LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

  • Total voters
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Are we assuming that all NPCs are pacifists who never killed anything in their lives? Cause lets face it, in worlds largely populated by freakish monsters rather than normal animals, it seems to me if you walk outside of town (or even just take a walk in the slums) that you're either gonna kill something now and then or get ate up. Unless you go absolutely everywhere on chocobo or something. So Everybody's Grudge should at the very least sting or something, come on!

As for the translation you missed, and the very appropriate made-of-win comment which then followed... it's a ways back in this very thread. Far enough back that, having just sat and read through this from start to present in a single sitting, I am far too lazy to go about pulling it up to directly quote and/or reference the page number, sorry.

I Am Not Me

The Mean Clack
Mei, Koibito, Stalker, Little Dude, Nami
No, it means I'm not in the battle because I'm an NPC. I'm also out of your range because I am in an inn, the safest place in all Final Fantasy universes. So... no.


Hmm, could you at least tell me if it's in the middle of the thread, or at the beginning, or near the end? :puppy:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
It depends on how much 'room' the act would need to slip past Sephiroth's current control. Zack manifesting for a moment of quick communication with Cloud is a lot easier and quicker to pull off compared to Aerith releasing her Rain or dissapating the entire Negative Lifestream. It's like, say, Sephiroth left the front door to a house cracked a few inches. Now, a kitten could manage to get through, but a Great Dane would still not have enough of an avenue to do so.

If anything, I would think the door would be cracked a lot less given the fact the entire Negative Lifestream is a manifestation of Sephiroth's will, compared to the Lifestream just being a manifestation of the planet's will. And that's a whole lot of supposition right there, when nothing at all even states Zack to be in that situation in the first place.

Did you watch the ending of AC/C? Or Crisis Core? Physical bodies are shown dissolving into Lifestream and leaving nothing behind. Kadaj, Loz, Yazoo, Lazard, numerous Genesis Copies and an Angeal Copy did. It's implied that Zack did so as well, because at the end of CC there is a shot of the cliff he died on and there isn't any body. Where did his body and cellular matter go, if not the Lifestream? A pack of Kalm Fangs certainly didn't come along and scavange it, bones and all.

I also took the ending's last view of the scene as symbolic, considering Zack isn't quite the same as the bodies of the remnants of Sephiroth, or fully mutated Genesis or Angeal copies. Considering they were so far into their degradation and transformation into monsters, and the remnants didn't really have bodies to begin makes sense for them to just vanish into lifestream. Zack however, isn't like them at all. A body would be left behind, as shown in the original FFVII.

Yea, okay, but he has to have something that makes him able to have a sway on those people in the first place. Geostigma is a manifestation of the body's rejection of Jenova cells. Sephiroth 'branding them with his will' is just a fancy way of saying he told the Jenova cells to cause a ruckus instead of lying dormant and benign.

Yeah, that would be his will.

Perhaps those that had died before he did simply wasn't a large enough number for him to be satisfied. Which makes perfect sense, since he didn't have enough Negative Lifestream at the end of AC/C to choke the Planet effectively either, even though it had been two years of a world-wide epidemic killing people and fueling him.

All he had to do was keep waiting really. If Sephiroth's will was capable of absorbing spirits of the dead who had Jenova cells already in them, he'd have had no trouble at all enacting such a plan even in FFVII.

How couldn't he control the cells? He was able to control them on the living plane from already in the Lifestream well enough.

Well if Lifestream Black is any indicator on how Geostigma came to be, Sephiroth had to shed part of his memory and soul within the lifestream and then go around the planet, using his will to brand people with the mark. He had to in essence spread himself the entire lifestream.

See above in my response to Tres. Hojo more than likely didn't think Cloud was a success until meeting him again at the Northern Crater.[/spoiler]

I remember those memos but they seem to contradict FFVII too... how is Cloud being a failure by acting just like all the other guys? Being non-responsive zombies? I don't get that.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
*takes one hit from Counter, ignores insignificant damage rating* Wow, little limp-wristed there man. If you like I could show you some exercises to toughen that up?

That was the Hokuto no Ken. You do not know it, but you are already dead.

