LTD, round 3: This time, we settle it with Jello Wrestling

The one he lives with or the dead one?

  • Living

    Votes: 96 88.9%
  • Dead

    Votes: 12 11.1%

  • Total voters
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Fire and Blood
How did you guess? XD She drove people crazy there, haha XD But yeah, I know for sure she has several [or rather had] socket puppets accounts there XD When I learned that, I went "OK, I was 99% sure it's her, now it's 100%" XD


Time for the pinker quote of the day!
For instance, take the fact that Tifa and Cloud have lived together for a couple of years now and, according to SE, she still doesn't understand the complexities of his heart. Contrary to what some poeple say, the fact that Aerith and Cloud were able to form such a special bond within such a short amount of time actually reinforces what Cait Sith said in his prediction. The two were made for each other.

Oh hell that was so good for today only we will have a bonus pinker quote!!!
The problem with Cloti for me is :

- they don't seem to accept each other for who they are... they are not right for each other, but Tifa doesn't seem to be able to move on from her fantasies (I guess they're just using each other because they feel alone).
- they're too much alike as well (pairings are a lot more appealing when 2 characters are different... or when 2 characters manage to be both alike and different *which IMO, is the best for a lasting happy couple*)
- they don't seem to have any happy/goofy/fluffy moments EVER
- their childhood friendship is a LIE (I guess it's okay in the end since Cloud and Tifa manage to become real friends... but fans just assume they spent their childhood playing together or something... the game proved otherwise but it was ignored... *frowns at chibi Cloud and Tifa holding hands in many fanarts*)
- If Cloti is so special... then why is Tifa jealous over Cloud and Aerith's unique bond ? Why Cloud never went for Tifa while Aerith was still alive ? I know Cloud's head was messed up but his feelings were true... If his bond with Tifa was really something... he would have not openly flirted with Aerith like that (in front of Tifa, no less), and flirted with Tifa instead... He mourned/missed Aerith like crazy even 2 years after her death... This is pretty hardcore and unbelievable for a mere "friend" (or a typical "annoying girlfriend of the week who tries to steal the other girl's man", you know, the Lavender type from Harry Potter, the type most hardcore Cloti fans and Aerith haters believe Aerith to be) he only had 2 weeks to spend with.

Aaaaaand I'm spent. Whew.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Wow, it's like opposite day in Dumbsville!!!

Likewise, Aerith and Cloud knew each other for a long time and, according to SE, she understood the complexities of his heart and personality. Contrary to what some people say, the fact that Tifa and Cloud were able to form such a special bond within such a long amount of time actually reinforces what Cait Sith said in his prediction. The two were not made for each other.

And this is why Cloud and Aerith works!

The win of Clerith for me is :

- they accept each other for who they are... They are right for each other, and Aerith is able to move on from her fantasies (she's no longer wishing for Zack because she felt alone).
- they're so different as well (pairings are a lot more appealing when 2 characters are different... or when 2 characters manage to be both alike and different *which IMO, is the best for a lasting happy couple*)
- they have SO MANY happy/goofy/fluffy moments EVER!
- their initial relationship was NEVER A LIE (It's okay in the end because Cloud and Aerith manage to become real friends lovers... but fans just assume Aerith only wanted Cloud for Zack... the game proved otherwise but it was ignored... *frowns at chibi Cloud and Tifa holding hands in many fanarts*)
- Clerith is special... why else is Tifa jealous over Cloud and Aerith's unique bond ? Cloud went for Aerith while Tifa was still there. I know Cloud's head was messed up but his feelings were true because I say so... If his bond with Tifa was really something... he would have not openly flirted with Aerith like that (in front of Tifa, no less), and flirted with Tifa instead... He mourned/missed Aerith like crazy even 2 years after her death... This is pretty hardcore and unbelievable for a mere "friend" (or a typical "annoying girlfriend of the week who tries to steal the other girl's man", you know, the Lavender type from Harry Potter, the type most hardcore Cloti fans and Aerith haters believe Aerith to be) he only had 2 weeks to spend with.

