Wasn't there an LTD going on at one point?
The debates over, tbh
Loxetta said:
Then why didn't that WEAPON also wake up when Sephiroth got the Black Materia?
Ryushikaze said:
I've been the 'Congratulations, you're our X audience member' twice in the same day before.
You'd think after the second time, though, Cloud would be like "Fuck this shit. I'm not getting slapped again."
They most certainly ARE all OFFICIAL. Their very existence lends them to being just that.
You know we were discussing canon based on the way Ryu had used "official," right? o.O
Fairhearstrife said:
I'm not Mako, but I can say that Hojo was alive during Meteor fall. Vincent finds him--body still warm, and consciousness recently uploaded--on top of the tower.
Hojo said he'd copied his consciousnesses as a fail-safe -- and a fail-safe is typically a measure you take
before you cross the Rubicon, not after. So he'd copied his mind prior to injecting himself with JENOVA's cells.
He likely had the program set to activate at a certain time in the event that he died.
Fairheartstrife said:
This is during the evacuation of Midgar while Cloud and the others are fighting Sephiroth.
No, it was the night that Diamond attacked Midgar (updated to that night by Case of Shin-Ra, where it should have been all along). Vince and Yuffie were with Cloud and the others fighting Seph in the crater (which the 10th Anniversary Ultimania had been saying was the case for a while; though it also claimed that Vince and Yuffie somehow participated in evacuations
after fighting Seph, which was retarded).
Fairheartstrife said:
Maiden blatantly contradicts that, in that Aerith meets Hojo well BEFORE this event. So even if DoC Hojo is a copy, it in no way negates the fact that Aerith could NOT have met Hojo in Maiden as it claims she did.
But, again, there's no reason to believe Hojo on the Sister Ray was alive -- the program was likely set to execute at a certain time if Hojo wasn't around to prevent it. And, just to reiterate, the opening of DC has now been moved to the night Diamond attacked Midgar, so there's no issue there even if Hojo had been alive on the Sister Ray.
But the image of his body laying there for a week before he did anything is rather amusing, I must say.
Fairheartstrife said:
Crisis Core can't contradict canon--as it IS canon.
Come on, that's more semantic quibbling when the topic was again obvious. It was clear that we were discussing whether CC contradicts other canon titles.
Fairheartstirfe said:
You just love the sound of your own typing, don't ya?
That's indicated by me quoting something previously written rather than typing it all out again? XD
Fairheartstrife said:
Not if they are conscious re-tellings done by the CREATORS, then they are--as mentioned above, retcons and not contradictions.
My meaning was obvious here too. I was saying that if consistency was the standard for inclusion in canon, then CC and a lot of other things would fall short.
Fairheartstrife said:
CCs very existence wipes Maiden from the slate as the 'newer' telling from the creative staff does CONTRADICT what was previously written by an outside source--even if, at the time, the source was considered working on behalf of the team and originally that story was accepted. Future updates to compilation (CC specifically) wipe that out. Maiden is therefore not canon. Period.
Yeah, nobody's discussing whether Maiden is canon. Whether Maiden is capable of being consistent with other titles isn't related to whether it's canon.
And I think that I get the idea of how "canon" is defined as well as anyone here. XD I've written at-length on the topic.
Fairheartstrife said:
WHAT? Where in the hell do you get that Yuffie's "Life signs detected" was picking up a fucking computer program?
Thoughts/consciousnesses/memories=Lifestream. Hell, Lucrecia's fragments talked to Vincent and even took physical form briefly to help Shelke and Vincent out.
Fairheartstrife said:
Hojo was warm and heart beating minutes before Vincent took the stairs (see bolded and underlined part within your own quote)--and that alone--for repetition sake--negates Aerith's meeting him in Lifestream soup at the time purposed in Maiden.
Yuffie said they had already checked the Sister Ray prior to that.
I see no signs that Hojo was anything but cold -- and I find it especially odd that while taking the understanding that his body had been laying there for a week without doing anything, you think he was still alive and just then getting around to taking care of things.
That is a more simple explanation than the
fail-safe program he'd set up just happening to execute at that time?
Fairheartstrife said:
But NOT a damn liar. He wouldn't tell Aerith he taught Cloud a finishing move that he didn't ...
Making a tongue-in-cheek statement while joking doesn't make one a liar.
