Mass Effect Series

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
Beat the game today. Pretty awesome I must say. I think it might be the best game in the series, but I'm not sure yet.

Seems like the games been getting a hell of a fandumb/hatedumb going though. People are actually compolaining that its been "dumbed down" from previous mass effect games in both storytelling and gameplay. I wonder if I played the same game as them?

As for the ending
I don't get what so many people are upset about here. Everywhere I look people are deriding it as being a betrayal of the series, saying its Ruined Forever. I don't get it.

The ending I got was kind of a downer, but the reapers were stopped, and the people of the galaxy are still alive even if interstellar travel has been effectively wiped out for the forseeable future. I thought it worked well, allowing victory against the reapers while still highlighting the magnitude of sacrifice needed to stop such a foe.


Chloe Frazer
Beat the game today. Pretty awesome I must say. I think it might be the best game in the series, but I'm not sure yet.

Seems like the games been getting a hell of a fandumb/hatedumb going though. People are actually compolaining that its been "dumbed down" from previous mass effect games in both storytelling and gameplay. I wonder if I played the same game as them?

As for the ending
I don't get what so many people are upset about here. Everywhere I look people are deriding it as being a betrayal of the series, saying its Ruined Forever. I don't get it.

The ending I got was kind of a downer, but the reapers were stopped, and the people of the galaxy are still alive even if interstellar travel has been effectively wiped out for the forseeable future. I thought it worked well, allowing victory against the reapers while still highlighting the magnitude of sacrifice needed to stop such a foe.

So you went with the destroy ending? That's the one I'm going for.
I'm not gonna give any real opinions on the endings yet since I haven't gotten there yet and it's one thing to read about them and another to see it for yourself and especially since it's all of your decisions of the last 3 games coming together for your own personal ending. I do have one problem however
I really wish EDI didn't have to die. :(
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Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
So you went with the destroy ending? That's the one I'm going for.
I'm not gonna give any real opinions on the endings yet since I haven't gotten there yet and it's one thing to read about them and another to see it for yourself and especially since it's all of your decisions of the last 3 games coming together for your won personal ending. I do have one problem however
I really wish EDI didn't have to die. :(

I did the control ending, actually. As far as I know Edi lived. It never showed her dying for me anyway.


Chloe Frazer
EDI and every other synthetic dies in the Destroy ending from what I hear it's also the only ending that Shepard has a chance of surviving. Did he die in the control ending or ascended to a hire plane of existence?

Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
EDI and every other synthetic dies in the Destroy ending from what I hear it's also the only ending that Shepard has a chance of surviving. Did he die in the control ending or ascended to a hire plane of existence?

Well, he kind of disinigrated, so I think he's dead. But he might have ascended or some such. I figure something of him had to be left in order to tell the reapers to bugger off.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum


Hey guys!

Haven't completed it yet, but a few opinions. This includes one big spoiler for what I assume is about 1/4 way through the game and lots of small ones.

Oh my holy fuck this game is HUGE. I am so far totally loving it, so amazing.

I knew Mordin was going to die (I was spoiled beforehand, and that's the only thing I've been spoiled about) but what I didn't know was how emotional it was going to be. I cried for literally about an hour. And I really liked the kind of "cool down" period after it, the second dream sequence with that boy. In fact, that whole mission was totally fucking epic, I even got a tear in my eye when Wrex was being awesome in the middle of it. AND THE MUSIC WAS SO AMAZING!!!

I was seriously upset.

I find myself questioning my decisions in this game. Like deciding to save the Rachni queen again, deciding to cure the Genophage... ugh I'm so confused, but in a good way!.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
About an hour or two into the game, just past the Mars level. (Imported character starts off at level 30, lol)

Not bad so far, although a lot of things taken for granted in order to immerse into the plot. EDI, Ash, Liara, Prothean stuff and infiltration bots galore! Nothing bedazzling atm besides what I already knew from the demo, but I'm sure it only gets better from here.


What's this? Turian Councilor and Udina, not being douchebags? Salarian and Asari Councilors being jerks? What is this, Bizarro Citadel?
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We have come to terms
Hey guys!

Haven't completed it yet, but a few opinions. This includes one big spoiler for what I assume is about 1/4 way through the game and lots of small ones.

Oh my holy fuck this game is HUGE. I am so far totally loving it, so amazing.

I knew Mordin was going to die (I was spoiled beforehand, and that's the only thing I've been spoiled about) but what I didn't know was how emotional it was going to be. I cried for literally about an hour. And I really liked the kind of "cool down" period after it, the second dream sequence with that boy. In fact, that whole mission was totally fucking epic, I even got a tear in my eye when Wrex was being awesome in the middle of it. AND THE MUSIC WAS SO AMAZING!!!

