Well see I love everything that the DLC offers, and it gives me this great insight into everything and it's my favorite thing to play atm but it just feels... I dunno, too short? I'd say it took me less than 2 hours to finish it, compared with the base game which cost a bit less than 60 bucks and I clocked in about 50 hours of gameplay. (this is all AUD btw)
My favorite dossiers are Legion's gamer profile FUCKING LOL and Grunt's shitty internet searching dawwwww
also, running spinning leaping neck snap and Samara's mommy paraphenalia
EDIT: Also I noticed how incredibly snark all the dialogue in LotSB is compared to the main game. Fitting given the old-times thing going on but the change was a little sudden for me
But the driving banter was gold and taking a jab at the ME1 mechanics was lol and "REMEMBER THE GOOD OL DAYS WHERE WE COULD JUST SLAP OMNIGEL ON EVERYTHING" and "BETTER THAN THE MAKO HAW HAW"
So in conclusion I like this a lot but I wish the bang for my buck banged for longer no pun intended /liarashep