Fairhearstrife said:
... --so once again, CC renders Maiden incompatible with canon--and as CC IS CANON, Maiden is rejected. Again.
And you need to calm down.
Is there a reason you sound pissed in this entire post?
Also, again: No one's arguing that Maiden is canon.
Fairhearstrife said:
Again: CGI game, graphics are the visual indicators--even cubed and poorly done. They would have SHOWN Sephiroth laughing if he had been.
Again, we're talking about whether consistency can be fanwanked out here, like with the superhuman agility the team demonstrates in AC/C.
Fairhearstrife said:
Asserting that to be canon ...
Except no one is.
Fairheartstrife said:
No, it doesn't. It totally chafes like sandpaper on ass when meshed with Crisis Core. The ages and behaviors of Aerith and Zack are completely off, not to mention the whole Hojo thing.
I checked Maiden again and it doesn't say that Aerith met Zack when she was 17. It just says that when she
was 17 (which would have been her age the last time she saw him) his carefree smile had attracted her to him.
Fairheartstrife said:
No, let's look at FFVII within FFVII compilation. Outside, "Oh, look how it can get all screwy" is irrelevant.
I was offering an illustration of a point I was making to facilitate better understanding of the point.
Fairheartstrife said:
Nojima wrote both... so, I'm not sure where you are going with that one.
I highly doubt Nojima layed out the battle sequences in Advent Children. That was probably all Nomura.
Fairheartstrife said:
No, it's not. Because the events of piecing Cloud back together occur WITHIN Cloud--not within the lifestream.
Is that the precedent for Aerith being able to literally live inside Cloud? You're saying Tifa's already done it?
Fairheartstrife said:
We see the white silence where ALL THE OTHER VOICES are kept out...
Wait, what?
Fairheartstrife said:
If you're looking at Maiden--Aerith ASKS Zack to verify the real Cloud and for HIM to help Cloud because she COULD NOT, she couldn't even get Cloud to hear her... so, no, she gleaned nothing from Tifa and Cloud's encounter, it was a 2-party show.
The story said she gleaned the truth about her father from them when they fell in, so that particular mechanic is definitely at work, and she did, indeed, gain some stuff from Tifa and Cloud during that time.
Fairheartstrife said:
You don't have to like them. But they are canon. Whereas Maiden is not. Sorry, sweetie.
I really think you thought you'd come to a different debate. XD
Mako Eyes said:
You really shouldn't include guidebook typos between differing books. That's not nearly of the same level as them getting the fact wrong that there was no real conceivable time Hojo could have ever seen Vincent EVER limit break into Chaos before their final fight atop the Sister Ray.
I agree that it's not on the same level, but I'm thorough.
Mako said:
CC never refutes or denies that this happened. Merely, they never showed it.
The circumstances are still different. In one, Cloud and Zack planned their escape and successfully executed the plan.
In the other, a stroke of luck allowed them to get out.
Mako said:
....You know, some of these nitpicks are terribly anal.
And not being so anal gives us story quality equivalent to FFXIII exploration.
Don't be part of the problem, Mako. Don't be. Just don't.
Mako said:
That was acknowledged in Case of Shinra, and yeah that's odd.
It might have been vaguely acknowledged when Tseng says that Cloud's just a kid, but it really wasn't addressed even there.
Mako said:
But how the heck does that reflect as an inconsistency with CC? That's not exclusive to CC at all.
Didn't say it was exclusive to CC, but CC's included.
Mako said:
Well Hojo's last Sephiroth fanclub letter implies that he wants fanclub members to meet with him so that he can experiment on them to help them find ways to get Sephiroth back or something. And it's not hard at all to imagine that Shinra went through a mass information suppression campaign to ensure G is no longer remembered. Do you not remember what they did regarding Nibelheim, Kalm, and other moments of company shame? Honestly. The fanclub members being killed, threatened, or watched is not hard at all. Look at the CC Complete Guide on Shinra's firing policy. That sums it all up.
You're drastically missing my point on this one, Mako. The point is that Genesis was a celebrity -- the common person on the street knew about him.
Yeah, Sephiroth was the Fergie of SOLDIER, but Genesis was still the will.i.am.
Mako said:
Yeah, Nomura already talked about how they wanted to make the uniforms black in the first place but graphical problems in terms of color and textures made them opt for purple. They wanted the uniforms to be black, and now thats what they are.
