Naruto Anime/Manga (Manga Spoilers Not Tagged) [WSJ]

Alex Strife

Honestly? I hope not. We were tricked with war casualties meaning nothing once, it would be quite BS if he would do it twice. Also, maybe that's the trick. Make us think Obito may do it, only for him not to do it.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Damn. Not even the Konoha 12 are safe from getting offed.

Very interesting that Madara can't be a jinchuriki because he isn't alive.

Loved the line about how the Huuyga's techniques were a pain for Iwa to deal with in the last war.

might post more?


I will miss Neji :(

He was one of my favorite characters, but i would hate it if he was brought back to life as well, I mean it is war after all.

after reading again I did see some parallels with Naruto and Hinata, with Kushina and Minato, which was pretty cool.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Ok, first of all, we FINALLY know why Tobi needed a "pawn" to sync with Gedo Mazo after Nagato died. They need someone to act as a sacrifice in order to use Rinne Tensei, which will allow Madara to gain control over the Jubi as a Jinchuriki. It'll be REALLY interesting to see how this plays out. I also like how it's given Obito leverage against Madara, in somewhat the same way that Kabuto had leverage over him during the start of the war. It's also (almost) a good qualifier to why Madara isn't using the same self-suicidal tactics that he was against the Kage (almost, because Obito could just go intangible, because I highly doubt that the destruction would last a full 5 mins, though the Jubi might take some sort of damage that they don't want to deal with). Regardless, I'm glad that it was at least loosely addressed.

I also really like how Naruto's kinda in shock and doesn't really realize that Inoichi and SHukaku are dead. It puts a lot more emphasis on him being TOTALLY forced to deal with the reality of the situation that he's in. Moving in to the REALLY emotional part of the chapter, you have Neji saving not only Naruto, but also Hinata, which is really important as a member of the Branch House. He's chosing his own destiny to give his life for the people he cares for, and he specifically calls Naruto out on it, by letting him know that because Hinata's willing to die for him, that defending his life is more than just his own.

Honestly, I couldn't be more proud of how that went down, and of all the original 12, Neji has what is probably the best grounds for this. I'm also thinking that this will give a lot of grounds for Naruto and Hinata to finally get some time to talk about everything that's happened with both of them when this is all over, because ever since the Chunin Exams, the two of them have had a really close and interesting relationship with Neji.

Obito slaying the bird at the end was a fantastic metaphor that just makes the hurt sink in that much more. Nagato's prediction has FINALLY come true, and in the old days, this is when Naruto would just lose his shit to rage, but we're in a very different time now, and I'm gonna be brimming with anticipation until we find out what's gonna happen next.

X :neo:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^^because then we'd only get them once a month! :no:



Harbinger O Great Justice
The infinite spirals make me think Izanami if you're going with the Uchiha.

Side Note: I signed up for Shonen Jump Alpha, so that I can start checking it, Mangapanda, & Mangastream as soon as SJA starts its same-day releases a month from now.

So far, their translations read a lot more... awkwardly? I think that this might be how they're projecting the English Dub speech patterns to the characters, but having never watched it in English, it's only a guess. Another thing, their terminology is... off. It's REALLY weird seeing things like "Shadow Doppelgangers" when I've never seen the fanbase, or subtitles in the games refer to them as such (not sure about the DVD subs, but I don't believe that they did either) - especially because a doppelganger is virtually always used to refer to a copy of you whose motivations run against your own, so clone is a MUCH better term.

That being said, some of the translations are better, like referring to the "Shinobi Alliance Jutsu" in chapter 611 rather than some sort of new, strange jutsu, like how both of the fanscanslations interpreted that phrase. I'll make sure to post up any mis-translations, or better versions of the translations as a sort of hybrid of the three anytime there're any confusing bits, (which seems to be rather frequent). Over time I'll be sure to let you know whether or not I'd feel that it's a worthwhile way to read the manga.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice

FUCK. YES. Merry Christmas, Naruto fans!!

I'm not even gonna hint at what happens until everyone else reads it, so... spoiler tags:
This is basically the chapter that I've been waiting the entire series for.

Naruto's left totally stunned and in silence, facing the reality of the horrors of war, and Obito's finally broken through and has him completely speechless... and HINATA SNAPS HIM OUT OF IT. He gets reminded that it's not hopeless because people are dying for him, but it's the connection that he's given to those people that allows them to become who they've become that makes him important, and that's why she shares his Nindo (Way of the Ninja). Kurama jumps in and reminds him that it's been like that ever since his parents sacrificed themselves for him, and hilariously threatens to eat him if he forgets that.