But back on topic again, didn't those folks get invited to explain their votes several times and never pony up the info? I know its their right to assist in their own defense or something like that, but c'mon, I wanna know and they ain't tellin!

Hint: That's telling in and of itself.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Ran that through some random translator and got "A feeling to demand each other".

Which is just like, really kinky.

Also got "Yearning for each other". And of course the engrishy "The feeling which seeks each other".

This, in my opinion, was where it got to the level of Ultimate Clerith Defeat, what with the "demand each other" bit, though this translation being made more clear/definitive when combined with others had already begun to take off before this post.
I just felt sad Aerith had no votes. :awesome:

Also, there's lots of things the Clerith got hit with that any person who wasn't a shipper would have a hard time not seeing as end of debate proof. This quote just happens to be a lot more direct than some of the other ones.

... yet they still believe Tifa's getting rejected in that scene. She has a desire to get rejected and Cloud has a desire to reject her dontyouknow. XP

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
@Mako: I see where your point concerning Zack's appearance in ACC is coming from. But I really find it simpler, and thus more likely, that Zack simply hadn't dissolved into the lifestream yet as of that time, or perhaps was reformed from the swell of consciousness by Aerith in a similar fashion to the other Ancients she pulled out of the lifestream to help fight geostigma. As for why he didn't fully appear to talk to Cloud before then? Well, perhaps he just didn't feel the need to do so until he saw his "Living Legacy" about to become his "Dead... Lack of a Legacy" and he was off doing spiritual squats till he was needed? Or maybe Aerith had him running messages between Ancients fighting the corrupted lifestream or something? Ok scratch that one, it'd be pretty pointless. Hell, maybe he was just doing his "puppy" thing and got distracted by something shiny somewhere.


Your Mom
How does rejection work with "desire each other in a way that makes them wanna rip each other's underwear off"?
From what I hear, the word in question can't be translated as desire because that would imply sex, and we know that can't be accurate because Cloud's body and soul belong to Aerith. So, obviously, it means something else.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
From what I hear, the word in question can't be translated as desire because that would imply sex, and we know that can't be accurate because Cloud's body and soul belong to Aerith. So, obviously, it means something else.

It means WANT!... WANT! They WANT each other! Even if you say "They're seeking each other" that's... well it's barely English but it's still not freaking rejection.


Your Mom
How are they reconciling "want" with "rejection"? I'm genuinely curious. I don't understand how that works, even in warped logic.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
@OneWingedDemon: Very clearly, to we sane, rational, not at all rabid and slightly vicious Clotis, it does not equal any such thing. But, did anyone here ever say that Cleriths in general made any freaking sense?

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Wait, it actually says that? Hm, I thought Tifa went commando under that skirt. Well, there goes my fanfic idea....

That would definitely explain why Rude never attacks Tifa in any battle unless she's like the only person still standing. Every time she kicks above waist high its all ZOMG nO PanTIES!!! followed by lots of drooling and CENSORED.


Your Mom
Well, we should specify that when we say Cleriths we don't mean all Cleriths. Just the batshit ones.

That would definitely explain why Rude never attacks Tifa in any battle unless she's like the only person still standing. Every time she kicks above waist high its all ZOMG nO PanTIES!!! followed by lots of drooling and CENSORED.
It's not her fault. Cloud stole them.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Well, we should specify that when we say Cleriths we don't mean all Cleriths. Just the batshit ones.

It's not her fault. Cloud stole them.

It was the only thing that kept him remotely sane in that tube. When the researcher threw them away, he just went catatonic.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Oh yeah them too, and Zee, uh who else?... Drake is pretty cool but he doesn't think Clerith is canon anymore.

Don't see Mira much these days anymore :(


It was the only thing that kept him remotely sane in that tube. When the researcher threw them away, he just went catatonic.

Well at least we know what essential supplies he took with him to the church.


Good thing Marlene didn't open it up.

Celes Chere

Oh yeah them too, and Zee, uh who else?... Drake is pretty cool but he doesn't think Clerith is canon anymore.

Don't see Mira much these days anymore :(

Yeah, Drake is a reject Clerith now. He's an outcast, who has been pulled into our evil grip. :awesome: He seems to be enjoying himself, though. Maybe it's because the Forum layout here doesn't melt your eyes, lol.
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