Mass Effect Series


James is the one that suggests you take it after being bitten by it and thinking he's going to turn into a zombie or something. It scares the shit out of the hamster. I have no idea how Shep and their LI can get in the mood to have sex in that room with the head there.

I know I certainly wouldn't be able to. Nope. No way.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
oh my god glyph is playing Vigil on the piano

blueberry waifu


Finished ME3 today. If I could just go through this thread and copy/paste everyone's responses, I would. I mean, well, I guess I technically could do that, but you guys already know everything that everyone has said. Suffice it to say that I was not satisfied, so Kat, Splintered, Lex, Force - I agree with all of you. I think that sums it up.

I do still want to do another playthrough of ME2 and ME3, going more Paragon this time and hooking up with Garrus, though :monster:


Double Growth
I finished Citadel yesterday. Freaking fantastic. I loved just about every part of it. I loved the attention paid to each of the cast, and their interactions between one another. They all open themselves up to Sheaprd and they interact a bit, but this was the most I've ever noticed their personalities really being placed against one another. I also liked how it begs to be replayed to see what else you can do.

The date with Garrus was a high point. That was so freaking hilarious and sweet and adorable all at once, what an unbelievably great pairing they would make. Talk about a badass couple.

Shepard telling Miranda and Jack to "just kiss and get it over with." I died. :lol:

I have decided, this officially the ending of Mass Effect. With the exception of one brief scene, it is incredibly easy to just slot this in is as an Epilogue after the Reapers are defeated. The way the whole cast acts? As though they're getting together for one last hurrah? That they're so nonchalant about everything since they've already saved the universe multiple (3 :D) times, allowing them to be so cocky and not take the enemies seriously at all. It all just works too well be taking place in the midst.

Anyone beating the game from here on out, skip the DLC, watch the ending and purge all the bullshit and then go into this as though Anderson just left the apartment to Shepard. It's glorious. :monster:

Definitely worth the $15.


Chloe Frazer
Cassie - So you want to test Garrus reach and femshep's flexibility eh? :monster:

btw Splintered I forgot to say you were totally right,
Mordin slept with Aria:

Mordin: Asari very grateful. Could read her like open book. As it happened, did enjoy reading... in bed.
Mordin: "Your barriers very similar to your morals," I said, and threw my biotic grenade. "Warped."
Mordin: Hadn't been paid, but considered self fortunate. Had broken Omega's one rule...
in more ways than one.

Mordin you are the man. :monster:

edit: Dammit got ninja'd my Force.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
oh god Mordin is singing about the amino acids

this is the best


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon

mmm Jennifer Hale talk sexy to me moar

edit: I guess my favorite moment is at the end in D24. It's just so final in the most heart-wrenching way, especially the things said by Shepard and his/her LI. Damnitall Bioware, thank you. Thank you for this beautiful series.
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Chloe Frazer
Here are more feels Satsu shun:

Also this are 3 of my favorite moments of the DLC:

I bet Jennifer Hale had been dying to say "Go for the eyes!" since Baldur's Gate. :monster:


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
It's really interesting to see how much effort in the animation and cinematography they put in for this DLC. There are so many animations and moments that stand out simply because they're much more fluid than the standard cookie-cutter ones they use for the rest of ME3.

This one in particular is quickly becoming my most favorite, not least because it actually involves a surprisingly brilliant performance by two of the voice actors I dislike the most, and includes animation that was quite obviously made for this scene alone:

It's a defining moment of the series when Mark Meer pulls off this scene even better than Hale imo - and look at that expression at 0:55! It's an incredibly expressive, almost human scene that shows how far Bioware have come since the days of having people stare at each other and yammer on like robots.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
yeah that was kinda like ehhhhhhhhhhhhhh

I mean I liked it, but it doesn't really compare to Liara's Vigil theme

Shepard's reply was priceless though. :monster:


Oh Jesus Christ I had no idea that existed. I'm working so hard to feel feels but it's not working.

Also the actress takes her mask off if it's a non romance. I'm assuming this romance version is Bioware's cunning response to the fact that we never actually see Tali's face.


Chloe Frazer
Oh when I found that video of Tali singing I was so scared that maleshep would start singing too that I didn't watch it because that would've been horrible. Honestly the scene is really weird, Tali I love you but please don't do that ever again.

Liara still remembers the Prothean bubble:

Joker trying to score free drinks:

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I saw that Joker one. Keep these videos coming guys I don't have time to replay the DLC right now and these are making my days better <3

Also just FYI, the DLC's soundtrack is available for free from the Bioware website. You just have to log in to activate the link (everyone who has ME3 has an Origin login, its just your email address and password you made when you started the game up).


Chloe Frazer
Well then let the videos continue. :monster:

Wrex is not enjoying the perks of helping cure the genophage:

Tali's drunken hilarity, I think this is either the quiet party or some people are dead for this to happen:



Chloe Frazer



Chloe Frazer
Of 50 people hearing Joker's story 25 were impressed, the Bartender was not impressed. :monster:

Two of my favorite moments from the DLC:



It's the Kasumi pop-up that makes it - "I'm ready to record".

I just loved the interaction between those two in 2, was really nice to see it make a friendly return.


Chloe Frazer
Javik likes Liara:


Garrus and Zaeed attempt to secure Shepard's apartment in case another clone attacks, they did not think it through. :monster:

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