I was seriously upset.

I find myself questioning my decisions in this game. Like deciding to save the Rachni queen again, deciding to cure the Genophage... ugh I'm so confused, but in a good way!.
Interesting fact: that situation with that character has about four or five possible scenarios, including at least one where what happened to him in your game does not happen.

But that was what happened in my game, and I was also moved by it.


Chloe Frazer
Well, he kind of disinigrated, so I think he's dead. But he might have ascended or some such. I figure something of him had to be left in order to tell the reapers to bugger off.

I see. In the synthetics ending he becomes one with the Reapers. He can die in the Destroy ending unless you do everything right. In your ending did the Normandy crash land in an unknown planet as well?

Prince Lex said:
I knew Mordin was going to die (I was spoiled beforehand, and that's the only thing I've been spoiled about) but what I didn't know was how emotional it was going to be. I cried for literally about an hour. And I really liked the kind of "cool down" period after it, the second dream sequence with that boy. In fact, that whole mission was totally fucking epic, I even got a tear in my eye when Wrex was being awesome in the middle of it. AND THE MUSIC WAS SO AMAZING!!!

Mordin's death to me has been the best so far. It was so perfectly executed with the sea shells and somebody else would had gotten it wrong comments and him singing Gilbert and Sullivan right till he died brought such an emotional touch to the scene.


We have come to terms
Apparently there are tons of variables at play here - you can tell the dalatress you'll sabotage it and not, for example. When the first opportunity to mention it comes up, if you reveal her treachery, you're locked in and and Mordin always dies. Buuuuuut...

There is definitely one ending where Mordin lives. And there's one where Eve dies. And you also have the opportunity to murder Mordin yo stop him from curing the genophage. Can't wait for my other playthroughs!


unsavory tart
Beat the game yesterday

I'd tell you my feelings but Mass Effect 3 destroyed them all. When trying to describe how I felt about the ending, I just let out one huge sigh... I don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing. I chose synthesis.

Mordin dying really got to me, just because I thought it was well done, and he starts singing, and he was one of my favorite characters. Apparently you can renegade him alive, but you need to have Wrex dead, WHY DO THIS TO ME.

Thane dying was sad too, but I kind of felt bad for anyone who romanced him in ME2. They got the short end of the stick (my sister did and lol, there's like no difference at all). You can have him alive by not talking to him before the citadel is invaded and he is suppose to die, but then doesn't he just die in the citadel? That's an even worse way to go.

Now that I think about it, did everyone on the citadel die? Captain Bailey? The refugees?

But besides me not being able to figure out if I love or hate the ending, probably a bit of both, I really had a lot of fun with the game. So many sidequests, although I didn't get the Conrad one.

And I punched the reporter lady even though she's a war asset and I'm a paragon. NO REGRETS

I dunno. Got the sudden urge to pick up and play ME2, that's probably what I'll do.


Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
I love the way Bailey turns out in Mass Effect 3. In fact, a lot of the supporting characters seem to be turning into real bros

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I can't believe
there's a way to keep Mordin alive, that's nuts. But if it involves lying to the Krogan about curing the genophage, then I might create a save before it on another playthrough and try it out then re-load, I just couldn't finish a game with such an evil decision. Although I share the fear that the Krogan will rise up and just take over.

The sea shell thing moved me, the singing moved me, and I was crying just before he got in the elevator. Then I cried for a long long time after it.

I cried AGAIN when Thane died. That was another really touching scene with his son and the prayers. Sigh. More tears. I WISH THERE WAS A WAY TO SAVE HIM!!!

I loved Samara's character in ME2 so I was thrilled when she returned and we met her other 2 daughters! Felt bad about her losing another daughter, and also almost screamed while hammering L1 when the paragon option came up when she was about to shoot herself. Mordin, then Thane, and then Samara? I think not. I like being able to talk to the characters at the citadel, but I keep wanting more from some.

I am also liking that Miranda seems to have her own shit going on, but unlike the other ME2 characters she isn't a one-visit pony. I've met her a total of 3 times so far and I get the feeling I'm going to see her again in a greater capacity. I suppose this is logical, considering she's one of the two characters every single player will have had through ME2 and also one of the least likely to die at the end of ME2.

But I'm surprised at Jacob's role. I liked seeing Jack again. I actually like her a LOT more in this game than in ME2, although I've always liked her dialogue. I think I like her more now because she's got less angsty teen-ness but retains the edge.