See? I can play that game too. It's called glue sniffing and reading the text backwords. But man, I sure do feel happy! Look at all the pretty colors!

Actually I just wanted to try sniffing glue. :awesome:


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I love how that quote 'But still, she doesn't understand all the complexities of his heart' gets dishonestly tweaked into 'doesn't understand the complexities of his heart, period', nevermind 'understands him all too well and supports the mentally weak side of him'

As for Tifa feeling Jealous... Jealousy and Envy are not the same. Jealousy is specifically the emotion you feel when you think someone you have might go away. It is distinct from envy, where you want something someone else has.
So all Tifa being Jealous because of Cloud and Aerith's bond- one different from hers- is that it makes her uneasy. It doesn't mean that there was anything else.
I understand that textual comprehension is not the stong suit of pinkers- re: my Shakespeare rant of a few days ago- but this is worse than simply that. This is both rewriting a text to say something it does not say, and using a word inappropriately in support of your nonsense.

Plus, all I have to say is confirmed feelings, future together, someone's beloved. These three (technically ten, if I include the 7 other times confirmed feelings come up) are all that are strictly necessary to concretely conclude C/T. Everything else helps, but those three are more than sufficient on their own.


The win of Clack for me is :

- they accept each other for who they are... They are right for each other, and Cloud is able to move on from his fantasies (he's no longer wishing for Sephiroth because she felt alone).
- they're so different as well (pairings are a lot more appealing when 2 characters are different... or when 2 characters manage to be both alike and different *which IMO, is the best for a lasting happy couple*)
- they have SO MANY happy/goofy/fluffy moments EVER!
- their initial relationship was NEVER A LIE (It's okay in the end because Cloud and Zack manage to become real friends lovers... but fans just assume Cloud only wanted Zack for Sephiroth... the game proved otherwise but it was ignored... *frowns at chibi Cloud and Sephiroth holding hands in many fanarts*)
- Clack is special... why else is Sephiroth jealous over Cloud and Zack's unique bond ? Cloud went for Zack while Sephiroth was still there. I know Cloud's head was messed up but his feelings were true because I say so... If his bond with Sephiroth was really something... he would have not openly flirted with Cloud like that (in front of Sephiroth, no less), and flirted with Sephiroth instead... He mourned/missed Zack like crazy even 2 years after his death... This is pretty hardcore and unbelievable for a mere "friend" (or a typical "annoying boyfriend of the week who tries to steal the other boy's man", you know, the Lavender type from Harry Potter, the type most hardcore Clephiroth fans and Zack haters believe Zack to be) he only had 2 weeks to spend with.
Fixed that for you.

Yaoi fangirls rejoice, I just made Clack canon.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Personally, I'm not even sure I understand why Clerith would be compared to Hamlet and Ophelia. That play's just a tragedy guys, I don't think Shakespeare was planning some sort of epicks romance with them. Thus why Hamlet rants and has a fit at her and tells her to go to a whorehouse.

unless that is some sort of symbolism for Aerith telling Cloud to get to Don Corneo's, idk. :oscar:

They could at least compare them to a couple from another play. Probably nothing from Macbeth, Othello, or any of those nice gory ones, but maybe something from Midsummer Night's Dream. :awesome:


Personally, I'm not even sure I understand why Clerith would be compared to Hamlet and Ophelia. That play's just a tragedy guys, I don't think Shakespeare was planning some sort of epicks romance with them. Thus why Hamlet rants and has a fit at her and tells her to go to a whorehouse.

unless that is some sort of symbolism for Aerith telling Cloud to get to Don Corneo's, idk. :oscar:

They could at least compare them to a couple from another play. Probably nothing from Macbeth, Othello, or any of those nice gory ones, but maybe something from Midsummer Night's Dream. :awesome:
Why do Cloud and Aerith get compared to any Shakespeare play? Personally, I'm not for comparing pairings. Why would you want your pairing to be the 'next Romeo and Juliet,' when it's so much cooler to be an original pairing? :awesome:

I'm all for Cloti just being Cloti; their relationship is different from most fictional pairings, I think.


