Hojo said he'd copied his consciousnesses as a fail-safe -- and a fail-safe is typically a measure you take before you cross the Rubicon, not after. So he'd copied his mind prior to injecting himself with JENOVA's cells.
He likely had the program set to activate at a certain time in the event that he died.
That's an awful lot of assuming and insertion of story by the audience/player for that scenario to work... just sayin'...
No, it was the night that Diamond attacked Midgar (updated to that night by Case of Shin-Ra, where it should have been all along). Vince and Yuffie were with Cloud and the others fighting Seph in the crater (which the 10th Anniversary Ultimania had been saying was the case for a while; though it also claimed that Vince and Yuffie somehow participated in evacuations after fighting Seph, which was retarded).
**shrug** Okay, then. Screwy time line is screwy.
Come on, that's more semantic quibbling when the topic was again obvious. It was clear that we were discussing whether CC contradicts other canon titles.
Semantic quibbling with the King of Anal (and yes, that's your new title) is just fun.
That's indicated by me quoting something previously written rather than typing it all out again? XD
Nope, that's from me realizing you wrote all that shit to begin with.
My meaning was obvious here too. I was saying that if consistency was the standard for inclusion in canon, then CC and a lot of other things would fall short.
But consistency is a standard, and aside from minor tweaks, CC in no way outright contradicts any events in FFVII. Elaborated, tweaked, altered a bit, sure, but nothing is completely ignored or changed in order to shoehorn it into compilation. Which is my point.
Yeah, nobody's discussing whether Maiden is canon. Whether Maiden is capable of being consistent with other titles isn't related to whether it's canon.
Fair enough. I still say it is an inconsistent character assassination that does NOT maintain compilation consistency. **shrug**
And I think that I get the idea of how "canon" is defined as well as anyone here. XD I've written at-length on the topic.
I've written essays on Bratz Dolls, doesn't mean anyone countering me can't insert their assertions and reminders on that topic.
Thoughts/consciousnesses/memories=Lifestream. Hell, Lucrecia's fragments talked to Vincent and even took physical form briefly to help Shelke and Vincent out.
I'm sorry but "Life signs detected" on a handheld PDA-device-thing still doesn't mesh with computer fragmented soul bits. Just, no. There, again, would have to be a lot of assumption about the technology in Yuffie's hand.
Yuffie said they had already checked the Sister Ray prior to that.
I see no signs that Hojo was anything but cold -- and I find it especially odd that while taking the understanding that his body had been laying there for a week without doing anything, you think he was still alive and just then getting around to taking care of things. That is a more simple explanation than the fail-safe program he'd set up just happening to execute at that time?
He just happens to be sitting dead at the terminal that the fail safe program activates on? On the Sister Ray? Not in a lab, or an office, or an underground bunker? But on the Sister Ray? Sure...why not?
Making a tongue-in-cheek statement while joking doesn't make one a liar.
It wasn't tongue-in-cheek. It was a borderline pathetic call for attention. Also, very un-Zack. But, as you asserted, that's fanwank. But wank about that shit, I shall.
And you need to calm down.
Is there a reason you sound pissed in this entire post?
I am calm. I'm almost always calm on fan forums. Anyone who gets legitimately pissed off on a fan-forum needs to take a step back from the computer and take a breath--or find a life. Either option works.
And I always sound pissed. It's my 'tone'. Just ask my husband.
I checked Maiden again and it doesn't say that Aerith met Zack when she was 17. It just says that when she was 17 (which would have been her age the last time she saw him) his carefree smile had attracted her to him.
Sooooo...she meets him at 15, dates him, but isn't attracted to him until she's 17...? Okay, then.
I was offering an illustration of a point I was making to facilitate better understanding of the point.
By using an outside source not even of the same genre to exemplify a point that was understood as it was, but held in contention? Ok, gotchya.
I highly doubt Nojima layed out the battle sequences in Advent Children. That was probably all Nomura.
And Nomura worked WITH Nojima to make sure everything was cohesive. They are a team. The dynamic duo of the FF world. **hearts**
Is that the precedent for Aerith being able to literally live inside Cloud? You're saying Tifa's already done it?
I'm saying that Cloud's heart called out to her and she answered. I'm saying that the events that unfolded took place within the confines of Cloud's mind, and therein were without audience. I am not saying that since Tifa swam in lifestream she is now of lifestream and since everything is made of lifestream she lives inside Cloud's scrotum sac, no.
What, what?
The story said she gleaned the truth about her father from them when they fell in, so that particular mechanic is definitely at work, and she did, indeed, gain some stuff from Tifa and Cloud during that time.
Wait, what story? Maiden? The one I say is full of shit? That story? Or am I missing a key element of compilation?
I really think you thought you'd come to a different debate. XD
*shrug* I saw something interesting enough to comment on, so I commented. I tend to do that.
Honestly, I'd never thought before now that the Lifestream Sequence took place anywhere but in the Lifestream. I always assumed all of that stuff we see was more along the lines of Cloud and Tifa's thoughts reacting with the Lifestream around them to form images.
Though your and Fairheartstrife's take makes sense as well.