Memories of playing FFVII


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
I can never ever get out of Midgar in one sitting! :P Of course, I try to level up characters and materia.

As well, for whatever reason, playing games makes me tired. Believe it or not, it's a wind down for me (most of the time; but, not as in 'boring'). :D

Since I'm relatively new to the game (since '06, not like some of your oldies here), I really can't say much about my memories...

The only other thing I can say is that the death of Cait Sith I and Aerith both made me cry a little and still touch my heart deeply, at times.


Aerina, Elle
[quote author=Shademp link=topic=174.msg3486#msg3486 date=1229984955]
1) Every time I had just acquired Vincent I was so eager to use him in my party, that I forgot his first limit break has an elemental attack. This then resulted in rather uncomfortable encounters with the green dragon in the Nibel Mt, when monster-Vincent kept on healing the dragon with fire attacks.

Aha ditto that. It was lucky there was a save point before it, otherwise >:(

I remember not knowing where the hell I was going at The Temple of the Ancients after you'd used the keystone. The guidebook said something like "Follow the guy in blue", and I had no idea how to get to the other buildings. I also had that problem in Midgar, the bit where you have to walk up the pipe to get to Wall Market, blergh :-X

I also don't have fond memories of the Great Glacier, so tedious and dull...
I remember not knowing where the hell I was going at The Temple of the Ancients after you'd used the keystone. The guidebook said something like "Follow the guy in blue", and I had no idea how to get to the other buildings.

I had the same problem my last playthrough. I was actually following him, whereas you're suppose to go in another door, a specific one, depending on which one he goes through.


Fiat Lux
I loved how isolated Midgar was from the outside world, and felt like the perfect place for a rebel outfit with all its nooks and crannies. I remember my cousin being pretty bummed when he had to leave the city.


[quote author=Masamune link=topic=174.msg5810#msg5810 date=1231096719]
I loved how isolated Midgar was from the outside world, and felt like the perfect place for a rebel outfit with all its nooks and crannies. I remember my cousin being pretty bummed when he had to leave the city.

I was too.

I really did like Midgar, the whole time I started the game, I thought the stayed in place in Midgar. But instead the game revolved around it, giving it a sense of power, and made you really wonder if Midgar was just some...point in FFVII. Such with the Meteor hitting it, Life stream etc. Later you find out such more and understand why such events happen.


Holy, Personified
Katie; Seta.
Midgar did hold a magic all its own, even though it was the technological metropolis of the world. No one else (save perhaps Junon) was a technologically enhanced as Midgar. It was the place to be, if you were to be anyone in the world. And then, if you were in Midgar, and you were to be anyone 'worth knowing', most likely you were to be an employee of Shinra.

Still, I don't think Midgar is my favorite place in the Final Fantasy VII universe. Many of the smaller villages and towns just had so much more natural magic and so much more reality to them, I think I would be too stuffed up if it was all real and I lived in Midgar. Of course, that could be because I was raised in a small village and then a small town myself.

Even though it's more recent past is filled with tragedy, misery and pain, I would prefer a place like Nibelheim than to Midgar. I think I would really like Cosmo Canyon overall; I'm pretty nature oriented myself, though there are some things I'm not so caring to include (bugs). Still, all in all, I can appreciate Midgar and what good it meant for people - as it did have some good as well as bad meanings for different people.

I like Edge, even, so...


Lv. 25 Adventurer

1. Main Theme. It's one of my favorite FF series field BGM. Too bad it's no more after the meteor, yeah.
2. Badass Sephy. I was just mesmerized whenever watching Kalm flashback, until he went nuts.
3. Freezing FMVs while playing PC version. And I have never bought Samsung ODDs from then.
4. Of course, cross-dressing Cloud. ;)
5. Aerith, at the end of disc 1.


Personally from the memories, I wouldn't change a thing at all. Except the music. Midi's don't do it justice, but back then I can see why they did it. When they do a full blown midi's. <3


I'm actually pretty sure MIDI's were the best they could do, given the technology they had to work with. OWA in the original game was seen as a miracle by some, with the vocals and whatnot.


Double Growth
[quote author=Aerina link=topic=174.msg5803#msg5803 date=1231092552]I also don't have fond memories of the Great Glacier, so tedious and dull...