And as such it's less egregious an inconsistency. But it's still an inconsistency.
Mako said:
There's a difference between denial, and delusion. I don't think Aerith was so deluded that she literally forgot she felt Zack die. How would you forget that, if she was feeling the deaths of others, and able to speak and sense their spirits in the lifestream? That makes no sense at all.
Eh, denial's denial to me. I don't think she forgot that she'd had that feeling, but she seemed to have effectively convinced herself in the original game that he was probably alright.
Mako said:
The party already defeated him. By the time Vincent confronts Hojo on the Sister Ray in DC's intro, the fight with Heletic Hojo had concluded. He was barely alive. The precationary measure was to ensure that when he died, he wouldn't lose his individuality after death.
What makes more sense? That Hojo copied his data prior to injecting himself with JENOVA's cells -- being unable to guess what would actually happen -- in an effort to preserve himself should things go badly, or that he copied the data afterward?
Mako said:
Yes, we have it stated by her fragments that she is a copy. A reflection of her thoughts and feelings at the time of recording. Hojo's spirit is not just a copy or reflection. It's his actual thinking, plotting soul who is interacting tangibly with the living wrong. They aren't the same thing.
Lucrecia's fragments interacted with the physical world too, though, taking form and assisting Shelke and Vincent. Lucrecia herself was still in that cave, though.
Mako said:
Well lifestream apparently can be blue as shown in ACC so yeah. Same difference.
It's green throughout the rest of DC, though, so I'm going with "It's a hologram" on this one.
Mako said:
I didn't know that about Usher though. I thought Usher was just a thought broadcasted illusion the poor mook saw, and no one else did.
Maybe you're right about that one. Difficult to say. At any rate, look at how the form of Hojo constantly flickers and how there's constant "gaps" running from his feet to the top of his head, and then starting back at his feet again.
That image is a computerized projection.
Mako said:
For all intents and purposes, it is. If all of Hojo's memories, thoughts, and "inner being" are being uploaded into the actual network, what is left. Again, where does it say there's a copy. Hojo is not the same as Lucrecia because Lucrecia is alive, and Hojo was dead/dying. The entirety of his being was uploaded, while Lucrecia only uploaded a copy of her feelings and stuff for Vincent to aide him. Not her entire soul.
I guess it really depends on when you believe he uploaded the fragments -- before he injected himself with JENOVA or after.
Mako said:
No, Hojo wanted to help Sephiroth by firing off the cannon. That is true. But I'm referring to the Jenova cell injection. Him doing so was to strengthen himself with Omega as the ultimate self promoting experiment to make himself stronger and a god-like being. Just like his son.
Agreed. All I'm saying, though, is that in the event of his death, he'd have no qualms with tossing his spirit energy to Sephiroth as a means of helping his experiment progress.
Mako said:
That's true, but when does he lie to flirt? That's ridiculous. It was a stupid assertion that was contradicted again by the Compilation. And I find it hard to believe Zack would lie about what he did to make Aerith like him more. He's never done that.
I don't think it would be a lie so much as it would be not the truth. Meaning, he wouldn't have expected her to take it seriously.
But, again, this is all fanwank.
Mako said:
Dude, laughter isn't just an auditory response. If he were laughing, he'd have made the facial expression of smiling. He did the exact opposite.
So his telepathic image would have to reflect a telepathic sound? I don't think that makes sense.
Anyway, as with the above, this is also all just fanwank.
Mako said:
That's a pretty strong allusion to somehow the Planet's consciousness (i.e. The Lifestream) was awakened and rallied by Aerith. It refers to the total Lifestream, not just a portion.
Yes, but the total Lifestream wasn't in Midgar. Just a portion.
Mako said:
Problem is, Benny ain't anywhere close to the scenario writing team of FFVII, so what his vision is, amounts to squat in terms of importance. His input isn't equivalent to the creators as evident of his lack of consistency (or rather him not being privy) with the events of FFVII's continuity, and the head honchos excluding the very work he did. He's outside of their sphere of story writing. So putting his vision on the same level as the creators is erroneous. He's not part of it.
No one's saying he is. As I keep repeating, the purpose of this debate is to see if consistency can be fanwanked -- and I think it can be quite easily. Not that DC was at odds with Maiden anyway in my opinion, but we're probably not going to come to an agreement on that one.
Mako said:
No, the creators themselves are the source material. They're the actual source of its story.