Fire and Blood
Comparing pairings is always the crux for pairings that are fanon, IMHO. Just to reassure oneself that they are just like this other pairing that is canon :awesome:

I personally hate it because I think creators and authors have different views about love, and different ways to handle it. And as you said, being a pairing loved because it's original is so much better than being a pairing loved because it's just like this one we shipped earlier _o/

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Why do Cloud and Aerith get compared to any Shakespeare play? Personally, I'm not for comparing pairings. Why would you want your pairing to be the 'next Romeo and Juliet,' when it's so much cooler to be an original pairing? :awesome:

I'm all for Cloti just being Cloti; their relationship is different from most fictional pairings, I think.
because, see, it VALIDATES the thinking that Cloud and Aerith is some tragic love story of the ages and the scenario writers are brilliant for doing it. And that if it matches something else, clearly the authors intended it, because NO author enjoys something different.

Son Goku

It's my stomach, I'm hungry.
I'll name names.
Cali Babe's current UN which is IIRC AerithGainsborough...
I can go on.
Nicks won`t do, you will need the real names in order for your Death Note to work.

No one, who can talk seriously about romantic love, would use bosoms as an argument for and death against love. Sure, Cloud could move on from that love. But not thus shortly after her death. It would not be true either, because his actions and feelings before regaining himself again, did not reflected his true self.

I think no one has the right to talk about Romance when they aren`t even able to see what is shown plus declared. In the Lifestream event and the following HW scene we have been clearly shown the process of realizing their mutual feelings. Especially the dialog in the (high affection) HW scene is a rather touching one. After looking closely I could feel the happiness and relief about realizing that their Love is mutual.

Cloud`s devotion to his promise, Tifa`s faithfulness, especially the time when she nursed over the vegetable Cloud in their darkest time, showed me how pure their love is.
I think anyone who claims to know something about romance and take a closer look would realize that.

In the following we have been shown a developing relationship burdened by the past “sins”. Of course there would be problems, but they are freed of those burdens after AC.

For everything I said above we can provide real evidence, like the ultimanias.
Sometimes you have to explain it in simple words, with pictures. (Remember grade school)
Paradox, did you get what i mean?



I always enjoy the "I can't see Cloud getting together with Tifa so soon after his GF died" statements.

Yes my child if Cloud and Aerith were in a relationship or if he was in love with her at all it would seem strange that he is hooking up with the other woman by the end of the game. So what do you want to believe? Cloud is a heartless bastard who has no problem forgetting about Aerith? Or that Cloud never loved Aerith to begin with?

Either one would shatter your mind I know.

To be fair this is normally stated by relative newbies to the whole thing.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Why do Cloud and Aerith get compared to any Shakespeare play? Personally, I'm not for comparing pairings. Why would you want your pairing to be the 'next Romeo and Juliet,' when it's so much cooler to be an original pairing? :awesome:

I'm all for Cloti just being Cloti; their relationship is different from most fictional pairings, I think.

There are some similar ones- similar, not same- though it tends to be in stories with a similar overall thrust as FF7.
The Lion King, for example. Incidentally, the furry Hamlet, while we're on the subject of shakespeare. Only it's not a tragedy.

Nicks won`t do, you will need the real names in order for your Death Note to work.

What the fuck.
No. Seriously.
What the fuck.
How do we go from 'tell it like it fucking is' to 'kill a bitch?'
I want to know.

No one, who can talk seriously about romantic love, would use bosoms as an argument for and death against love. Sure, Cloud could move on from that love. But not thus shortly after her death. It would not be true either, because his actions and feelings before regaining himself again, did not reflected his true self.

The pink position is that he didn't move on. He was just using Tifa for the sex. And besides, sex didn't happen in the high version anyways, you pervert. And there's no canon version LALALALALALA.

I think no one has the right to talk about Romance when they aren`t even able to see what is shown plus declared.
In the Lifestream event and the following HW scene we have been clearly shown the process of realizing their mutual feelings. Especially the dialog in the (high affection) HW scene is a rather touching one.
After looking closely I could feel the happiness and relief about realizing that their Love is mutual.

