Naruto Anime/Manga (Manga Spoilers Not Tagged) [WSJ]


Harbinger O Great Justice
I think at this point it's pretty fair to say that Bee is the most powerful Shinobi that the Allied Forces have. At the very least, he's still a good step above Naruto, since Naruto was getting fairly consistently knocked down by A, but then again, Bee does have experience fighting him.

Seeing Tsunade take their side was interesting, but she brings up good points. I have to wonder how the upper administration is going to handle their change of position. It'll be interesting to see how A concedes his defeat next chapter.

The confirmation from Bee that their power isn't just from being Jinchuriki is probably something that we'll be seeing more of soon, since they're looking to make it into a theme.

X :neo:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
It's a shame Bee was the only Jinchuriki still left in the game other than Naruto. Would've been interesting to see what the 7 Tails, 4 Tails and 6 Tails would've had going on. I never really got to see Yuugito in action thanks to Hidan's supah immortality. (I'm still puzzled as to HOW she was beaten in beast mode too)


Harbinger O Great Justice
They are all Impure World Resurrected though. ;)

Well, Orochimaru was able to stab 4-Tails Naruto and mostly descomission him, so I don't think that's it's completely unrealistic for the Zombi Combi to have been able to take her out. While it's difficult to judge the power of 4-Tails Rage Naruto against her Full 2-Tails form, I think that with Hidan's immortality and Kakuzu's multiple hearts flying around, the combo-elemental properties may have been able to overwhelm her. Especially in isolation, they've got her in a contained area, where she's at a disadvantage. It's pretty clear that strategy is key in defeating the two of them, and as we know, that's not really what the Full Rage Biju forms excel at.

X :neo:

Super Mario

Jesse McCree. I feel like a New Man
Impure world resurrected yes, but they are half the warriors they were compared to when they were alive. To top it off they got no more beast powahs or beast mode. : [


Harbinger O Great Justice
Impure world resurrected yes, but they are half the warriors they were compared to when they were alive. To top it off they got no more beast powahs or beast mode. : [

Gaara's still a fucking badass post-extraction & Bee even made a point of their power not being all about their biju.

X :neo:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I'm happy that we're finally getting to see Minato in action. Ever since the first chapter, various characters have said he was an unparalleled genius so It's nice to see some conformation. Now if Naruto learns Hirashin...

I'm wondering if Minato's last line in ch. 542 comes from personal experience with Kushina.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I'm wondering if Minato's last line in ch. 542 comes from personal experience with Kushina.

I assume that it would be, since it's the only thing that makes sense. I'm always curious about how well Kushina was able to control Kyubi with her seal.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Naruto finally pulls off a true Yellow Flash, and now he's gonna enter the battlefield. The chapter was a little heavy handed about his destiny, but that's not too bad.

However - the last page.

Holy. Shit.

It's gonna get crazy.

X :neo:

Alex Strife

However - the last page.

Holy. Shit.

It's gonna get crazy.

Yes. I mean, just yes. Did you see that?! I mean, of course you did see it, but you know, this is just a rethorical question. That page was abso-freaking-lutely impressive.

The chapter was a bit heavy on Naruto's story and how he is "the one", but at least it looks like things are moving on, and I'm happy with how they closed B's part.

But I just can't get that last image off my mind... how on Earth did he get that many Rinnegans, anyway?

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
But I just can't get that last image off my mind... how on Earth did he get that many Rinnegans, anyway?

Perhaps through the same process that gave Rinnegans to all of Pain's bodies?

Next chapter seems to be a very exciting one, as the second day of the war is starting.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Naruto finally pulls off a true Yellow Flash, and now he's gonna enter the battlefield. The chapter was a little heavy handed about his destiny, but that's not too bad.

However - the last page.

Holy. Shit.

It's gonna get crazy.

X :neo:

A little heavy handed?

Kishimoto fucking punched me in the goddamn eye, and screamed "NARUTO IS THE ONE, MUTHAFUCKA."

I'm more pissed off at the fucking bullshit of now drawing out this war EVEN MORE with..a new Six Paths of Pain...made of dead Jinchuriki.

That is such a crock of horseshit. It's like this will never. Ever. End.

Oh well, here's to hoping this shit doesn't get stupid. It's like Blackest Night: Animu Derp Edition.


Harbinger O Great Justice
A little heavy handed?

Kishimoto fucking punched me in the goddamn eye, and screamed "NARUTO IS THE ONE, MUTHAFUCKA."

I'm more pissed off at the fucking bullshit of now drawing out this war EVEN MORE with..a new Six Paths of Pain...made of dead Jinchuriki.

That is such a crock of horseshit. It's like this will never. Ever. End.

Oh well, here's to hoping this shit doesn't get stupid. It's like Blackest Night: Animu Derp Edition.

Well the leaders had to get the information at some point.

Pissed about drawing out the war past day 1? We've been wondering how/when the 6 Jinchuriki were going to make an appearance, and putting them into an elite force is a logical decision, though one I wasn't anticipating. To be fair, this section is really Madara's first move toward an honest full assault, the 'war' thus far has still mostly been Kabuto's troops, with the little night Zetsu assault.

