LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

  • Total voters
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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Thank you for not saying Anastar :monster:
(like for real cause I think she gets a bum rap sometimes )

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
I am so glad I decided to come on here instead of just reading the OtWtaS translations, which is what attracted me to this site. Now I just wish I had come along sooner so I knew who the fuck you guys were talking about. Can't really join in the convo about them.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
You know, if your position is sound it can withstand scrutiny. If you can't handle anyone questioning it, you must feel pretty insecure about its validity.

No, they know it's invalid. They just don't want to be wrong, so they go LALALALA until they're right.

One thing I like about debating is that you can find holes in your own arguments and patch them. Shroudy brought up a couple interesting points in our one on one that I hadn't thought of before...

I know they don't know about the relationship charts saying "childhood friends" for Lulu and Wakka, or like their stance on how Nojima in his recent interview is saying 'BAsed on these problems, Cloud and Tifa shouldn't get married." which COMPLETELY ignores love and family which he plainly states. I know no one's ever brought that point up to them.

Or maybe they just don't care.. i dunno[/QUOTE]

We have. I have. And they care. THEY VERY MUCH CARE. They're just denying it.

I could link you to someone calling her a slut because she fell in love with Cloud if you want :monster:

That's hardly on the same level, though. There's a difference between 'Eh, she's a bit loose' and 'How DARE that Bitch do [Thing she never did]! I wish she had died instead!'
Hell, it's not even as bad as 'She's got big breasts, she must be a slut'

OH! Which reminds me
'Tifa's a slut because she wears a Miniskirt? Aerith's dress is unbuttoned to her crotch? NU-UH! I don't CARE what her official art shows! I don't CARE that she sells flowers to questionable men at midnight! TIFA'S A SLUT, BECAUSE I THINK SHE IS!'

Ah, Daffydoodil. She was a crazy bitch. She'd make up the most outrageous nonsense like 'Tifa has sex with the entire ShinRa army' and then treat it as canon.
Wonder what happened to her after we ran her out of Gamefaqs.
Crazy bitch.


I wonder if there is some overlap with the youtards I have run across. Denzaii and the like.

Who is probably the same tard I have run into on other forums. They know who they are. And Q probably knows as well.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Danzaii is trying not to be as she was, for which I give her at least some credit, but she was drinking very heavily of the koolaid for quite some time.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Wait, wait, back up. There was a Clerith who used the screen name Daffydoodil? And they saw no irony in this? You're shitting me right, this is something to see if the new guy will believe it? Cause otherwise the sheer hilarity of this may possibly cause me to have a heart attack of mirth.

And someone essentially said that all large breasted women are sluts? So the entire female portion of Clerith shops in the B-cup or smaller section or what? Oh wait... anything can make sense in support of Aerith being Cloud's true love and Tifa being the biggest whore who ever lived. Why do I keep forgetting that?

Oh right. Cause it is insane.

Edit: Irony cause, y'know, Daffydoodil is a crazy bitch's name, and if Ryu can be trusted she was a crazy bitch.
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Danzaii is trying not to be as she was, for which I give her at least some credit, but she was drinking very heavily of the koolaid for quite some time.

Yes well as of a month ago this little exchange happened.

youtubebattle! said:
also read Case of Tifa that sums up the Cloud/Tifa relationship

Oh, it does - - on how they're incompatible and just friends that make up a family.

Yeah I know. When I see two people who confess their feelings for each other and begin living together and raise two children (for the better part of 4 years compilation time). I totally see incompatibility and friends.

Don't be dense Danzaaii.

At that point Mr.awesomeperson got called a 'complete jackass'. For the life of me I can't figure out why.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Everyone who is not Clerith is a jackass. Cloti are perverted, evil jackasses. Didn't my last post translate to my repeatedly saying "Hee-haw!!! Hee-hawwww!!!!"

No? Oh, I guess I'm not a jackass then.

Celes Chere

But what about this?

