Mass Effect Series


Chloe Frazer
Wrex is always amazing but yeah he wants amazing in the DLC and I absolutely loved it. I used him all the time, he had the best and funniest lines.

Legion not getting mentioned was the only thing I didn't like about the DLC.


that was amazing.

and that's about all i can say about it at the moment, because instead of going to bed 5 hours ago I played this DLC all night and now I have to be up in 3 hours. today is going to be fun >_>.

Really, I'm going to have to play it again and write down all the things I loved about it, there was just that much that hit the nail on the head with every single character (aside from Legion apprently, who I'm ashamed to say I completely forgot about until you guys mentioned him even though he's one of my favourites).

I just loved it loved it loved it best DLC ever and the most amazing end to the series, I couldn't have asked for more. Emotional in all the right places and hilarious in all the others. I'm going to make that snapshot my desktop background for the rest of eternity.


Joe, Arcana

I wasn't even going to get this DLC but with this kind of reception I don't think I have much choice.


Chloe Frazer
I'm playing through the party again and I keep listening to Party Hard while doing it. Guys help what has Bioware done to me? It's just so perfect, I can't stop playing it.

Also I've been looking through youtube for someone that did the party with Legion still alive but haven't found anything yet.


Also, just for clarification, before I do play this: I know that it takes place in game before the ending, but is there anything about it that could be considered spoiler-ish?


No. There's maybe a tiny bit of foreshadowing in what some of the characters say but definitely no spoilers at all.

I can't do a full write up about it right now (technically the time I used to play it yesterday was stolen time from other things I should really be doing) but all I want to do is play it again. I mean I even really liked the armax arena, coz you know what's fun?
Killing collectors with Samara and Kasumi again oooooooooo yeahhhhhhhh.

Also just a few things from what I remember:

I really really really love the fact that they didn't give the majority of screen time to any group of characters with the whole inviting people over and conversations at the party. I mean the way there are like 4 stages to the party and you can decide how it goes (I went for, turn it up, louder, and DANCE!) and the fact that those choices affect all the conversations means I just HAVE to play it again! And how they all group together and talk about ALL THE THINGS

And Garrus saying "I need to stop saying the word calbiration... maybe when Liara stops saying "BY THE GODDESS"" In the aftermath is just about one of the funniest things ever. Dat voice yo.

Zaeed flirting with Samara.
Thane memorial.
Mordin datapad in the morning.
Tali hung over.
Tali feeling awkward about Traynor coming on to EDI.
Kasumi commenting on Jack/Miranda when they're bitching at each other.
The fact that Jack/Miranda get to bitch at each other again.
Being able to play with any combination of squadmates against any enemy type.
Liara biotically lifting Vega.
All the characters being drunk.
Kasumi randomly appearing in almost every conversation.
Kasumi randomly appearing on one of the beds.
New LI date, and much much LI interaction.
Almost anything Miranda said.
Kasumi taking the piss out of Jacob.
Wrex's chat about making babies and then him and Grunt at the party.

There are literally like a bajillion things and I can't remember half of them. MUST PLAY AGAIN. NUMEROUS TIMES.

Does anyone know if you can go back in and throw another party? I know you can go back to the place but it would be interesting if you could.


unsavory tart
Kasumi had me laughing the entire dlc, well the entire dlc had me laughing, but her randomly going in and out of invisible throughout the party was brilliant. And all the biotics admitting to throwing their stuff and friends around as kids.

And is it just me or does Mordin imply that he and Aria... O_o


Here's some spoiler free copy paste from a review:

(We'll keep the spoilers to a minimum in this report, both for Mass Effect 3 in general and the "Citadel" DLC specifically, but the YouTube videos I link to do contain complete scenes from the DLC. Expect spoilers if you click through.)

Mass Effect 3 has had several downloadable content packages released which expand on some aspects of the single-player game, including most recently the "Omega" package, but this week Bioware let loose rather a different single-player pack: the "Citadel" DLC. What makes it different isn't just that it includes participation from every major Mass Effect crew character and voice actor—though that's a welcome change from some past Mass Effect DLC packs—but that the focus of the package isn't really on tossing Shepard and crew into another combat arena. Instead, the DLC quite literally lets the crew of the Normandy get boozed up and partied out...and it's great.

The first game in the Mass Effect series was very much a formulaic, cookie-cutter Bioware game, complete with the requisite Tower of Hanoi puzzle. But over the series' three games I've come to care deeply about Shepard and the crew of the Normandy. The friendships and romances formed are a significant part of the attraction, far more so than the combat, which has never really been my favorite. The role-playing aspect has been the reason I've stuck with Shepard and company. The moments in Mass Effect 3 that were the most powerful and beautiful weren't the huge set-piece explosion-fests, but the bits of character interaction between missions—the kind of things that people often write fan fiction about. What do the characters do when they're off-duty?

The "Citadel" DLC contains an interesting mission as its base, but its true purpose is to provide Commander Shepard and the Normandy crew with a giant apartment on the Citadel in which to throw the mother of all parties (I am not being metaphorical here). The DLC is a big, wet, sloppy three-hour fan-service kiss... and as everyone's favorite Turian once said, "I'm OK with that."

The DLC's tone is light throughout, and every single main crew member from all three Mass Effect games gets at least a few minutes in the spotlight. Even the main plot mission is carried off with tongue firmly in cheek. Characters offer up quips more often here and every scene feels like it's done with a nod and a wink to the fans.