I love Cortez. He has a bromance with random butchman Vega, he's in no way stereotypical, and he doesn't feel tacked on in anyway. I like the fact that he has such a fleshed out character and will be romancing him with my male shep in a later run.

I've saved this one for Kaidan, and I am shocked and surprised at how well the dialogue has been done. I haven't played passed meeting with the Quarians yet, but the mshep/ Kaidan date on the Citadel made me so very very very happy. I believe I may have clapped and fansqueed. And again, it's well done and doesn't feel tacked on. Their dialogue about "after all this time" and "this makes sense" is very fitting (because he only says these things if you have both kept him alive and not bothered to romance anyone prior to this game, and why would you do that unless you actually wanted to romance him!?).

I also noticed how easy it is to avoid the romances, so I don't get what all the fuss is about (in other places). For example, I didn't want to risk a romance with Cortez because I wanted to romance Kaidan, so I saved before each dialogue tree. The first time you can actually initiate anything beyond friendship with him is not only the third time you meet him off ship, but you actually have THREE dialogue trees of basically "I'm not gay" before the option presents itself. I chose to say I was interested in men, waiting for the right man and then agreed to dance with him before agreeing that we were really good friends. I still don't understand why people are going so nuts over this. It takes a LOT more work to initiate a gay romance than a straight one, them bitches never stop asking to come to the room to talk about things. Although there was some touching dialogue with Liara, as friends ^_^

Regarding Asari -
husks, the banshees - I think they're the creepiest thing I've ever encountered in video games. This game has a slight edge over the other two in terms of flashlight suspense sections (that aren't that creepy, because you're well aware of the horrible things in ME already) but I shit my pants when they start TELEPORTING AT YOU. IT'S REALLY FUCKING SCARY. And the screaming. Good god is that bone chilling.

I think the imagery makes it worse, because the asari are all so beautiful so those things are just complete abominations. I mean, I know husks of all species are abominations but the banshees are the worst so far to me.

Did anyone else think the Turian husks looked a bit like the Mako monster Cloud sees in the Nibelheim Reactor? Hahahaha

Anyway these are my thoughts so far. I have far more opinions and some on the actual story (haha) but I'm too tired. I've clocked about 25-34 hours so far and I've only had it since late on Thursday, I am therefore very tired and going to bed, will post more when I've played more.

If anyone is going to reply to this I'd love to hear shared/ opposing opinions on anything I've written, but please refrain from posting main story spoilers beyond
Meeting with the Quarian fleet, just before the mission with the Geth Dreadnought.
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Satsu, BRIAN BLESSED, MIGHTY AND WISE Junpei Iori: Ace Detective, Maccaffrickstonson von Lichtenstafford Frabenschnaben, Polite Krogan, Robert Baratheon
It's a bit wierd having conversations with Garrus in the Normandy - when he commented on the Grissom Academy mission he went all grimdark for a whole minute about kids losing their innocence, and then cracking a big ol' suave joke about Cerberus afterwards

Garrus you can either be Batman or James Bond
Just pick one


Chloe Frazer
WTH is going with the girls in this game? I found Ash on the floor with the mother of all hangovers after downing a whole bottle of tequila and then find Tali hammered in the bar. Both were fucking hilarious.


alex is dead
Alex, Ashes, Pennywise, Bill Weasley, Jack's Smirking Revenge, Sterling Archer
I was particularly pleased to find that Kasumi's bar had survived the Alliance's 'retrofitting' (read: removing 50% of the wall and ceiling panels, moving some furniture around and building me a fuckoff big war room).



Someone help me. I've just completed the game and I violently need opinions/ other info right now.

So I did every mission that came up in the game. I talked to my crew at every opportunity, I did a paragon run and I'm sure I made all the right decisions.

There's a great big stink around the internet that I understand but I think people are being overdramatic. Everything in this game points to Shepard's end... at the end. By which I mean, I thought I was prepared for Shephard to die. But yet again, no.

Cried like a baby.

I'm not even sure what option I went with, I just heard the options, forgot which way was each one, and went to the blue one on the left. I believe I took control. I don't know.

Then the Normandy crashes on a random world and out walks Joker, Kaidan and EDI. That's it. Why? Why just those 3? Liara and Kaidan were with me in the final mission if that helps. Then post credits an old man was telling some kid a story about the legend of the great commander Shephard.

Seriously someone help me, I need answers.


Mr. Thou
As for the ending
I don't get what so many people are upset about here. Everywhere I look people are deriding it as being a betrayal of the series, saying its Ruined Forever. I don't get it.

