Mass Effect Series


Double Growth
I don't use a guide the first time through any game. (The story, at least) I mean, what's the point? Why not just read the guide and not play the game if you're gonna do that.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I have a habit of combing these sorts of RPGs for every single sidequest and every single minigame.

So I tend to get near 100% completions on most of my first playthroughs anyway :monster:. Also I clocked in about 60 hours on the first game rofl


We have come to terms
So question - did Tali's loyalty power unlock, Force?

Also, can't believe I haven't asked - what class and gender are you playing, and what kind of choices did you make in the first "game"?


Double Growth
It did not, she's pissed at me I guess.

And female infiltrator. Which appears to be a fairly common choice around here, but I didn't actually know that when I made my character:)
As for decisions, I saved Wrex, saved Kaidan, killed the Rachni Queen, saved the Alliance fleet/sacrificed the council, and chose Anderson.


Joe, Arcana
Good man. :monster:

One thing about the comic is that it doesn't rely on a high enough Para/Renegade rating. In ME1 it's necessary to keep Wrex alive. Otherwise you OR THAT BITCH ASHLEY inevitably shoot him.


We have come to terms
I think female is the canon gender, and that romance with Liara is canon for ME1 - if any is done at all.

But good show on Infiltrator >:3

Does the comic give romance options? :huh:


Double Growth
No, although the dialogue options with Kaidan certainly seemed like they were together. And, yeah, if you use the paragon interrupts with Liara they also talk like they had something (although you don't have the option to kiss her like I hear is there if you got with her).


Joe, Arcana
Aye, it simply lets you pick between the two.

It's also interesting that in the default opening scene for ME2 on the PS3 version, it is Liara that is running through the Normandy during the attack, and not Ashley/Kaiden depending on which is the opposite gender.

EDIT: I was sure I saw it there when I watched the comic on youtube :huh:


Double Growth
Maybe, I don't really remember, I didn't know who Liara was at the time :monster: But given that you haven't decided whether you saved Ashley or Kaidan yet, that makes sense.

I know "its just not the same," or whatever, but the comic does a pretty decent job. It's a pretty good overview. It's also where I realized what you guys are always on about how good female Shepard's voice actor is. She's does a great job explaining ME1's events in a way that made me care enough that I wasn't just picking decisions at random. The only decision that really is a toss-up is saving Kaidan or Ashley. They don't really give you any inclination of anything about them so you pretty much would have to flip a coin. I didn't because I played the first third or so of ME1 and remembered Ashley being annoying.

When I played some of the first one I was the guy, and I don't really remember his voice but I know I already cared a lot more after her narration of the comic than I did while I was playing.


Joe, Arcana
It's not that his voice is bad, it's that there is just no expression in it. Femshep's is full of it and it really is more immersive.

As far as picking Kaiden/Ashley go, that's one decision that's made better by the first game. You've already been playing with them for some time and so you have some of feeling for them be it one way or another. It carries a lot more weight.


Joe, Arcana
Oh yeah. Apparantly the second pack of alternate appearance dlc was released today.


Miranda doesn't look terrible in hers, Tali's is fine and so is Grunt's.
I think they could have done a better job with this. =/
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Really not impressed by any of that tbh.
The addition of visors isn't really worth whatever they will charge in order to secure it from xbl.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
Fuck, I was really hoping the Bioware forum's crusade for Steampunk Legion would have gotten itself included in the second alternate appearance pack.

I'll definitely be getting this. Looks pretty snazzy.


Joe, Arcana
I mostly play on Normal difficulty, though i'm sure I tried those levels on my one Harcore playthrough. I've never had the Hammerhead blow up at all. I was beginning to assume it was invincible. ^_^'

Alex, it'll likely get put in the next one if it's making that big an impact on the forum. If so I might get it when I next have cash. I also wanna get the first one, if only for Jack's outfit. Not too big on any of the others. Miranda's looks good to me, but I barely use her.
I started the Hammehead missions on my insane playthrough and blew up in seconds and couldn't figure out why until I remembered the difficulty. :P


Double Growth
Well I can't seem to hit a damn thing with it. Explosions appear to be hitting turrets, but there's this very specific spot that takes damage. Meanwhile the thing catches fire about 3 seconds. Pretty infuriating. I finished Project Overlord but gave up on getting the data packets, and I'm thinking I'll just blow off the Firewalker missions. I'm pretty sure I've done everything else and all that's left is go through the Omega 4 relay.

After Jack and Miranda's fight - how do I regain Miranda's loyalty? I see the renegade and paragon dialogue choices grayed out, how high does it have to be before I can use them? My paragon score is just about to cross into the last segment, will getting across that do it or do I need to completely max it?


Joe, Arcana
With Miranda you'll pretty much have to completely max it out, or almost get there.


Double Growth
Bah, annoying. I would have sided with her had I known. But, in the moment, she seemed like she was being the bigger bitch.


Joe, Arcana
Pah I always side with Jack.
It's better to side with Jack anyway, otherwise you lose all conversation options with her, even if you get the loyalty back. With Miranda she'll come crawling back.


Double Growth
I'm just concerned about my chances for success. I don't actually know what happens in the end of the game, but I know there's a trophy for no one dying, and I'm sure loyalty will play into it, and as it stands I have 3 not-loyal party members. (Tali, Zaeed, and Miranda) So if I could get Miranda back that'd be great, I'd feel more comfortable with only 2 :monster:


wangxian married
Miranda's loyalty is more valuable tbqh /kanyeshrug

That game seriously caught me with my pants down for nearly all those renegade/paragon options with loyalty-related shit.
I sort of shat bricks when I couldn't pass Morinth's last two speech checks.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
I beat all the Hammerhead missions on Insane, never had that much trouble with them. The trick is to play cheap and just shoot them from outside their firing range :awesome: or if you get close just keep constantly moving back and forth/up and down, makes it so that you can avoid pretty much every slow firing weapon.

As for loyalty speech options, I never had any paragon options greyed out during my 1st playthrough. Then in my NG+ I've had them greyed out several times - Jack/Miranda's fight, fighting Morinth's mind-control thinger, convincing Zaeed to not be a dick. And considering both playthroughs are paragon....I dunno. Apparently it's not only your paragon/renegade points that matter, but how many paragon/renegade decisions you've made and what level you are at the time (the higher level you are the more points you require to make a paragon/renegade action).

Not sure how much of that is true, there's a lot of conflicting info out there.
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