Mass Effect Series


Chloe Frazer
Mister you were on twitter while a new episode of GoT was on, that was not my fault.


Pro Adventurer
So I was helping Shiara, the Asari from Zhu's Hope, on Illium, and is it just me or did she give me some suggestive looks/touches after I helped her? :wacky:

I just heard a Krogan reciting poetry too. It was really nice. I love it when individual personalities shine through out of the common racial assumptions. :D

The Asari bartender here is awesome. I loved listening to her stories.

Turian crushing on his Quarian friend :awesome:

Salarian talking to his Asari daughter.

All of these little conversations and stuff that you hear simply by walking around cities is amazing. Each one has a little story to it, gives you an insight into the game's universe. I think all these little details is one of the big reasons why I love this game.



Aaahw, but why? It's so awkward and cute.
I figure in the play-throughs where Shepard doesn't take either of them, they might as well be together. I'd really like it if my Shepard could have both:wacky:.

@Flare, there really is some great stuff littered about. Come back to some of them later, and the story will have progressed and have some more dialogue for you.


Chloe Frazer
So I was helping Shiara, the Asari from Zhu's Hope, on Illium, and is it just me or did she give me some suggestive looks/touches after I helped her? :wacky:

Oh yes.

Asari bartender here is awesome. I loved listening to her stories.

Yeah that's Matriarch Aethyta, she's awesome and not just because she's voiced by Claudia Black (Morrigan).

I never saw the Salarian with Asari daughter! Amazing. On Ilium?



Pro Adventurer
I'd really like it if my Shepard could have both:wacky:.

I almost wish this for Thane and Garrus :awesome: One seems so slick, like you know, smooth scaly skin, the other has nice angles and grips and.........

*ahem* :closedmonster:

I never saw the Salarian with Asari daughter! Amazing. On Ilium?

Yeah they're on Illium, down near the taxi service you take to find Samara. They're shopping for souvenirs; I think the Salarian is trying to find something for her mother. It was a cool snippet of conversation.

:monster: Not the best lighting but it's the best I could do with what I got. I loves her. I'm glad you get to import your character.

Jacob: Who am I kidding, I have no more impressions of Jacob :wackymonster: Except he seemed to have a beef with Thane.

Miranda: Did her loyalty mission. Awww look, she has a heart after all :awesome: Totally seems like a good sister. She's getting a change for the better with her character.

Mordin: I just like him better and better. He's definitely a character that I get a lot of conversation from, and the 'brilliant scientist with a heart' thing is endearing.

Garrus: His loyalty mission had me worried for him. He was getting kind of violent and tense and angry all the time. I actually thought it was pretty awesome characterization, because I felt genuinely worried about him being changed by the betrayal he went through and how desiring revenge was affecting him. I've already flirted with him once, but I'm going to do Thane's loyalty mission first before deciding who to go with :awesome: I love how Garrus is super shocked by flirting and then rolls with it.

Grunt: Seems like he's more friendly and has 'found himself' since becoming part of Wrex's clan, but his characterization seems to have kind of stopped since that mission. I'm a bit disappointed. XD

Jack: Aww is someone getting embarrassed that I keep talking to her? :awesome: She also changes, like I thought she would, but still seems like she's got a ways to go yet. I did her loyalty mission (brought Miranda along for it, so I got some snippets of dialogue from Miranda during it that was cool to see).

I'm interrupting here to make note of the fight between the children that commenced after Jack's loyalty mission. :closedmonster:
How did I settle it? I told them both to STFU. They're both in the wrong, far as I'm concerned. Jack doesn't need to personally rage at Miranda since Miranda did nothing to her and had zero involvement with what happened to Jack. And Miranda needs to admit Cerberus did wrong and stop antagonizing Jack about shit.
So yeah, I wasn't about to take sides.

I've always liked Tali. She's got a good head on her shoulders and is another old friend that I get to have back for this game. <3 Still have to do her loyalty mission. I liked the recruiting mission for her though, that was fun. I helped save the commander (?) with her, which felt good. I'm just so fascinated by the Geth and the Quarian history.
As a side note, during a side mission in ME1, you come across a Geth base and there's a part where you click a terminal and get this description that seems to describe a recording of a Quarian singing some song, and the Geth are all standing around listening to it.
Methinks that at least some Geth like/are grateful to the Quarians for creating them. I thought it was an interesting touch.

Thane: Totally not how I expected an assassin to be. He's actually a good guy (at least now), rescuing the workers under Nassana from being killed and whatnot. He's got a strange voice. So far I like him, though his now-short lifespan isn't good. :closedmonster: Was pleasantly surprised to hear he had a wife and has a son; cool to see character's have families like that.