You don't have to look closely. Just at all.

Cloud`s devotion to his promise, Tifa`s faithfulness, especially the time when she nursed over the vegetable Cloud in their darkest time, showed me how pure their love is.

Don't you see, though, that's just an example of how selfish and Clingy Tifa is![/fucktard]

I think anyone who claims to know something about romance and take a closer look would realize that.

Anyone who does, would realize. That doesn't stop those who claim to know, but don't.

In the following we have been shown a developing relationship burdened by the past “sins”. Of course there would be problems, but they are freed of those burdens after AC.

True, but nothing we aren't told in black and white.

For everything I said above we can provide real evidence, like the ultimanias.
Sometimes you have to explain it in simple words, with pictures. (Remember grade school)

And sometimes, religious people ignore real evidence, and simple words, and insist on believing a lie, like the Shroud of Turin, or Clerith, for but two examples.

Celes Chere

Midsummer Night's Dream

MY FAVORITE. ♥♥♥ Also, lol. I love you Nin... so so much. OH GOD. I thought of Hope x Serah because of that. MY EYES. *runs away screaming*

Why do Cloud and Aerith get compared to any Shakespeare play? Personally, I'm not for comparing pairings. Why would you want your pairing to be the 'next Romeo and Juliet,' when it's so much cooler to be an original pairing?

I'm all for Cloti just being Cloti; their relationship is different from most fictional pairings, I think.

I think comparing can be fun, but it needs to make some fucking SENSE for it to actually be interesting. I don't see how Cloud and Aerith = Romeo and Juliet. Maybe it's because some of them think Cloud wants to kill himself to be with Aerith in AC/ACC. I actually think Zack and Aerith are the really cliche pairing of FFVII. And it's so obvious, too. >_>

icks won`t do, you will need the real names in order for your Death Note to work.

TIME TO GO LOOK AT THEIR PHOTO ALBUMS, lolz. Good, God. I'm glad my Kira obsession scared the shit out of certain people. You can't run... and you can't hide, little "pinkers". Judgement is upon you. :awesome:

What the fuck.
No. Seriously.
What the fuck.
How do we go from 'tell it like it fucking is' to 'kill a bitch?'
I want to know.

Because, Ryu! Cloti is the root of all evil, and we're all stalking them and plotting against them, constantly! And I need to stop now before I really lose my temper... XD I'm trying to get better. :awesome: *takes happy pill*
Last edited:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
And sometimes, religious people ignore real evidence, and simple words, and insist on believing a lie, like the Shroud of Turin, or Clerith, for but two examples.
I like how the Shroud of Turin is on par with Clerith :awesome:

TIME TO GO LOOK AT THEIR PHOTO ALBUMS, lolz. Good, God. I'm glad my Kira obsession scared the shit out of certain people. You can't run... and you can't hide, little "pinkers". Judgement is upon you
Does my Demyx obsession scare people?

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
That was a tragedy.

For Antonio. Doesn't get his man. He doesn't even get closure. Everyone just forgets about him in the end and is all "lolz let's marry each other for no raisin!"
...was Antonio in MND at all? MND had Puck and Titania and shit in it dood.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
and now I laugh at you.


Son Goku

It's my stomach, I'm hungry.
I said:
If he were in love with Aerith, then he most probably would not move on so fast.
Given we were clearly told he confirmed his love with Tifa, he most probably were not in love with Aerith. And even if he were in Love with Aerith, then it would not be his true feelings, because he was not truly himself.

1. You said that you are a “cold blooded GAR”
2. Light Yagami from Death Note is a “cold blooded GAR”
3. Seriously now, I was joking!

And for the rest you said:
1. Just never mind the “Delusional ones”, the Love is clearly shown.
2. We have a saying here: “Bird, eat or die!”

@sweet one
So you are the one with the Death Note? I help you to find out the real names if you want.
Judgment Day is coming, Pinkers! :lol:
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