I didn't want to have to do this to, you, Mako, but:
Mako said:
It took place in the Lifestream, but we're inside Cloud's heart during the Lifestream event. Cloud didn't literally diffuse and open himself up within the lifestream.
Honestly, I'd never thought before now that the Lifestream Sequence took place anywhere but in the Lifestream. I always assumed all of that stuff we see was more along the lines of Cloud and Tifa's thoughts reacting with the Lifestream around them to form images.
Though your and Fairheartstrife's take makes sense as well.
Loxetta said:
A bigger question would be what is it doing in Banora's underground in the first place, if all the WEAPONs including Emerald shoot from the Northern Crater in FF7 after Cloud flips his shit and gives up the Black Materia? Of course, it's possible that maybe the Planet moves them from time to time to keep them from being discovered, or moves them to where they might be needed in the future as a precaution. It could have been absent at the time Shinra was mining in Banora.
As Mako said, I don't think it was supposed to be Emerald. It sure looks like him, but the Ultimania Omega said that the planet placed all the WEAPONs into hibernation in the Northern Crater after JENOVA was taken care of by the Ancients.
Loxetta said:
Hojo calls him a failure though, even during the Northern Crater/Black Materia event when he asks to see Cloud's number tattoo. Perhaps it was referring Cloud being a precieved failure? It wasn't until FF7 that Cloud proved to be a successful clone.
Maybe, but during CC, he would have appeared successful anyway. As for Hojo, though he later says that Cloud was actually the only success, he's wrong about that too, since the black cloaked people had gotten to the Northern Crater and been killed without Hojo's knowledge.
Loxetta said:
This feels like a strike against the UO because -- how did Gast discover Jenova wasn't an Ancient if he hadn't met Ifalna, and what reason would Hojo have to seek them out if he didn't know Gast had left with a real Ancient?
Well, even the original game had it that Gast went wandering through Cosmo Canyon, distraught over discovering that JENOVA was not an Ancient. And if he isn't supposed to have met Ifalna until he got to Icicle Inn, he must have figured it out himself somehow.
But, yeah, as far as canon is concerned, I guess one would have to draw the conclusion that the UO has been overwritten on this count.
As for Hojo, I think he would have sought Gast either way. Shin-Ra keeps close tabs on those who retire, after all.
Loxetta said:
Though the issue itself can still be explained away as Gast and Ifalna splitting up after leaving Shinra and planning to rendevous at Icicle Inn at a later date.
Nah, it specifically called her a local at Icicle Inn and said that Gast met her there while he was conducting new, independent research.
Loxetta said:
I can't find the original FF7 scene of this right now, so I'm going on memory. The scratched messages in the tubes to eachother would indicate that Cloud had still been conscious at the time the feeding time escape was planned, which is not the case when they actually do manage escape. The feeding time may have been a failed attempt from before -- but again, I can't remember fully what the original FF7 scene entailed, so I'm not sure.
The original scene depicted the lab assistant coming to feed them and then getting knocked out:
He even says "Hey! This is your food."
Loxetta said:
Where the hell would Zack get a SOLDIER uniform after leaving Nibelheim?
Maybe he found it in the mansion and then took it with them? XD
In any case, Cloud was still in his grunt uniform when they passed the gate at Nibelheim in the original game, but was then in the SOLDIER uniform in the next shot.
Not a major detail, but an inconsistency nonetheless -- and one easily avoided if anyone cared to. I know I'm more anal about these things than all of the rest of you, but to me there's no excuse for the developers of a story not to be able to keep details straight that fans easily can.
Loxetta said:
Where does it say that? All that's shown in the CC ending is Zack depositing Cloud by some rocks, and then next we see him he's crawling in the mud to Zack.
It isn't said anywhere, but the point of hiding Cloud behind rocks (Zack specifically requests that the driver stop somewhere behind a rock formation in ACC) is presumably there for that reason. The original game didn't have Zack hide Cloud.
Loxetta said:
Still, you'd expect some kind of reaction out of them when they see him again.
Loxetta said:
This one is dumb as hell, I entirely agree.
Victory is mine!
Loxetta said:
Also artistic license. Although, Turk!Vincent from DC is wearing a suit that looks kind of a blue-gray instead of black.
True enough. What the hell's up with that?
Loxetta said:
Yeah, I shouldn't even bother counting its individually wrapped failings.