LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

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Celes Chere

I've been acting.... *choke, gasp* like a Clerith!

You and Quex are on a tag-team, aren't you? :shifty:

I'm talking about some really downright nasty things that I'm shocked some people would do, all for the sake of a shipping war.

While Tres has a point, so does Brookie, definitely. There are some things that are unforgiveable- at least without an apology. (Though sometimes, apologies only go so far and people were fucked with... to an extreme) We're talking hate threads, photo manipulation, Anti-Clubs and sites. . . Personally attacking people is when it goes WAY too far.

Anyway, I'm pretty much willing to put things behind me if that person apologizes. And sometimes you just have to step down and apologize first. I did it because I wanted to, and because I realize we hated eachother over a fictional pairing and did some nasty shit to one another because of this crap. That's just nonsense... Granted I didn't get accepted or an apology back by some, I don't really care, but I'm not going to forgive things like public rants posted on certain websites about certain people BY certain people*coughcough* until it's gone.
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Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Wait, wait, back up. There was a Clerith who used the screen name Daffydoodil? And they saw no irony in this? You're shitting me right, this is something to see if the new guy will believe it? Cause otherwise the sheer hilarity of this may possibly cause me to have a heart attack of mirth.

And someone essentially said that all large breasted women are sluts? So the entire female portion of Clerith shops in the B-cup or smaller section or what? Oh wait... anything can make sense in support of Aerith being Cloud's true love and Tifa being the biggest whore who ever lived. Why do I keep forgetting that?

Oh right. Cause it is insane.

Edit: Irony cause, y'know, Daffydoodil is a crazy bitch's name, and if Ryu can be trusted she was a crazy bitch.

Her SN was actually daflock1, but I came up with no end of silly nicknames for her. I only felt it fair after her bevy of personal and pathetic insults on my person.

Then all they have to do is acknowledge Cloud and Tifa are in a relationship and it all can end. :awesome:

Something they never want to do.

@Celes: You amuse me. And I say that genuinely, not out of spite as I would if you sucked.

But seriously, this is one that could potentially be weighed in the Clerith-camps favor without sounding 100% bullshit. So why have I never heard it and Clerith mentioned at the same time?

It's been used plenty of times. It can also mean Cloud's mind and actually is just random nonsense said to get on the team. It's meaningless.

*looks around for Ryu* Whew, safe. Mention of it being possible to be too harsh to Clerith pinkers, and we could see one of his "warning shots" and you may have the cool healing factor, but to a simple tonberry reference like your's truly, ICBM = Death.

::Silo door closes::

RE: Hate threads and the like, my current Usertitle is based on things said at Pink Hell that were supposed to be insults that... just... failed.


Fire and Blood
personal attacks? japanese people who don't exist? when has this shit taken to the extremes? I'm not gonna let Takeshi Miyamoto do that to me liek.
You know nothing if you don't know WacDonalds.

*went through the 3 LTD threads*

I still think the first one was the most awesomesauce eva. Back then, we were still trying to convince Drake about the canoness of CloTi... XD [because yes, I read it all before jumping in the discussion, kind of late may I add XD].

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
@Ryu: So her name was not, in fact, Daffydoodil. Her actual SN still begs mockery, and it still specifies that mockery be in the form of "Daffy" or some derivative. And that's before there is behavior to put with it, which coming from a Clerith seems most likely to be daffy as hell.

@Celes: I don't think Quex and I are a tag team exactly, more like a stable. One which, if you like, you would be welcome to join (unless Quex comes around and refutes this, she may not want to be in a stable with me).

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
You know nothing if you don't know WacDonalds.

*went through the 3 LTD threads*

I still think the first one was the most awesomesauce eva. Back then, we were still trying to convince Drake about the canoness of CloTi... XD [because yes, I read it all before jumping in the discussion, kind of late may I add XD].

Sounds fun. MOAR INFO

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names

The link you sent led to wonderful Cloti made of win goodness. And I am awed by how simultaneously honest, thumb-to-nose sarcastic that was all in one.

See, as the new guy stuff like this really helps give me a better idea of the LTD. It's one thing to hear "12 years" or even realize that the D part of LTD has been going on that long on your own. Its quite another to look at examples from many years in the past and realize just how batshit crazy a human being has to be for it to still be going on after all this time, even in its current "All done but the crying" phase.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Boy just think of Cloti ONLY, nothing more, nothing less. We heil heil da cloti.

