Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.


Chloe Frazer
So "Aftershocks" was a good episode.
- I didn't think we were going to see Sky's mom play a somewhat large role in the series so that was a pleasant surprise. I do hope they continue to use her more through flashbacks.

- The more I see Ruth Negga, the more I fall in love with her. She brings out such great emotions out of Raina even with prosthetics, it's just a delight to watch. However the same cannot be said of Chloe Bennett. I'll give her props she's getting better but the range of emotions you have to show from your character in the situation that Sky is in throughout the episode requires a level of acting talent that Chloe Bennett doesn't have yet.

- "No. That's inhuman" Really guys you couldn't come up with a better way to namedrop? No one talks like that.

- What on earth are Bobbi and Mack up to?

- You know if you're gonna spend the last few minutes of your episode reminiscing about a dead character you never bothered to develop or explore, and what you say about them was never actually shown on screen the scene is very likely going to fall flat on its face.


Yay it's back~

Damn, flat out showed a headshot. Not the first time the show got violent to a level the movies never have. xP
SHIELD just made Hydra cut off a lot of their own heads. Looks like they want to move away from the Hydra arc.

Ruth Negga is indeed great. Too bad it's the last we've seen of her pretty eyes though. :monster:

Lol at Tripp's face just being thrown in there with a bunch of rocks. That was kinda silly.

Wonder what Bobbi and Hunter are up to. Some suggested they are on some super secret mission given by Fury. I say that already happened with May spying on Coulson in S1 so that seems unlikely.

I chuckled at Skye's dad jumping all excited upon the news of Skye having gone through Terrigenesis. :P

Skye bby, don't cry :(

Teleportface being all smooth with Raina. :awesome:

"No. That's inhuman" Really guys you couldn't come up with a better way to namedrop? No one talks like that.

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Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Skye stole the episode for me. Not knowing what's going on with you and then realising you caused that earthquake is obviously devastating. I like that Fitz is keeping it a secret for now, as I do like scenes between these two particular characters, but I can't see it being secret for long.

I neither loved or hated her, but Raina grew on me after this episode. Her transofmration looked amazing and I sympathised with her for the first time.

Big surprise to see Skye's mother in the flashback. I hope we get to see a lot more of her.

Lots going on and a strong comeback. Can't wait to see what the rest of the season has in store for us!


Chloe Frazer
Pretty good episode.
- Make Lady Sif a recurring character please.
- Wasted fight between Sif and that Kree when we can only see it as video footage on a tiny screen.
- No forced Inhuman namedrop, that's a plus.
- WTF are Bobbi and Mack involved in? I've seen several reviewers suggest this could be how A.I.M. comes into play in the show.
- More Calvin next week, big plus.


Good to see they're keeping the fast pace.

Sif, Kree, Inhumans info dump, Skye's powers revealed to everyone.

Now to find out wtf Bobbi and Mack are doing.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
Great episode this week, a moment was never wasted.

Knew from last week that it wouldn't be long until Skye's secret was revealed. This would've been my highlight of the week, were it not for Lady Sif (I concur with Carlie, make her a regular character pl0x). I'm dying to know what Mack and Bobbi are up to aa well.


Playing All The Stuff!
Amizon, Commander Shepard, Ellie, Rinoa Heartilly, Xena, Clara Oswald, Gamora, Lana Kane, Tifa Lockhart, Jodie Holmes, Chloe Price.
More than likely flashbacks, but I'd love to have her back as a regular, if not recurring.


The..."real" SHIELD? Any comic book experts that can clear up what this means? What about that logo?

Will David Hasselhoff be in charge of it?

Razor blade she has blades grafted to her fingers and instead of them being removed and her thrown in prison, SHIELD just gave her that weird contraption?
Uhh. That's a complicated solution for an easy problem.
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Chloe Frazer
Damn Kyle MacLachlan is clearly enjoying himself playing Mr Hyde, he's doing an awesome job chewing the scenery. Also " So what's your thing? 'Cause I was kinda hoping for wings."

That chick Karla got razor blades in her hands to deal with her abusive boyfriend, was using a gun not an option?

Big plus on giving focus to May's backstory.

Fitz and Simmons conversation about May and her ex, well that sounds familiar guys.

The prevalent theory going around is that 'the real SHIELD' was started by Stark Industries and that this is leading to Civil Wars.

I got this feeling that Jiaying is still alive and Calvin's in for a big surprise.


Chloe Frazer
Good episode, mostly just setting up for big things to come.
- "Hunter there's no way out!" *Hunter escapes immediately afterwards* Yeah that's not a very secured place.

- So Mack's reasons for being with the real SHIELD are pretty clear, they share the same views but Bobbi's really aren't. She looks out of place there. Is she there out of loyalty? She and Gonzales do seem to go back.

- I would totally be on board with Edward James Olmos as Director of SHIELD.

- I'm glad Agent Weaver is alive, Christine Adams is a good actress.

- Wait another asshole being played by Kirk Acevedo, well hello Agent Assholvedo!

- So Talbot thinks Agent 33 might impersonate him, a male but only rounds up female personnel. That doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

- I would like more of Simmons and Fitz arguing more hypothetical Avengers scenarios.

- I think Simmons is probable to switch sides to 'the real SHIELD' considering she shares some of their views, she admires Bobbi and one of her professors is there.

- 'The real SHIELD' definitely tying into Civil Wars.

- Oh look Quake's gauntlets with side effects, future plot point.
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Glad to see Coulson and May suspect Mack. Looks like it'll be SHIELD vs SHIELD in the next episode.

I wonder if there's anything to New!SHIELD. I mean, Coulson and his team actually accomplished things. Took out a few Hydra heads, established some connections and rebuilt trust with the US military/Talbot...what has new!SHIELD done so far?

"There's no way out of this, Hunter!"
*Hunter slaps two or three people and then casually escapes from an aircraft carrier*

Ward and Agent 33 are back! I wonder what their game is. They're not really affiliated with anyone anymore.
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