I'm getting Samara, then probably doing Thane's mission, then I'll get Kasumi, or something like that. :monster:

So I was helping Shiara, the Asari from Zhu's Hope, on Illium, and is it just me or did she give me some suggestive looks/touches after I helped her? :wacky:

Oh yes.

Ohoho :awesome:

Carlie said:
Yeah that's Matriarch Aethyta, she's awesome and not just because she's voiced by Claudia Black (Morrigan).

Ohhh Morrigan's VA? How cool! <3 Yes she's awesome, probably one of my favorite Asari so far :awesome:


Still have to do her loyalty mission. I liked the recruiting mission for her though, that was fun. I helped save the commander (?) with her, which felt good.
Wait as long as you can on that loyalty mission. I went charging in and didn't have enough paragon or renegade to resolve optimally. Also, I think that guy died in my last playthrough because I told him he could fight if he felt like it.

I've already flirted with him once, but I'm going to do Thane's loyalty mission first before deciding who to go with :awesome:
I don't know whether to encourage you to take Thane, or to back away slowly. I did it. Took him, that is. It was beautiful, that's all I'll say.

Edit: Also, your Shepard is very pretty.
Last edited:

The G'randiest' Daddy

Teh Bunneh of Doom
*Wants to buy DLC for ME2*

*Can't buy Bioware points on Origin without owning DA2*

*Doesn't want to own DA2, particularly now*

*Bioware points 50% more expensive on Bioware thanks to exchange rate*



We have come to terms


Pro Adventurer

I like her <3


The Collectors are Protheans that have been under Reaper control for like 50 thousand years?!? What the fuck. That's terrible.

Awesome story point though, I didn't see that coming.


We have come to terms
It's like the big twist in ME1 - never saw it coming until it happened and then you're like oh shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit


Save your valediction (she/her)
Step 1. Take picture of teevee with fone
Step 2. Poast on Twitter.
Step 3. Play with url until you get a direct link to the image
Step 3. Profit



Pro Adventurer
Mmkay bullet pointing some thoughts on where I'm at so far. :awesome:

- Rachni were under Reaper control in the past and that's why they started the war? Love this plot point; I feel really good about letting the Queen survive and I hope things go good for them.
- Illium is cool
- Liara has become extremely cold blooded :closedmonster: Like damn... she ain't a sweetheart anymore except for a few sentences towards me.
- Getting Thane was a fun mission.
- Getting Samara was kind of fun, most enjoyable part was telling the detective she could disobey suicide orders and having Thane and Garrus back-talk me, the jerks :awesome:
- Got Kasumi, chatted with her, then did her loyalty mission which was quite fun. I loved the 'investigative' nature of it. DA Ogre sculpture :awesome:
Also: "It's clean."
"It's a plant."
- Did more space exploring.
- Found a mining facility with HUSKS all in it and really creepy vibes and sounds and messages
- Fuck Husks
- Thane's loyalty mission was a lot of fun. I really enjoy the ones that are different, with minimal/no fighting involved. I played bad cop and punched/threatened a guy a few times. It was awesome (I'm usually a Paragon). Also, Quintin Flynn voices his son :awesome:

-Ended up picking Thane as my romance choice. I couldn't help it. The start was either a mutual romantic attracting going on with him or "Hey we're friends and in space so lets bang" with Garrus, so.... romance wins me over every time. :closedmonster: (Autosave made me lose any save with Garrus too, so I have to wait til next playthrough to get with him.) Also I really really like Garrus so this was the toughest choice I've made in this game so far.

- I went after the Reaper IFF. Fucking Husks. Awesomely creepy atmosphere. Crew video logs was great, I love this terrible creepy stuff.
- Knowing that even a dead Reaper can indoctrinate people is frightening.
- Adding to the creepy factor, the shitload of Husks there had to have been in hiding on the ship, not all of those were former Cerberus operatives. Seeing some of the crew stuck on spikes was terrible too; imagine how it must've been to lose their minds slowly and then let themselves get impaled.
- I could do with more creep-factor missions, ME. Give me mooorre
- Geth sniper said hello. Wat
- Nabbed Geth sniper
- Woke him up because seriously you guys, fuck you :awesome:
- Awesome story point about the Geth. Only a fraction of them were bad. Which means there's probably billions of them. Huh :closedmonster:
- Having Geth fight against Reapers is awesome. I quite like Legion. <3
- Just did Samara's mission last night. Enjoyed the clubbing part :awesome: Ended up killing Morinth, wasn't too tough of a decision for this playthrough. Next time I'll probably do it the other way around for the heck of it.

Aaaaand that's all for now. :D
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