Ummm.... heil?
*stage whisper to Ryu, Celes, Tres, Quex... pretty much everyone cause its a fucking stage whisper* Guys... are we Nazis? Cause I'm kinda evil, but I don't think I'm cool with that.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
No, we are not. We haven't even made jokes that we are. A certain pink forum, however...

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Ok, if we're not Nazis, the go team Cloti, only we stand prepared to deal with the pink menace!

Now it seems like an anti-communist rally, pink is the new red.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
'Pink is Red' is another story, actually.
But if it is anti-communism, well 'Pinko'

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
Wow... lots of potential communism/Clerith comparisons.

Though I have to say, communism at least has the decency to SOUND like a good idea if you just see it on paper. Clerith is crazy shit in any medium.


Your Mom
And even IF the high affection version were canon, I don't see that it proves anything. The scene didn't seem romantic to me when I played it.
Apparently, one shipper's opinion > writers' word. Seriously, how many "revealed mutual feelings" and "desire" and "risqué" do they have to read before they stop and ask themselves whether their perception of the scene was flawed?


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Apparently, one shipper's opinion > writers' word. Seriously, how many "revealed mutual feelings" and "desire" and "risqué" do they have to read before they stop and ask themselves whether their perception of the scene was flawed?

One. And they do it every time a new one comes out. So they have to redouble their faith.

Gym Leader Devil

True Master of the Dark-type (suck it Piers)
So many names
A metaphor has just occurred to me for a Clerith I can tolerate. I'll use smoking for this example.

The average Clerith, from what I see, is like Ned from South Park: "You know the surgeon general says those are bad for your throat." "Nah, that's all lies man."

A tolerable Clerith is like meL: "I'm fully aware my smoking habit could kill me, makes my breath smell, and all around it is batshit crazy for me to do it. But, fully aware that it is so, I freely admit I am wrong, this is stupid, and I do it anyway just cause I find it enjoyable."

Clerith = Communism = Smoking is canon.


As a Clerith true believer sometimes my faith is shaken. Those mean ole cloti's always trying to dim the perfect pink light that is Clerith. I need guidance.

The fact is that Tifa doesn't have a romantic bond between herself and Cloud. Tifa's bond with Cloud doesn't surpass that of friends who are like family, much as she would like it to. However, Cloud's bond with Aerith is that of mutual love, that of soul mates. This is the only explanation for Tifa being jealous over Cloud and Aerith's "special" bond. You certainly don't ever see Aerith being jealous of Cloud's bond with Tifa, do you? This tells me that she sees nothing romantic between them.

Faith restored. :joy:


Apparently, one shipper's opinion > writers' word. Seriously, how many "revealed mutual feelings" and "desire" and "risqué" do they have to read before they stop and ask themselves whether their perception of the scene was flawed?
It's not and I think they know it. They'll grasp anything now that their ship has joined the Titanic in order to save face. Except it's all laughable

The fact is that Tifa doesn't have a romantic bond between herself and Cloud. Tifa's bond with Cloud doesn't surpass that of friends who are like family, much as she would like it to. However, Cloud's bond with Aerith is that of mutual love, that of soul mates. This is the only explanation for Tifa being jealous over Cloud and Aerith's "special" bond. You certainly don't ever see Aerith being jealous of Cloud's bond with Tifa, do you? This tells me that she sees nothing romantic between them.
What was the exact quotes for that? I don't remember.
Even so, Tifa loves Cloud and is too shy to say it, finds out that Cloud & Aeris have a date deal going on and...she's supposed to feel what? Ecstatic? She doesn't know Cloud ALSO returns her feelings. The audience may, but not her. How does this prove Cleris?

"...much as she would like to"? Really? Because last I read it said shit like "mutual feelings" at least 3 times in the Ultimanias. Nothing of the sort was said in regards to Aeris. Soul mates? Mutual love?

Is this FFG? Sounds like FFG
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Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man

this confirms the respective ships. Cloti and Zackaerith/Zackit/whateverthehelltheycallZackxaerithatthispoint. The Game is over. Cloti wins.


Your Mom
What. Was. That. LOL!

Also, it's good to know, if you like a guy, all you have to do is make another girl who likes him jealous and he's yours!
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