Danzaaii[/quote said:
I know back then when I first started I was abit rabid and fought with a lot of Clotis but I wanted to come back a new. I left 'Chaos' behind and began new as 'Sky'. I guess some of my fights came from people still pinning the past on me and not giving me a chance. I saw rants of me on TLS and FanFiction and it didn't make me feel too great. Clearly things I've done just pissed people off enough to hate me. I know I'm well known, but I'm no proud of what i'm known for. I shouldn't of said the things I've said

You know, she did say sorry so I accept the apology. It's nice to move on from being at each others throats constantly.

I think we've all acted out at some point. At least, most of us. I admit to feeling a bit bad these past few pages, but I'm not speaking to Cleriths in general... just foaming at the mouth ones like Cali. I mean, she's so bad even most Cleriths want her to buzz off. It's like the Tana of Clerith?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Heh yeah I like how so many of them resort to insults when they can't back their claims XD Or you're being an asshole for debating for them in a debate thread. I mean seriously WTF?

And Danzaai is Sky? Sky's cool in my book :monster:

and I'm mostly speaking of the ones I've run into on youtube... for some reason those ones always just seem nuts.
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Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Celes is getting guilty on us. I'm torn between making a "someone slipped him koolaid" joke and actually trying to lighten up and stop mocking the Cleriths for a while. Which means someone might have slipped me koolaid, since I don't normally have much in the way of a conscience. Someone flip a coin for me?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
There's a difference between mocking a Clerith and mocking a Clerith argument. I make sure to only attack the arguments... normally, sometimes I slip. I see them do it on CxA and I don't take it personally, and I hope if they read my posts here they don't take anything I say personally. I've made quite a few friends over there and even though some Cleriths are a bit... uhm... well, loud, I don't hold this huge grudge against them or anything.

I just WTF at them sometimes :monster:

Celes Chere


Well, EG, not ALL Cleriths are bad. It's just that with the sea of crazies(Especially on Youtube I mean WTF) like Ryu mentioned, you tend to get sick and tired of it all. (Especially if you've been involved in the LTD since freaking 2004) From the Clerith POV, they feel the same way about us. I've met some real sweet people on CxA, but I still disagree A LOT with it, especially with the Tres/mocking translations here and then using them shizz that was pulled.
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Then all they have to do is acknowledge Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship and it all can end. :awesome:


Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names

Well, EG, not ALL Cleriths are bad. It's just that with the sea of crazies(Especially on Youtube I mean WTF) like Ryu mentioned, you tend to get sick and tired of it all. (Especially if you've been involved in the LTD since freaking 2004) From the Clerith POV, they feel the same way about us. I've met some real sweet people on CxA, but I still disagree A LOT with it, especially with the Tres/mocking translations here and then using them shizz that was pulled.

Ahhhh ok, I gotcha. Well I can see what you mean. I never held it against any specific person, and like Q I never mock anyone in specific (well ok, Daffydoodil, but just the name). After all, I don't even know these people, so I have nothing to hold against them as people. Their bizarre koolaid fueled logic is what I mock, and mostly because otherwise I'd just be sitting here going WTF?!

Anyhow, another question about that insane logic has suddenly come to me. I see many references to Cait Sith's prediction at the Temple O' Ancients listed alongside ribbons and carp as evidence of CXA existing. And it's been repeatedly pointed out that Cait Sith's predictions couldn't help you find your own ass most of the time.

That being said, did they never bring up Cait Sith's other prediction from back when we first met the shame of all felines? Back when he said, after many failed tries: "What you seek will be yours, but something dear to you will be lost." THIS actually sounds like Aerith, who was lost during the hunt for Sephiroth (not long before we find the REAL Sephiroth no less) was dear to Cloud.

And she is dear to him, obviously, just y'know, to a Clerith "something dear" = TRUE LURV 4EvAR".

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
@Celes: You amuse me. And I say that genuinely, not out of spite as I would if you sucked.

But seriously, this is one that could potentially be weighed in the Clerith-camps favor without sounding 100% bullshit. So why have I never heard it and Clerith mentioned at the same time?
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