slightest bit offended.
She wants to tell people what she thinks is so and never wants to hear the criticism. She wants freedom of speech for her speech alone.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
My point is there wasn't many to choose from in the "best debater" category.

Also Alantie won "most like Aerith" and Shroudy won "most like Cloud." Does this mean I can ship them? :awesome:
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Legendary member got mixed with "Blue flame" under your username and I read "Legendary Blunder" XD
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