Mass Effect Series


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
Aye. It's such a real shame to be honest. PS3 users will appreciate 3 more because you'll be able to get a glimpse of what Xbox360 and PC users experienced when it came to the port from 1 to 2, but at the same time they will still be missing out on the full experience which undoubtedly will be mind-blowing.

I remember a few xBox users complaining that the PS3 version of ME2 would be the 'best' one, but it isn't because of the lack of the first one. So PS3 ME2 looks a bit better; so what? I rather take a graphical downgrade and have the chance to play the first one.

I started a new game with a male Shepard, what the hell is wrong with the voice?! Boring flat monotone regardless of what he’s saying, I haven’t heard VA this bad since the old PS1 Resident Evil. “Take this ammo Jill, it’s very powerful against LIVING THINGS.”

Still enough negativity; what do guys & gals think is the right choice for the ending? Blowing up the collector base just cos’ or preserving it so Cerberus can backwards engineer it’s technology & possibly save humanity? Because is seems to me that the Renegade ‘bad’ ending is the right choice to make.


.. ? ..
King of the Potato People


We have come to terms
Are you using Incendiary Rounds?
Because it just got hot in here.

btw I just remembered to come back and comment on this

Namely that I saw it while at work and started choking into the phones with laughter XD


Joe, Arcana
Don't mention it Tiger ;]

As far as the ending goes Russell, i'll spoiler tag it since ME2 is now a new release on PS3.

The ending considered to be 'Paragon' is actually the one in which you Destroy the base. I always found this funny because you're destroying it because of all the inhumane experiments that took place there etc. Whereas during Mordin's loyalty mission, ultimately the Paragon decision there is to keep the data; regardless of all the experiments.
At the same time, I don't trust the Illusive Man. With the 'Paragon' ending you up and leave Cerberus all together, having blown up the collector base. It's my belief that when it comes down to it during ME3, this decision is ultimately going to affect an event in the same way the ending to ME1 (Sacrifice a bunch of human lives for the council, or let the council die for human political dominance.) except it will be a choice already made. What worries me is that knowing Bioware they may use this huge point to potentially wipe out an entire race.

Either way this LAST decision in ME2 is going to have BIG implications for the next one. Of all the choices in the game, it's really one that you can trip up on. Guess we won't know untill ME3 comes out and we see the true implications. Probably around that time we'll all be going back and changing what we chose as the ending :D
L, Castiel, Scotty Mc Dickerson
Don't mention it Tiger ;]

As far as the ending goes Russell, i'll spoiler tag it since ME2 is now a new release on PS3.

The ending considered to be 'Paragon' is actually the one in which you Destroy the base. I always found this funny because you're destroying it because of all the inhumane experiments that took place there etc. Whereas during Mordin's loyalty mission, ultimately the Paragon decision there is to keep the data; regardless of all the experiments.
At the same time, I don't trust the Illusive Man. With the 'Paragon' ending you up and leave Cerberus all together, having blown up the collector base. It's my belief that when it comes down to it during ME3, this decision is ultimately going to affect an event in the same way the ending to ME1 (Sacrifice a bunch of human lives for the council, or let the council die for human political dominance.) except it will be a choice already made. What worries me is that knowing Bioware they may use this huge point to potentially wipe out an entire race.

Either way this LAST decision in ME2 is going to have BIG implications for the next one. Of all the choices in the game, it's really one that you can trip up on. Guess we won't know untill ME3 comes out and we see the true implications. Probably around that time we'll all be going back and changing what we chose as the ending :D

That's the one thing that I think will continue to annoy me about most of my saves
In ME1 I chose to let the council die in order to save the most amount of civilians possible on the citadel. You would assume that would be a good paragon type ending but no. You go into ME2 and essentially get shat on from up high for trying to stage a political cout and then proceed to be chastised by fucking anderson of all people!


Currently going back to ME1 to redo my final decision since hopefully I have a save file just before that choice otherwise another new game will be born....

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Still enough negativity; what do guys & gals think is the right choice for the ending? Blowing up the collector base just cos’ or preserving it so Cerberus can backwards engineer it’s technology & possibly save humanity? Because is seems to me that the Renegade ‘bad’ ending is the right choice to make.
I didn't trust the Illusive Man to be able to do it. I mean, come on, it took him about two years to bring me back and I still have gross facial scars from it! Do I really think he could take time out of his days fucking asari and actually get his scientists to reverse engineer shit from the Collector ship?