It may be too silly for some fans, however. Mass Effect 3 is generally a pretty serious game, dealing with a galactic-level extinction event and the destruction of all known life. Shepard's team is on the clock for the whole game, trying to rally support for their war against world-destroying enemies, and the player is constantly reminded that even as the crew is relatively safe flying around in space, Earth is under siege. The rare bits of relaxation in the game feel like genuinely stolen moments, and there's always a bit of guilt that you're not trying harder to save Earth.

"Citadel" upends that. Shepard and the crew are on shore leave—dropping the Normandy off at dock and gettin' crunk in Admiral Anderson's enormous Citadel apartment. Without dropping spoilers, the DLC is timed to take place after the midpoint in the game. If it were inserted at that point into my first playthrough of Mass Effect 3, the interlude would seem ridiculous and out-of-place, releasing the game's tension like a balloon rapidly deflating. "Sure, the galaxy is at stake," it seems to say, "but let's all party and ham it up for the camera for a bit!"

But for most of the players interested in this particular DLC, it's not really taking place midgame. For those who have played through the game already, the DLC functions as Bioware clearly meant it to function: it's one last big, beautiful goodbye.

Every important crewmember from each game gets a moment alone with Shepard. Some scenes are heartbreaking; others will make you smile so hard that your face will be in danger of cracking. Even love interests given short shrift in Mass Effect 3 (like Miranda Lawson and Jacob Taylor) are allowed one last extended scene with Shepard.

"Citadel" is just that—a series of "one last times," stuffed full of treasure for those who love the series and its characters. The folks at Bioware have absolutely outdone themselves, cramming in an almost overwhelming number of inside jokes and giggles. The DLC even offers a direct response to one of the most infamous bits of Mass Effect fan-generated insanity to ever pop up on the Internet: a creepy-weird bit of armchair chemistry theorizing about what ship engineer Tali's sweat would smell like.

For players like me who are emotionally invested in the series, "Citadel" is excellent. It's like a gift from Bioware, a perfect bit of fanwankery made canonical. Whether or not it fits in with the larger tone of Mass Effect 3 is questionable, but it gives us all one last chance to see Shepard and his crew happy. This can sometimes be a bit too much, like eating your entire haul after trick-or-treating, but who doesn't want to overdose on candy every once in a while?


Loving it so far!
I've just been picked up by Joker after having escaped the archives. Can I say that I really love the little backstory you get throughout the archives, as well as the humor/banter? Yessssss.
Anyway, getting back to it now :P


Mr. Thou
How in holy hell did I miss this???

Is this in the "quiet" party?
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Chloe Frazer
Yeah that's in the quiet party. The quiet party has some hilarious moments but it doesn't hold a candle to the drunken one.


Mr. Thou
Yup, apparently single Femshep + take Javik everywhere and talk to him a lot.

It's the Barret date 2.0 to complete the Gold Saucer 2.0.


Chloe Frazer
If you have the husk head from Leviathan it's screaming at the bottom of the trash. Can you guys imagine the mercs reaction when they saw it? :monster:

Btw bringing EDI with you to
save the Normandy is pure gold because this happens:

Also for the first time EDI is actually angry and wants to kill people:

Also this is for Jess because she spent a significant part of Tuesday night trying to find a video of the
James/Ash hook up.

That's not the whole thing. This makes him giving her that bottle of tequila earlier in the game funnier in hindsight.
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aw man, I didn't know you could take that screaming husk head from the lab! I don't know if I would have, that thing was freaking creepy as hell, but I didn't even know you had the option!


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon



Chloe Frazer
aw man, I didn't know you could take that screaming husk head from the lab! I don't know if I would have, that thing was freaking creepy as hell, but I didn't even know you had the option!

James is the one that suggests you take it after being bitten by it and thinking he's going to turn into a zombie or something. It scares the shit out of the hamster. I have no idea how Shep and their LI can get in the mood to have sex in that room with the head there.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
oh my god everything about this is

so many feels end of the Shepard trilogy im cry

Also can't help but feel a bit sorry for the Big Bad of the story >: but oh well TOO BUSY PARTYING WITH MY CREW WHO AREN'T CANNON FODDER mmmmfh


To be honest the DLC feels like, uh... you know how in animu there's always a whole bunch of dumb filler episodes that don't contribute to the plot at all, but every now and again you see one that's so heart-warming and feel-good you kind of just accept it for the fanservice it is?

Citadel DLC is kinda like that for me - it's so obviously just the developers (esp. the writing team) going for a joy-ride and going all-out with the banter. Plot-wise Citadel is sometimes just so silly that I personally wouldn't include it in a proper playthrough of the main game but for a last hurrah of the trilogy this is so perfect anyway.
It calls back to the most memorable parts of the series in such witty, mocking ways, and ramps up to eleven the one thing that made all of the games so great regardless of its (sometimes hit-and-miss) gameplay - Bioware's mastery over writing with a sense of character, and the cameraderie developed between these characters over the course of several years.

This is the note for Shepard's trilogy to end on, imo. Despite what you think of the ending, whichever game of the three you think is better or best, this DLC has me leaving the franchise remembering it with nothing but fondness~


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Also this is possibly the only DLC I've ever had that I've considered playing through multiple times in a single sitting just to see the other dialogue possibilities in other squadmate configurations (like jesus harold christ i don't even want to touch that Javik youtube video until I've seen it for myself)

but its 1.30 am holy shit
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