X :neo:

Max Payne

Leon S. Kennedy,Terry Bogard, The Dark Knight, Dacon, John Marston, Teal'c
A little heavy handed?

Kishimoto fucking punched me in the goddamn eye, and screamed "NARUTO IS THE ONE, MUTHAFUCKA."

I'm more pissed off at the fucking bullshit of now drawing out this war EVEN MORE with..a new Six Paths of Pain...made of dead Jinchuriki.

That is such a crock of horseshit. It's like this will never. Ever. End.

Oh well, here's to hoping this shit doesn't get stupid. It's like Blackest Night: Animu Derp Edition.

Blackest Night resurrectees had no free will, or persona of their own. Their rings downloaded all of the information about who the person was, emulates that and then warps it.

This is quite different.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Well, this chapter started out with a lot of explaining things that had been shown over the course of the manga, but never directly explained to the characters. It feels slightly repetitive, but it's necessary to make the characters aware of situations that the readers know about, like Madara using the Senju limbs, etc.

I liked that they briefly touched on Madara using the hatred to manipulate Nagato & Sasuke. The focus on ensuring that the readers don't just have to rely on the clues left over the last ~200+ chapters is good because it's pointing towards the conclusion of the main series of events. Hopefully that means that Sasuke'll be showing his new-eyed face soon, though, given the current lineup, it'll be interesting to see where he crops up into the grand scheme of things.

Despite the warning, I think that Naruto will end up talking to Madara at some point, because I can't see him not doing it. Even though he knows that Madara's different from his opponents, I don't think he'd be himself if he didn't insist on finding out what makes Madara tick. I also don't really like the idea of a pure black and white hero/villian, especially when it's been so successful at showing the continual shades of grey throughout the series. I'll hold judgement on that until it comes to the fight, because like Itachi, Kisame, Nagato, and any number of the other villians in the series, it's always what you learn about them right at the end that completes the picture.

As for the main content of the chapter:

It's not too surprising that Madara's anticipating the attack, especially because he's been very carefully planning it for YEARS. It's a little bit overly-repeated that the army is 'immortal' but I think it's a fair precedent to let Naruto go all out on an enemy however he wants without holding back like he would with a human opponent.

I'd always assumed that Naruto's ability to manipulate multiple 'virtual' limbs was going to make him pretty crazy powerful, but I'm glad to see that they got really creative with it, and didn't just use them like we'd seen in his Crazed-Biju forms. The Multi-Rasengan Barrage was rather standard, but a well executed use of having lots of arms and demonstrating control with them. The Rasengan Vacuum was a modification of the previous technique, and it's a smart application by just grabbing the opponent and slamming them into the Rasengan rather than worrying about hitting them directly. The Mini-Rasen-Shuriken was easily my favorite demonstration of his control of virtual limbs, because it shows his degree of precise control in that form, and it basically sets expectations really high when seeing him in a full out brawl, rather than just taking out the trash with White Zetsus.

Seeing the Zetsus being properly defeated and referting to tree-form, like Danzou's discarded arm was really interesting. It's a good way to know that they're dead, and it makes me wonder if that'll happen to Madara when he's defeated, since he's been using the Senju DNA for his own body. I also liked that they fuse together into a Venus Flytrap-type form that hasn't been seen in a while, but hopefully they'll see them get more aggressive soon.

I'm most curious how long he'll be able to sustain in his current form with that many clones. Since it's basically an application of the same Kyubi-type power he's been using, it's not surprising to see him use clones, unlike with his Sage Mode, but I can only assume that the demand will be pretty intense on his physical self, since the Chakra drain will end up being enormous. I'd be willing to bet that Madara's going to attempt to wear him down that way, and attack when he's weak. Then he'll only have the summoned Frog & Bee to defend him from the rather substantial force headed his way.

That being said, Naruto's focus is taking care of the clones, but there are still the Edo Tensei troops out there as well, and I'm hoping that this is providing an intentional break from Naruto and Bee to get back to some of the other combat situations, like the 7 Swordsmen, etc.


I also just noticed that Gedo Mazo's body looks like it was formed from trees that have all been cut off. I bet that's going to hold some kind of significance later on, because this chapter we learned that Naruto's chakra has a strong influence on stimulating the growth of Mokuton elements. I'm wondering now if Gedo Mazo's technique to instantly kill people could be reversed if the power controlling him were coming from a life source, rather than draining the life of whoever it was linked to. Either way, this gives a REALLY interesting possibility for Madara & Naruto's battle.

X :neo:


I'm most curious how long he'll be able to sustain in his current form with that many clones. Since it's basically an application of the same Kyubi-type power he's been using, it's not surprising to see him use clones, unlike with his Sage Mode, but I can only assume that the demand will be pretty intense on his physical self, since the Chakra drain will end up being enormous. I'd be willing to bet that Madara's going to attempt to wear him down that way, and attack when he's weak. Then he'll only have the summoned Frog & Bee to defend him from the rather substantial force headed his way.