Double Growth
So Zaeed's mission,
I saved the people there so that Vido guy flies away when you get to him to piss of Zaeed. Is there any particular reason why the Normandy couldn't pick him up/shoot him down? I'm kind of surprised how little you do with your ship, given that its a space game and everything.
So Zaeed's mission,
I saved the people there so that Vido guy flies away when you get to him to piss of Zaeed. Is there any particular reason why the Normandy couldn't pick him up/shoot him down? I'm kind of surprised how little you do with your ship, given that its a space game and everything.

I remember thinking this as well. But never liked or cared about Zaeed. Tbh I want to do another playthrough where I
leave him to die under the stuff that falls on him. Cause Brookeshep is sometimes a bitch like that.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Because is seems to me that the Renegade ‘bad’ ending is the right choice to make.

This is also the same mistake I made on my first playthrough.

And then I saw him grinning evilly at the holo of the Collector base at the end and I was like "AH FUCK"

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
And then I saw him grinning evilly at the holo of the Collector base at the end and I was like "AH FUCK"

I had the exact same reaction. The reason I chose to give the IM the base though was a) it would be really useful and b) that maybe there would be an option to blow up the Collector base in ME3 once the Reapers were defeated.
Well, whether it's blown up or not
The Illusive Man still gathers enough from it to turn Grayson into a reaper thing so guess they still got enough useful data if you blow it up.


Joe, Arcana
I remember thinking this as well. But never liked or cared about Zaeed. Tbh I want to do another playthrough where I
leave him to die under the stuff that falls on him. Cause Brookeshep is sometimes a bitch like that.

'Tis what I am doing on this playthrough, for my full-on Paragon.


Double Growth
Ugh, well that was the hardest choice I've had to make so far... Tali's mission.

Funny, I disappointed Zaeed by making the Paragon decision, but Tali by the Renegade one. And geez was it ever - 50 points! But I didn't want her exiled for taking the rap for her father. I dunno, this seems like one of the more wishy-washy distinctions between paragon and renegade. I get that its the latter because you're going against her wishes, but her wishes weren't necessarily for the best. And its the not like the game prioritizes respecting your friends' wishes at all costs as paragon - the Zaeed mission being a perfect example.

Not that I actually care about my rating, this is my first playthrough meaning I intend to role play it - act as though it were me, regardless of the rating. I just find it interesting. Playing it this way is kind of interesting, I must say, seeing myself "rated." A black and white system, but still. While I'm definitely paragon, the renegade score isn't ALL that behind it.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Yeah the downside of the system in the 2nd game compared to the first is that come end-game there are actual paragon and renegade scores required to make certain decisions, passing "checks" if you will. Most of them aren't completely earth-shattering ones, but the biggest ones include interludes on the Normandy where you have to have an absurd Paragon or Renegade score to keep the loyalty of certain crew members.

And by damn loyalty is important.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
Kelly ofc

Although tbh with you if you didn't complete all the loyalty missions before you went through with the rest of the quest you are a dum dum :monster:


Double Growth
Yeah the downside of the system in the 2nd game compared to the first is that come end-game there are actual paragon and renegade scores required to make certain decisions, passing "checks" if you will. Most of them aren't completely earth-shattering ones, but the biggest ones include interludes on the Normandy where you have to have an absurd Paragon or Renegade score to keep the loyalty of certain crew members.

And by damn loyalty is important.

So there's no way to have everyone be loyal then, I'm assuming?


Joe, Arcana
There's everyway to have everyone be loyal, but it might not be the easiest thing if you haven't played before or are not using a guide. Once you've played it once or twice anyway you should be able to do it no problem.


I will advise that on an initial playthrough of either ME or ME2, you do not use a guide at all. Everything is affected by what you do and you don't want some guide influencing what is supposed to be your first experience with the story. After you've done it once, go for it. But seriously, I am ADAMANT that nobody look anything up for the games. It's a story-driven game, you don't read sections of a book in the wrong order, to be able to understand it in the best way.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Pretty sure you can do Legion's loyalty mission after
the crew's been kidnapped
and still save Kelly, but it's the only mission you can do.


Double Growth
I'm not using a guide, don't worry :P The only time i looked up anything at all was in the Shadow Broker mission because for some reason when you're supposed to be following the trail of blood...there wasn't one. Turns out it didn't lead anywhere complicated, but I thought it might.


Joe, Arcana
Yeah that's good.

Just say's because one of my friends is playing through at the moment as is using a guide. I'm just like FFFFffff. When you do this, you're essentially taking out one of the greatest things about this game.
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