You're in quite the cheeky mood I see...
Mako said:
Well isn't that persistently pessimistic of you. I love how you assume such bad faith in them! I don't think they're quite so inept, dude.
Like I said, you're free to be wrong about whatever you like, sugar tits.
Mako said:
I'm getting sick of your mouth dude. I'm going to have to take care of it if you keep it up.
Bring it, Mary, and feel free to bring the rest of the Baby-sitters Club with you. I'll slap a bitch.
Mako said:
BC is about intimate details of Shinra and the Turks.
FFVII is about Cloud and the intimate details of his life and friends.
Just sayin'.

Reno is quite emotional in contrast to how he was originally presented.
Mako said:
Mystery solved!
Mako said:
I'll defend what I think isn't assfucking ridiculous
Yet you defend CC
everyday. I call bullshit.
Mako said:
Only the first one. But yes, they were written by Xehanort's Heartless.
Alright, thanks for clarifying. That's what I figured.
Mako said:
A subsequent explanation is likely to occur in regards to who wrote those reports. We should at least wait and see what their context in the story is before decrying them as ridiculous and stupid.
I really doubt it. I'd just go ahead and decry them as ridiculous and stupid, which they currently are.
Mako said:
Wha? Where do you get that from? The program just clearly states "Start Fragmentation Program" and then something along the lines of "Upload complete."
Actually, it just says "start fragment program." I don't see "upload complete" anywhere on the screen.
Mako said:
Why would he need to initialize it, or even bother with it, if he already uploaded his mind to the network in the first place? That's just so convoluted and redundant. If he backed his mind up in the Shinra Network..whats the point of just waiting and not letting it upload? If he didn't need it, he could delete it from the network.
Isn't that pretty much the same thing that I said?
Mako said:
TresDias said:
Red XIII says his jii-san says otherwise:
I know you aren't calling Red a liar, Mako. I will fuck your shit up.
Or are you calling Bugen the liar? 'Cause then I'll just end you.
My mistake
Wow, talk about breaking news.
Explain your position in terms of that one, cupcake.
Mako said:
Ho shit. XD That's appropriate. And scary. Frighteningly appropriate?
Mako said:
That'd work, but the opening shows us Hojo just finishing copying and uploading his fragments to the network.
I disagree.
Mako said:
Are we sure about that? We don't know or see what all the instruments and panels on that Sister Ray is, or what they can do.
Perhaps we don't see what they can do, but we see what's there pretty clearly:
It looks to be nothing more than several monitors with a single keyboard between them. And there looks to be a few circular gauges, probably to indicate what's going on with the cannon.
I'm just not buying that Hojo did this
on the cannon.
Mako said:
Clearly it isn't just one huge ass cannon strapped to all the mako reactors in Midgar. Apparently the damn thing has internet fucking access to all the computers in Midgar ...
Oh, it has
Internet access? Well,
damn, that just tore this whole thing wide open! I mean, here I figured that they were operating its systems and communicating through it via cans on strings.
Mako said:
... and all the way to fucking Junon. So
I hear they've got this super secret Internet now that lets you talk to people all the way in Europe.
Mako said:
TresDias said:
Well, they are two separate places. You could have the original Hojo's spirit in the Lifestream while the copy is in the network.
That's a pretty big claim to have only supported by a stupid fan fic that's not even referenced or looked at ever again by the creators.
It would be a claim if I were trying to argue that it's canon. As it is, I'm trying to argue that it's consistent with the canon titles. Which it is.
Mako Eyes said:
TresDias said:
Would be interesting to take a look at that again. I'm going to check it out when my copy of the 10th AU gets here, which should hopefully be in the next week or so.
Good! I want to know what it says about this too. I can't wait to be proven right.
Alright, I'll let you know when it gets here.
Mako Eyes said:
TresDias said:
I guess it's just the way I always heard him saying the line in my head. "Well, ya know Aerith, that one was totally mine."