To this day my least favorite part of the game, even though I can get through it rather quickly, but that whole segment. It's funny what a slow start Disk 2 considering immediately once Cloud gives the Black Materia to Sephiroth its solid action through to the end


[quote author=Cthulhu link=topic=174.msg7849#msg7849 date=1231875090]
I'm actually pretty sure MIDI's were the best they could do, given the technology they had to work with. OWA in the original game was seen as a miracle by some, with the vocals and whatnot.

Well yeah I haven't said the midi's were not a great idea, it really set standards you know? But mp3's eat memory and really they didn't have the space on a disc to do such a event. OWA was on Disc 3, which did have a bit of memory left. Reason I know they stuck with midi's were to save time loading a battle scene, lol.


[quote author=Kuraudo link=topic=174.msg8164#msg8164 date=1231958487]
[quote author=Cthulhu link=topic=174.msg7849#msg7849 date=1231875090]
I'm actually pretty sure MIDI's were the best they could do, given the technology they had to work with. OWA in the original game was seen as a miracle by some, with the vocals and whatnot.

Well yeah I haven't said the midi's were not a great idea, it really set standards you know? But mp3's eat memory and really they didn't have the space on a disc to do such a event. OWA was on Disc 3, which did have a bit of memory left. Reason I know they stuck with midi's were to save time loading a battle scene, lol.

OWA is on all discs. To be more precise, the complete game is on all 3 discs. The only differing contents are the FMVs.
Some of what I remember from my first playthrough:

-Wondering when I was going to get out of Midgar and onto the world map. Now I'm exactly the opposite - I wish more of the game took place in Midgar.
-Not being able to find Aeris's house for the longest time. I didn't think to use the Select button and how was I supposed to know the giant beam of light indicated a path? :monster:
-Getting freaked out by the blood/music/headless Jenova in the Shinra HQ.
-Getting freaked out by the mako monsters in the Nibelheim flashback.
-Getting freaked out by the Shinra mansion.
-Getting freaked out by (lol, this is a theme) the black-hooded-clone-people when you get to Nibelheim. I swear they moved really strangely and the blocky graphics just made it worse because I didn't know what they were, at first! D:
-Not being able to tell, at first, what Tifa's cowboy hat was in the Nibelheim flashback. :monster:
-How amazingly fun the snowboarding mini-game was.


[quote author=Tetsujin link=topic=174.msg8176#msg8176 date=1231960027]
[quote author=Kuraudo link=topic=174.msg8164#msg8164 date=1231958487]
[quote author=Cthulhu link=topic=174.msg7849#msg7849 date=1231875090]
I'm actually pretty sure MIDI's were the best they could do, given the technology they had to work with. OWA in the original game was seen as a miracle by some, with the vocals and whatnot.

Well yeah I haven't said the midi's were not a great idea, it really set standards you know? But mp3's eat memory and really they didn't have the space on a disc to do such a event. OWA was on Disc 3, which did have a bit of memory left. Reason I know they stuck with midi's were to save time loading a battle scene, lol.

OWA is on all discs. To be more precise, the complete game is on all 3 discs. The only differing contents are the FMVs.

Ah makes more sense, thanks got clearing that up. I just was going off what I remembered long ago. Yeah it would make sense, since like Midgar Model Changed and Junon too. Oh and Rocket Town. And Ancient City. *blah blah blah*
[quote author=HylianMogget link=topic=174.msg8538#msg8538 date=1232039944]
-How amazingly fun the snowboarding mini-game was.
Yeah, tell me about it :monster:
When I truly discovered this mini-game, I think it took a long while before I did, it was an amazing reason to keep playing the game even after getting all the items and what-not. I have even recently posted videos on youtube where I play this minigame.
Gold Saucer is half the reason to continue playing FFVII for a long time. Without it the game would have considerably less replay value, and I guess the lack of a Gold Saucer-esque place in FFVIII and FFIX made me appreciate them less.

