Incidentally it's opposite day, so thank you for your concession.
Go fuck yourself.
Mako said:
That was actually a really good book series.
It was alright.
Mako said:
Because he just has such a badass facade inbetween drinking, and acting like a clown around Rude.
Doesn't he?
Mako said:
People who hate Crisis Core, are like people who hate punch and pie. I not only don't get them..I don't want to get them.
Back atcha.
Sure, it has its good points, and some great scenes and characterization. But then you look past the facade and see the truth of what lies beneath.
Mako said:
So not only did I remember it actually being in proper grammar... but I injected something there that should be. Just goes to show how the human mind abhors incompleteness, filling in the gaps where they should be.
The human mind tends to abhor inconsistency as well, but look how you make excuses for it all the damn time.
Mako said:
Well that's odd. My bad then. But that sounds weird. "Fragment Program." Makes it sound like the program's incomplete. Start "Fragmentation" or "Fragmenting" Program would make more sense. What the hell's a fragment?
Copies of memories or something. That's what Lucrecia put into the Network as well -- fragments. Remember all those words that spewed across the screen during the flashbacks near the end of the game?:
Jenova's cells... Vincent... Stored as data... Must leave...
Thought... I loved... Record.. Memory copy... For him...
It was wrong... Wait... Disperse... sorry... Apply...
...but I... For... Fragment... Survive... Hope... who...?
Fragments appear to literally be copies of a person's memories.
Also, check this out:
Shelke: A large quantity of her mnemonic data fragments has been uploaded into my neural network. It was my prime directive to use this data to locate and retrieve the Protomateria. However, not only was the data incomplete, but part of her consciousness began interfering with my own thought processes.
Hm, "mnemonic data fragments." Sounds a lot like "neurodata" to me.

And, what's that, both Hojo and Lucrecia used a fragment program?
I'm just fucking with you. "Neurodata" was just "fragments" in
the Japanese script, and so was "mnemonic data fragments." So Shelke didn't use a similar word to refer to Lucrecia's data that Hojo used to refer to his own -- she used the exact same word.
Also, Hojo didn't say "my inner being" when describing what he'd put into the Network. He said, "Into the Worldwide Network, I scattered my fragments ...... my mind ....... data of my thoughts and knowledge."
To me it sounds like he was describing what his fragments are -- and it sounds like it's a copy of his memories, same as with Lucrecia's fragments.
By the way, in Lucrecia's broken monlogue from late in the game that I quoted above, she says "memory copy" in both English and Japanese. Don't know if that helps any, but just wanted to throw it out there.
Mako said:
Well aren't you saying that he had his mind backed up, and then with his dying breath, he "released" the data of his mind into the network and then died?
Huh. That makes sense.
I always figured that Yuffie's device was detecting the copy of Hojo, but that actually is a happy medium between our two understandings and makes a lot of sense.
Mako said:
I'm saying that if he bothered to upload his mind, why wait? Just upload it into the network, and then if you don't need it, delete it off said network.
Right, I see what you're saying.
Mako said:
Exactly. You can probably attribute every bizarre continuity conundrum to that single source. He's like Xehanort. He is the source of all Heartless continuity crises.
I still need to write Case of Kitase.
Mako said:
It looks like we'll only get to an agreement by seeing what the book says. XD
Or by just acknowledging that I'm right.
Does the stuff I quoted from the Japanese script sway you any? I hope it does, because I'm not expecting the book to say anything more than "stuffed his fragments into the Network." XD
Mako said:
Okay, but this is what I don't understand. If they just haphazardly stuck the Sister Ray to all the Mako Reactors, and had it as a last minute weapon to blow Sephiroth to hell...when and how would they give that thing internet access? Why?
Why not? It's got to be connected to Shin-Ra's network somehow. I assume the Internet is Shin-Ra's.
Mako said:
Eh, well I'll admit some of it is, consistent, just inconsistent with the actual creator given continuity. It could fit, if it were actually properly integrated.
Ho shit, I think Mako just had a breakthrough.
But, no, for real, that already feels like a win. XD A mutual victory, of course.
Mako said:
TresDias said:
Dude, he was obviously flirting. He even asked, "Doesn't it make you fall in love all over again?" right after. FFS
Point I'm making is, there shouldn't even have to be an "all over again." They were always in love.
That's getting into LTD territory, Mako. What thread do you think this is?
Mako said:
The whole fact they portrayed Aerith as not ever being in love with Zack anymore, even though most of the things she did in FFVII were out of her still carrying said lover's torch for Zack, is bizarre.
Not really. Maiden did the same thing. It showed that she didn't really know Cloud that well and that the things she thought she knew about him were just the things that reminded her of Zack.
But she still continued to prefer Cloud during Maiden -- which, I think, fits with her feelings in Case of the Lifestream White as well, where she should already know the truth about Cloud and her own feelings. Even so, she's still referring to Cloud as having been her koibito.
Mako said:
It's also pretty fucking cliche but that was one of the moments and things I did like about Maiden, so fuck you for bringing that up.
Now that was my true victory.
Mako said:
TresDias said:
I said I'm going to do some translations tonight. What do you want from me? XD
Everything, Tres.

Don't get greedy.
Mako said:
What the hell? I don't get how you can even still defend this!
Mako said:
That's because Sephiroth still had his completed, whole spirit. He may have lost his body, but he was still whole as a spirit, and capable of holding Holy back. So while he may have died, he was still strong and complete enough to enact his plan anyways. So it was like "roffle, you wasted your time for nothing."
His plan involved more than just holding back Holy and letting Meteor smack into the planet, though. Without his body, isn't it safe to assume that his original plan was fucked?
Mako said:
Getting assraped in the spirit realm wasn't part of the equation.
Getting killed in the living realm wasn't part of the plan either, but the bitch was still laughing.
Mako said:
I'd cry too if I got dregged out of the lifestream cesspool by Nomura just to get raped again by the hero, but Sephiroth's such an attention whore, I know he liked it. So no, fuck you
As I recall, Kefka concluded that Seph is a sadist. That means
he wants to be the one doing the flogging.
Mako said:
So if I write an FFVII fan fic, and make it consistent, will you argue it too?
If you get it published by Square, sure.
Mako said:
And I dunno..probably for the same reason you have a hard time accepting the changes shown and implemented in Crisis Core. Sometimes things just rub you wrong in their outright stupidity and lack of necessity.
That's not really the same reason. I just hate narrative inconsistency.
Mako said:
You really put Sephiroth on the level of a psychopath like Kefka. Laughing when he should be upset, laughing when in utter torment. I mean, damn.
It's Sephiroth.
Mako said:
Why would he laugh if he's so damn bitter, all he can think about is hating Cloud to keep him going? Why would he laugh if all of the shit he worked for fell to pieces? Sephiroth isn't that type of guy. He doesn't just laugh it off like a maniac. Yeah, he didn't think such a thing were possible, but he sure as hell wouldn't laugh and go, "Well shit on me, that fucker did it! El, oh, el."
It's Sephiroth.
Mako said:
TresDias said:
Not really. Did Shin-Ra rouse a united effort against Sephiroth? Yes? Did they throw everything they had at him at any time? Ever?
No, but no where does it imply they did!
It's Sephi -- oh, I guess that response stopped applying.
Obviously it's never implied that Shin-Ra threw everything they had at Seph, but I don't think it's implied that the entire Lifestream was thrown at Meteor.
Short of the novella making a statement to that effect, I just don't see it.