More milking FFVII merchandise

Kai Schulen

... ... ...▼
Trainer Red
And now all the FFVII fujoshi can literally hump AC Cloud in the comfort of their own Cloud/Sephiroth doujinshi filled bedrooms.

Way to know your fanbase, Square-Enix.
Cue in a kawaii fangirl "cosplaying" as Sephiroth and taking standard myspace pics of "Sephiroth" and Cloud snuggling, getting a million comments and favs on Deviantart for "omg Sefirosu/Kuraudo wa kawaii desuneeeeeee"

Now that I've said it, it will happen

oh god what have I done.


Higher Further Faster



AC Cloud pillow case..... (I'm surprised it has a flip-side, and you don't have to buy a second one if you can't choose between which side you want....)

I wish I was in my late teens/early twenties again just so that I could own this and not feel quite as ashamed as I would if I owned it now.
I read this as 'cheeseboards' :monster:

They way they think, they're more likelyto bring out a cheeseboard than a chessboard.
The Cheese Weapon Cheeseboard!
It could be made of little tiles featuring stills from all the cheesiest cut scenes. Then it could have the Shinra logo on it and the cheese knife could be a small replica of the buster sword.
I'm telling you, they should hire me.
Ugh, I browsed the shop and was just reminded of the FF trading card game. *feels sick*

Also, LicoriceAllsorts must become Square's new head of marketing! If this does not happen, I fear Square might never achieve greatness again. =/


Pro Adventurer
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AI Researcher
I read this as 'cheeseboards' :monster:
I read that three times and never once noticed that it wasn't cheeseboards.

I was starting to wonder if she wasn't already working for them with ideas like that.

Sometimes they seem to come up with perfectly reasonable ideas, but then one of them comes along with suggestions like "you know what people would love? A candle covered in Cloud quotes from AC. Or to smell like Sephiroth!" And then someone takes them seriously and they start making them.

And then somewhere, someone is dry humping a pillow with a picture of Cloud on it while they cover themselves in Sephiroth jewellery and perfume. With some nice scented candles to set the mood. Cloud and Sephiroth candles, of course.


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I don't know why they don't just bring out a line of official XXXXL cosplay outfits. Not like there isnt a market for it is there? Though maybe I'm missing the point of cosplay. :monster:

Also, I'd like to see more art books, and a proper 'making of' because I'm convinced there is loads more concept art and shit that we havent seen lying around in a drawer somewhere.

Am I expected to believe that the offical artwork for Rufus and the Turks was the final draft?


Jump Rope Champion
Vivi, Setzer Gabbiani
You wouldn't understand, it's a British thing :sadpanda:

I'm American and I know what a cheeseboard is. :monster:

I've been looking at the pillow cases for a while, and the more I look at them, the more I realize that they look like shit. Like shady counterfeit merchandise level of shit. What was SE thinking?


Octo, Octorawk, Clarky Cat, Kissmammal2000
I've been looking at the pillow cases for a while, and the more I look at them, the more I realize that they look like shit. Like shady counterfeit merchandise level of shit. What was SE thinking?

From babelfish:

You use pliant glossy cloth touch and also feeling is soft


All for 5800 yen, $75/ £48. What a fucking rip off. If this was Clouds dress, the Don would not be choosing him :monster:
Speaking of which, why don't they sell Cloud's dress?

Because you are not in charge of their marketing and merchandise departments (again), that's why. Seriously, I'd buy that dress. Ooh, even though it's not a Key Item in the game I hope they'd include purple-toned lipstick!

Disclaimer: I'm not a transvestite.
No rly, I'm not. But I'd still wear that dress. :awesome:


Fiat Lux
Because you are not in charge of their marketing and merchandise departments (again), that's why. Seriously, I'd buy that dress. Ooh, even though it's not a Key Item in the game I hope they'd include purple-toned lipstick!

Disclaimer: I'm not a transvestite.
No rly, I'm not. But I'd still wear that dress. :awesome:

Tranny or no, you have no taste in fashion. :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Ah, but would Cloud's dress be soft and shimmery, or would it be clean and shiny? Or some mix? (Seriously, why is "clean" even one of the options? Is the soft one dirty?)
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