Of course I share the memory with others of feeling that Aeris's death was a very dramatic moment. Even if I forgot to create save files prior to other FMVs, I ALWAYS created save files specifically to watch this scene. Unlike Sephiroth this will ONLY remain a memory, because FFVIIAC made her death much less dramatic. It feels like she didn't die at all. Shame on you Square! I doubt even a remake could fix this up for me.


Double Growth
I know this is gonna pull us off topic, but she is still dead you know. If it makes you feel better, you can just pass it off as Cloud being crazy. But if AC cheapened her death because we saw her and that she could influence the world, why didn't the end of FF7? SHE stopped Meteor, after all.

I also love the snowboarding game, to this day I'll boot up FF7, head to Gold Saucer and play it. I asked this in another thread but didn't receive an answer, does anyone know what providers/phones offer the FF7 Snowboarding game? (Assuming its still offered at all) Because that is the ONE cell phone game I'd be interested in.


Aerina, Elle
[quote author=Shademp link=topic=174.msg9071#msg9071 date=1232177714]Gold Saucer is half the reason to continue playing FFVII for a long time. [/quote]

True dat, the Gold Saucer is quite awesome. I think I prefer the motorbike game over the snowboard one though, not to mention that Aerith is still driving the truck, even after she's died :o

I'm replaying the game at the moment, and last night I just realised how Junon is a little weird if you explore the rooms in the buildings on that long stretch of road.

One of the basments is guarded by a Shinra solider who lets you in if you're in disguise. It turns out to be some sort of tutorial place, complete with flickering people who I guess are meant to be ghosts because they say things like "You're explanations were so bad, I couldn't return to the planet!" and Cloud's all "sigh...what do you want this time?" I don't really get what's going on in there, but my closest guess is that Cloud was some kind of tutorial teacher during his time as a grunt. Either that or it's a messed translation :monster:


Fiat Lux
[quote author=ForceStealer link=topic=174.msg9090#msg9090 date=1232182780]
I know this is gonna pull us off topic, but she is still dead you know. If it makes you feel better, you can just pass it off as Cloud being crazy. But if AC cheapened her death because we saw her and that she could influence the world, why didn't the end of FF7? SHE stopped Meteor, after all.[/quote]

I think he means the fact she actually stops and interacts with Cloud, which never happened posthumous in FFVII. All we see is a quick glimpse of her face before the Lifestream pours forward.
[quote author=Masamune link=topic=174.msg9110#msg9110 date=1232192697]
[quote author=ForceStealer link=topic=174.msg9090#msg9090 date=1232182780]
I know this is gonna pull us off topic, but she is still dead you know. If it makes you feel better, you can just pass it off as Cloud being crazy. But if AC cheapened her death because we saw her and that she could influence the world, why didn't the end of FF7? SHE stopped Meteor, after all.[/quote]

I think he means the fact she actually stops and interacts with Cloud, which never happened posthumous in FFVII. All we see is a quick glimpse of her face before the Lifestream pours forward.
Indeed Masamune, that is what I mean. Though I must confess that I, for the longest time, did not know what to think when I saw the quick glimpse of her face at the end of FFVII.

I remember watching the ending sequences and feeling the satisfaction of the whole adventure behind me. Ever since my first playthrough I had paid attention to the fact that Holy may have chosen to wipe out all humans. It was an epic ending to me because such a huge thing was left unanswered.
THEN the Compilation came and changed things again, duhard :duhard:
I swear this is my last complain about the Compilation, but the impact of the ending is yet another memory which has ended up being nothing more than a memory. Naturally other joys have been gained through the Compilation and I'm fine with that. :monster:

Ah yes, the first time I defeated Sephiroth I was so emotional. It felt like I wouldn't have the strength to play the game ever again because all RPG elements and the Gold Saucer felt meaningless in comparison to the epic story. This feeling has replicated itself several times through the years but each time I have come through and remembered the joy of the actual game itself.

[quote author=ForceStealer link=topic=174.msg9090#msg9090 date=1232182780]
I also love the snowboarding game, to this day I'll boot up FF7, head to Gold Saucer and play it.
You too? I thought I was alone! *high five*
Unfortunately I don't have any information about the cell phone version of the minigame.