The ending I got was kind of a downer, but the reapers were stopped, and the people of the galaxy are still alive even if interstellar travel has been effectively wiped out for the forseeable future. I thought it worked well, allowing victory against the reapers while still highlighting the magnitude of sacrifice needed to stop such a foe.

I loved the game to death and had a fantastic experience... except for the endings. Players are unhappy for different reasons. Some just sound like screaming children on Christmas who got an iPad instead of a unicorn - but some are completely legit and make perfect sense.

All the endings are happy and profound when viewed from eons in the future. But as a player, what do I care about the future? I wanted answers for the characters and setting I spent three games with, and all the endings are vague and depressing. Did Tali and the entire Migrant fleet really get fucked out of ever seeing the homeworld they just fought for? Did anyone survive on the Citadel? How did my squadmates magically reappear on the Normandy unscathed when everyone else got blown to shit by Harbinger? Why didn't the relay explosion destroy the whole solar system? What was the Normandy even doing out by the Charon relay, far away from the battle, such that they had to outrun the relay explosion? Is it stranded forever, which is heavily implied by the epilogue? Does Shepard have no chance of ever seeing his/her friends or love interest?

And none of the endings matched the way I played Shepard. Do I really have to murder EDI and my sentient Geth allies to have my paragon Shepard survive? Do I control the Reapers as the Illusive Man would have, which my Shepard explicitly says is wrong, or make the morally ambiguous choice of forcing all organic and synthetic life to fuse?

Prince Lex said:
I'm not even sure what option I went with, I just heard the options, forgot which way was each one, and went to the blue one on the left. I believe I took control. I don't know.

Then the Normandy crashes on a random world and out walks Joker, Kaidan and EDI. That's it. Why? Why just those 3? Liara and Kaidan were with me in the final mission if that helps. Then post credits an old man was telling some kid a story about the legend of the great commander Shephard.

Seriously someone help me, I need answers.

As near as I can tell, the Normandy survives with all hands. The three people you see are Joker (invariably), your love interest (if you had one onboard), and a third member. I'm not sure if your love interest always appears, or only if it was one of the main characters. I'm also not sure how the third member shows up, whether it's based on "closeness" through conversation or number of missions, or if it's random. I believe if EDI survives then she's guaranteed to show up, though I need to double-check that.

I picked Destroy (so Shepard would live) and got Joker, Ashley, and Javik the Dick Prothean.

I also have no idea how Ashley got back on the ship. She was on my team in London.
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Lord Noctis

Harbinger of Darkness
Caius Ballad
I loved the game to death and had a fantastic experience... except for the endings. Players are unhappy for different reasons. Some just sound like screaming children on Christmas who got an iPad instead of a unicorn - but some are completely legit and make perfect sense.

All the endings are happy and profound when viewed from eons in the future. But as a player, what do I care about the future? I wanted answers for the characters and setting I spent three games with, and all the endings are vague and depressing. Did Tali and the entire Migrant fleet really get fucked out of ever seeing the homeworld they just fought for? Did anyone survive on the Citadel? How did my squadmates magically reappear on the Normandy unscathed when everyone else got blown to shit by Harbinger? Why didn't the relay explosion destroy the whole solar system? What was the Normandy even doing out by the Charon relay, far away from the battle, such that they had to outrun the relay explosion? Is it stranded forever, which is heavily implied by the epilogue? Does Shepard have no chance of ever seeing his/her friends or love interest?

And none of the endings matched the way I played Shepard. Do I really have to murder EDI and my sentient Geth allies to have my paragon Shepard survive? Do I control the Reapers as the Illusive Man would have, which my Shepard explicitly says is wrong, or make the morally ambiguous choice of forcing all organic and synthetic life to fuse?

Well, I'm fairly sure the migrant fleet could eventually reach their home planet. Afterall, even without the mass relays they still ahve FTL drives. It'll take longer but they can do it.

Probably nobody survived on the citadel since it was, you know, invaded by the goddamn reapers. Not really sure why thats a quesiton you have.

No idea what the hell the nromandy was doing way out there. As for the crew being back on te normandy, maybe they reboarded after Harbinger fucked shit up, while Shepard was dicking around on Citedal.

The normandy is probably fucked on that planet though. I mean, if Edi, Tali, or both are still aboard I suppose they could eventually make repairs and take off. Who knows. As you say it is a bit vague.

Maybe some of these quesiton will be dealt with in a future game? While Shepard's story is definitively over I do recall hearing somewhere that they plan to do more with the ME universe. But I don't have a source for that right now so it might not be true.

I dunno. Perssonaly I think the ending should have been different, or at least have had more options open. I don't really dislike or like the endings as are.
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