LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

  • Total voters
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Celes Chere

Nope, you stupid clotis need to stop taking one or two lines and rejoicing and look at the compilation as a whole! I mean really. :loopy:

I guess we're all a bunch of tards celebrating over nothing. :lol:

I mean, they are so right. Their feelings totally don't match in that scene. That's the scene where Tifa gets rejected, after all. And if the feelings are confirmed, it only happens in one version! Besides that, it only sayings feelings, it doesn't say WHAT KIND of feelings! It could be feelings of hate! Even though it says for the one I love at the top of the page! Let's ignore that though because it proves cleriths wrong on all accounts

Cloud and Aerith are on the same page too, I mean COME ON. Even though it says nothing about the two as a pair besides that the date scenes are optional, why not show Cloud and Yuffie, Tifa, or Barret? WHY AERITH? They obviously put so much thought into that one picture about optional dates that it means much more than the actual blurb on Cloud and Tifa.

Fucking Cloti dumbasses.
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Death Sin

Memento mori
Just DS is fine
I honestly don't know how it's even possible to "interpret" the new translations without the confirmation that Cloud and Tifa are indeed a couple. I admit that sometimes things may be vague enough to be left for personal interpretation but I think this particular matter has been made pretty clear for quite some time now. The only thing this new Ultimania has done is, well, pretty much ciment what I think most of the FF7 fanbase already know and that is that Cloud and Tifa are FF7's official couple.

It's not a matter of personal perferences and feelings but simply a matter of respecting what the Compilation has brought us. One can deslike the pairing as much as they want and can easily ship another pairing if they prefer but when people deny (or pretend not to see/read) official sources then, I'm sorry to say, that's simply being in denial and, IMO, not something what a true FF7 should do. A fan respects the work of the minds behind the game's story even if they don't agree with it; they don't go to any leights to twist words around only to give them what they want to see. I mean, seriously... @_@
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Chloe Frazer
Yeah you Cloti tards lets look at the whole Compilation and how those this fit in it like how Cloud always had a crush on Tifa or how their promise was very important to him or how he made an ideal personality for her or how their hearts called out to each other or how they started a family together or how they shared their feeling for each other under the Highwind without words, I mean c'mon Cloti tards how those that fit with their feelings matching each other under the Highwind........... oh wait can I take that argument back? :awesome:

Oh btw who wants to sing this with me:
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I just can't quite wrap my brain around "this doesn't fit our worldview so there must be something wrong about it."

And once again making Cloud and Tifa the exceptions to the rule. On a page about romantic couples in FF? Doesn't apply to CloTi. C/T realize their feelings for each other and live together? Could mean anything.

I could go on.


Higher Further Faster
I've always had an issue with the way some fanatics treat translators. Like "obviously a biased translation" or what have you. It happened to a girl I know in a different fandom.

The only neutral translation is a correct one: not the only neutral translation is by a guy who doesn't care about the fandom. People can scream all they want at the messenger, but when they are proven wrong as other people begin to make their own translations, they don't even have the good graces to apologize.

This. Remember, folks. The only non-biased translation is one that doesn't prove the whiniest side wrong. :monster:

Eh, I don't think I've ever seen a game rated M for swearing. Maybe if Cloud takes Sephiroth's head off with a BusterSword+Chainsaw combination. Or Vincent headshotexplodes Hojo.

EDIT: The more I think about it, the more I want Cloud to wield a chainsaw.

That would actually be quite awesome.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
So, yes, when we 'rejoice over two little lines' that match five other lines saying roughly the same thing, about a scene where the dialogue was described as risque and mature, about two people who have a future together, whose hearts called out to each other, etc. etc. etc. etc. We 'don't take a look at how it fits into the Compilation at all.'

That's a VERY shiny Mirror FFG is holding.

Especially since her entire case for C/A is ignoring context and special pleading.


[no fucks given]
FHS, that cloti bitch
I can't even relate to that kind of flagrant stupidity.

She may need therapy of sorts. There could be genuine issues with being that far in denial.


Fire and Blood
Actually, it's quite fascinating to watch. I wonder how many are left, thinking that way. Because really, I think that even amongst Cleriths fans, you'd think most would actually agree that CloTi is canon and just ship their pairing fanonly. Which, I think, is the case. o__o"

But the ones left are really a wonder :monster:


Fucking Cloti dumbasses.
That would apply to you especially, seeing how close you are to getting banned from all your recent posts over there.
+1 ♥ :awesome:

Who's the wise guy? :awesome:


Fire and Blood
I think it means that a mod has to approve their posts before they appear? They can delete at will :monster:

Something like that.


You look like you need a monkey
And what's the criteria for approval?

EDIT: And I'm also curious about the justifications/reasons for putting a veteran poster on mod preview, especially when it sounds like you guys weren't on mod preview until recently.
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Higher Further Faster
You mean saying that Cloti is canon, Syneiam. That seems to be all it takes to go on Mod preview. If you don't agree with Shroudy and all his C/A peeps then you're just a mean troll I guess.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Hey, I was just told I 'need[ed] to be watched' by Shroudy.

I'm sure we all know why.


Fire and Blood
You mean saying that Cloti is canon, Syneiam. That seems to be all it takes to go on Mod preview. If you don't agree with Shroudy and all his C/A peeps then you're just a mean troll I guess.
I thought that the question was how to have your posts approved by the mods once you are in mod approval or something. XD

@Ryu: yes, because like ALL THE CLOTIS, YOU ARE SUCH A PARTY POOPER :awesome: What's that, with that need of backing up everything you say, it's just so annoying when you prove what you write! Just make it up, DAMN IT!
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