I don't think she responded to him at all when he said it, actually.
Still pretty stupid. And yeah, that's totally cool of her to treat the guy she loved so much like shit in the after life. Cold shoulder and all. Yeeeeah.
Dude, he was
obviously flirting. He even asked, "Doesn't it make you fall in love all over again?" right after. FFS.
Anyway, she didn't treat him like shit. Like I said, she didn't say anything. In fact, she didn't say anything to
any of the Lifestream Brigade when they showed up.
And say what you will, but Biggs, Jessie, Wedge, Zack, Aerith and Dyne coming together a la the Dawn of Souls crew to save the day is pretty fucking awesome.
Mako said:
TresDias said:
And, in any case, I'm not arguing that it's canon. Just that it could work.
You could work. What do you think of
I said I'm going to do some translations tonight. What do you want from me? XD
Mako said:
TresDias said:
His expression when he was fading wasn't one of pain and hatred. It was calm, as was his voice.
Cause he was already dead, and he knew he was about to give up the ghost and go back to the hell he came back from. So he was at peace with it and didn't care anymore. His attitude is definitely going to change when going from being brutally beaten senseless, to finally actually passing on.
But only if it's in AC/C, huh? Couldn't possibly apply to the ending of the original game where he was brutally beaten senseless and had a few seconds before actually passing on.
Mako said:
TresDias said:
And I really don't see much of a difference between laughing while dying in one instance and making an empty promise to come back like Freddy Krueger in another.
Pretty big difference. In one, he's basically crying and looking like "WHY ME?!" while apparently laughing manically like Kefka.
Sounds like Sephiroth to me.
Hell, this is the same Sephiroth who Cloud could hear laughing even though Seph had
just lost his body and his shot at godhood. I mean,
Mako said:
In another he's just making a threat that despite his death, he will survive. In this instance his words match his expression at the time.
Well, you've already said he can make his expression look like whatever he wants it to, despite how he's feeling. For all you know, he was crying
on the inside. Did you ever think of that, Mako?
Did you?
No! You were too busy 'gasming over Nomura's CG wankfest to even consider how Sephiroth felt! Fuck you!
I need some liquor.
Mako said:
TresDias said:
But you've said that you thought he was really exerting himself, only he wasn't allowing his image to reflect it.
That's basically making it look easy, yes.
Concession accepted.
Mako said:
TresDias said:
Well, he
was in pain and torment. But given that there's no voice acting, I can fanwank this shit as much as I like.
....Okay, your concession is accepted.
No u.
But, again, I'm not arguing canon here. I'm arguing consistency. And it can be achieved.
Why, by the way, do you have such a hard time with this one, but have never challenged either of the explanations we crafted for the acrobatics put on display in AC/C?
Mako said:
TresDias said:
And confident that the world was his to rule.
Yes, because he felt entitled. But that doesn't change the fact he's butthurt and pissed at Cloud, and things didn't go his way at all. He wasn't planning to die in the least.
Nobody said otherwise. Doesn't mean that he didn't think it was worth laughing over when he lost because either a) he didn't think such a thing was possible, or b) he knew it would be possible for him to come back.
Mako Eyes said:
TresDias said:
I really don't see it as such. It just readds as uplifting and inspiring to me that she rallied the entire spirit of the planet to repel a threat. Doesn't mean she used all its energy to do that.
I'm sure that was the purpose of that passage, but it also gives the definitive impression that through her uplifting, and inspiring rallying of the souls, she's having them all mount a united effort against the Meteor. Which is wrong.
Not really. Did Shin-Ra rouse a united effort against Sephiroth? Yes? Did they throw
everything they had at him at any time? Ever?
Mako said:
TresDias said:
"In all depictions"? You mean all one of them?
...AC/ACC says hi.
AC/C doesn't have a depiction of Sephiroth losing that final battle of FFVII.
Mako said:
TresDias said:
Wow, that was easy.
You're easy.
That's what keeps you crawling back.