Well he has stripped the Kyuubi of ALL it's chakra now and is using it for his own. His chakra was suppose to be nearly infinite, so I expect him to be able to last a lot longer then say the Pain fight.


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
This chapter was so badass, I can't believe it was Naruto.

It really is amazing seeing how far Naruto's come in terms of his growth, and it really makes these moments of badassery all the more enjoyable. We've literally followed him since he was nothing but a big mouthed brat who got lucky a few times, to the badass ninja who now truly has the walk to back up the talk and stand up to the likes of Sasuke and Madara.

It makes his inevitable confrontation with Madara seem like it'll actually be worth seeing and not just the plot inevitably having the hero win in some miraculous way.


Harbinger O Great Justice
The wiki made an awesome notation that I'd have completely missed.

Naruto really does have an excellent character & power progression, and as of this chapter, I am REALLY anticipating seeing him get into a Pain-level confrontation again, but I'd like to see the other battles before we charge up to that.

(For anyone else who reads this on mangastream, does it make you a little sad when you see the picture of Naruto & Jiraiya on their translator page)?

X :neo:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
I'm also happy they finally explained what the hell Zetsu is. I always wondered about that.

Apparently all he is, is a goddamn pod person. I wonder if that was an intentional nod to "Invasion of the Body Snatchers."

It's rather hilarious actually. Between that, and the zombies, it's like this war is one big homage to B movies.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Well, keep in mind that we still don't know jack shit about Black Zetsu, because I'm still convinced that he's a WHOLE nother beast.

Between Black Zetsu, Sasuke, & Itachi's power that he left Naruto, I think that there's still enough loose ends for shit to take some absolutely CRAZY unexpected turns, based on when they show up, and we see what they're capable of. Honestly, I'm not sure if I'm more eagerly anticipating a full frontal confrontation with Madara, or seeing this new Naruto come face to face with Sasuke.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
He's almost certainly not genetically the same as the White ones.

While White Zetsu is confirmed to have been created from the First Hokage's DNA, there's only one Black Zetsu, which makes me think that he's got much different origins. On top of that, he's got an entirely different persona. I think that all we really know about his is that he's much less juvenile and significantly more knowledgable than White Zetsu, not to mention quite a bit more violent.

There's also the bit where he's said to have acted as Tobi's Mentor that I've rather rampantly speculated on.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Well, we've got some interesting new things.

Gaara's Dad is a Magnetic Element user and controls 'Gold Dust'. He can permeate it into sand in order to affect its density, which explains how he defended his villiage against Shukaku, which explains his position as Kazekage in the villiage quite well. It's really interesting to learn how each villiage dealt with their own Jinchuriki. (Since actual Gold isn't magnetic, I have to wonder if it's actually Iron Pyrite, which would be much more common in large quantities, even though it's not quite as heavy).

I was surprised to see his eyes darken when he uses his techniques, and I'm wondering if there's a reason for that, since Gaara's were always reported to be a mark of his posession from Shukaku. Aside from this, I'd absolutely LOVE to see a flashback of how Orochimaru/Kimimaro managed to take him out. I'm also wondering, since it was introduced via the miscellaneous ninja in the opening, if Gaara's dad might be able to magnetize someone's chakra, which would make him crazy dangerous.

Since the Magnetic Release is now officially a Kekkei Genkai (I'm assuming it's Air + Lightning, since it seems to only appear in the Wind & Lightning countries), this means that there's only ONE MORE 2-Element combination that we haven't been shown yet - Air & Earth. Since Sand (as far as we know) doesn't appear to be a Kekkei Genkai, and Lightning is already its own element, I would normally assume that this final one would be Dust. However, it seems that the only Dust techniques combine those two elements with a Fire Element for the only 3-Element technique. (I guess we'll have to wait & see what they call it).

The 3-Element Dust Technique is CRAZY. They're blowing apart sub-atomic particles with the combination of those elements, and I think that, since they're the only two ninja to ever use it, this battle has the biggest potential for mass casualties. The troops involve a large number of unknowns, there're Kage fighting, and there are techniques FAR more devastating on a technical scale than even Naruto's Rasenshuriken, which 'only' penetrates to the individual cellular level. I'm also curious if one of the Edo Tensei chaps gets hit by the Dust Element, if they'll still re-form, because that shit is fucking nuts.

Honestly, it's really interesting seeing the true big guns of the Narutoverse go head to head, because you get a feel for how the bigger battles against the Biju went in the past. It's all revolving around one or two very capable ninja, and a LOT of support from everyone else. The only difference is that before we were seeing things from the perspective of the average troops, like when Iruka was a kid and Kyubi attacked, but now we're seeing it from those few who are fighting.

Overall, VERY glad to be back into the rest of the troops' combat again, and I'm still REALLY hoping to see the 7 Swordsmen again sometime soon.

X :neo:
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