Double Growth
[quote author=Aerina link=topic=174.msg9105#msg9105 date=1232191533]One of the basments is guarded by a Shinra solider who lets you in if you're in disguise. It turns out to be some sort of tutorial place, complete with flickering people who I guess are meant to be ghosts because they say things like "You're explanations were so bad, I couldn't return to the planet!" and Cloud's all "sigh...what do you want this time?" I don't really get what's going on in there, but my closest guess is that Cloud was some kind of tutorial teacher during his time as a grunt. Either that or it's a messed translation :monster:

Did you ever go to Beginner's Hall in the Sector 7 slums? They teach you all the basic stuff about that game. The basement you're referring to is in Junon and is "Intermediate Hall" where the game will go over more advanced stuff which you'd probably already know by Junon anyway. The reason they're ghosts is because they're the same people from Beginner's Hall but they were all killed with the plate fell.

Countess Ariadne

Pro Adventurer
I preferred the motorcycle chase game as well, but the snowboarding one is way better than that slow submarine game. :monster:

My favorite thing in the Gold Saucer was the Mog "game"--It's so adorable! (And the initial 15 GP is quite nice.) I just wish it had more replay value.

The press release says it's available with Verizon's V Cast service on the LG VX8000 phone. But that's a pretty old link, so...


Aerina, Elle
[quote author=ForceStealer link=topic=174.msg9192#msg9192 date=1232269150]Did you ever go to Beginner's Hall in the Sector 7 slums? They teach you all the basic stuff about that game. The basement you're referring to is in Junon and is "Intermediate Hall" where the game will go over more advanced stuff which you'd probably already know by Junon anyway. The reason they're ghosts is because they're the same people from Beginner's Hall but they were all killed with the plate fell.[/quote]

Ah, now it makes sense! Haha, I never actually thought of that :-[ That's quite a cool revalation though.

[quote author=Countess Ariadne link=topic=174.msg9226#msg9226 date=1232303797]
I preferred the motorcycle chase game as well, but the snowboarding one is way better than that slow submarine game. :monster:

My favorite thing in the Gold Saucer was the Mog "game"--It's so adorable! (And the initial 15 GP is quite nice.) I just wish it had more replay value. [/quote]

Oh gosh, I hate the submarine in general, so i've never attempted the mini-game. The one time that you have to do it in-game was enough for me. I don't really know how I got past it, I had no idea what I was doing :monster:

Yeah, the Mog game is adorable :D The rollercoaster is alright too, apart from it being awkward to control with the d-pad. Has anyone ever managed to shoot that damn UFO?
[quote author=Aerina link=topic=174.msg9412#msg9412 date=1232386556]
:D The rollercoaster is alright too, apart from it being awkward to control with the d-pad. Has anyone ever managed to shoot that damn UFO?
I'm guessing about 99% of everyone who ever played it managed to shoot/destroy the 1000-points UFO. It really isn't hard. In the PC version my friend always just held down the laser and won like that, but on the playstation version you have to shoot bursts of high/midde-intensity laserz. A few tries and you should be able to do it.

I used to be a little scared of playing that roller coaster shooter because my heart would beat so fast by the stress of it. Then I realised how simple it was and now I seldom get nervous.


[quote author=Shademp link=topic=174.msg9418#msg9418 date=1232388691]
[quote author=Aerina link=topic=174.msg9412#msg9412 date=1232386556]
:D The rollercoaster is alright too, apart from it being awkward to control with the d-pad. Has anyone ever managed to shoot that damn UFO?
I'm guessing about 99% of everyone who ever played it managed to shoot/destroy the 1000-points UFO. It really isn't hard. In the PC version my friend always just held down the laser and won like that, but on the playstation version you have to shoot bursts of high/midde-intensity laserz. A few tries and you should be able to do it.

I used to be a little scared of playing that roller coaster shooter because my heart would beat so fast by the stress of it. Then I realised how simple it was and now I seldom get nervous.

Don't forget the Airship on the Rollcoaster ride, hit it's Pinwheel propeller and it grants you 30,000 points. no joke :D


Double Growth
I love the roller coaster ride too, it's pretty hard, I always thought.

And no love for the submarine game? It's slow, but it can be kinda fun. It wouldn't boot the game for it like i would snowboarding, but I still enjoy it.
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