As Obito wraps up Jubi, and prepares to fire directly at the alliance, Bee steps in and makes the Jubi take some real damage by forcing its bijudama back into its throat, and detonating it... and THEN, chapter ends with Naruto going full Kurama chakra mode while holding hands with Hinata.

I think that my shipping heart just exploded.

Also, December 27th is Hinata's birthday.


so perfect.

X :neo:


Memento Mori
Considering how sad/numb I was by what happened last chapter, I didn't expect to like this one/care (figuring it might go a route that would make me eyeroll >.>) Instead...
Though, I am going down the path of, "Now that another thing that can be used for shipper fuel in a series that burns with shipping wars, you're going to kill her off aren't you?" >_>

Also, now because of Neji, I worry that there might be at least one more deaths among the younger gen that we've known for so long.

I really enjoyed this chapter, though. Naruto's expression and the way the slap connected in a "wake up" BUT remained there in a, "We're ALL doing this for..." bit was just perfect.

I also love how even after the slap, there is some wavering in Naruto, "But..." -- YET he is still going to go on. It's not him suddenly snapping out as if nothing happened and throwing a speech. It's him actually reacting to what happened and still questioning, but using that to actually fight harder.

I am now hopeful (and nervous) for what may be to come.

Alex Strife

Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh Ohmygosh!!! I'm fanboying like I've never done before in this series.

That. Was. Amazing!

Hinata finally being badass (in a different way and not just combat-wise), snapping Naruto out of it. It was clear during the Pain fight that her presence had been a key point for the series, in terms of hadn't she been there, shit would've hit the fan. But this took it to an entirely different level.

It's true, someone else COULD have done what Hinata did. But it could have not happened, too. She was the one to do it, reminding Naruto of the things that matter the most, and making sure he would react. And instead of going "You're right!" and fighting on his own, he's going Kurama mode while holding hands with her? Nghh!

Wait, I'll repeat it: Nn-fucking-gghh!!

Did you know my two favourite numbers ever are 27 and 12? From way before Naruto started. I shit you not. I knew Hinata's birthday was 27th of December, and this was. Literally. Perfect.

I died a little because of how perfect it was. Wow.

I'm really anxious now. I really want Hinata to have a bit of a good fight, for real. But I fear for her safety! Although, two Hyuugas falling? I'm not entirely sure about that...

Shikamaru and Ino should not die, as their fathers did. Hinata shouldn't, as Neji did. We're not going to count Naruto and Sasuke here since they're key elements in their own right, and they are way more important than the Konoha 12.

My feeling is that Lee should survive, particularly being Neji's rival. Tenten, I feel has not been important enough to die and cause an impact, and she would be from Neji's team, so I feel she won't.

That leaves Shino (I have the same feeling as with Tenten), Chouji (it would make sense if he broke the trend of Ino and Shikamaru's dads falling instead of their childs, but as they've always portrayed the InoShikaCho, Chouza has more chances of falling) and Kiba. He would make a lot of sense, being portrayed as being similar to Naruto and kind of a rival. Maybe he survives but Akamaru doesn't (hope I'm wrong!).

Sakura's the other odd element. I think she should survive, but at this point, who knows. Maybe she'll truly die for some grand reason. We'll see.


Pro Adventurer
So can I have permission to fangirl over this chapter? My OTP is finally happening

To be honest I read it weekly out of habit. I was big in the fandom for a few years back on the NF forums.

But this chapter made me very happy and yes last weeks chapter left me crushed I was screaming "Damn you Kishi!!"

I don't want anymore deaths

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
@X-SOLDIER:It's not Izanami, it was introduced fairly recently and I know you know what it is. It is used by Itachi though.

And it looks like Shonen Jump is having fun with localizations. It probably doesn't help them that scanlators have come to a rough agreement on what to call certain jutsu. And there are some jutsu that shouldn't be translated at all or they loose what the justu is referencing (Tuskiyomi, Izanami, and Susano'o come to mind). For me, the crazy part is that I've gotten used to seeing certain common jutsu (and names) in Japanese instead of English, so when I see the English terms for them, I mentally re-translate them back into Japanese (Kage Bushin, Rasengan, Kubikiribocho, Salmehada, all the Bijuu). Seeing some of them in English subtitles while hearing them in Japanese in the anime was weird.

The chapter:
OMG!!! This is awesome! Kishimoto, your skill at developing characters has really, really spoiled me... I generally go :wallbanger: whenever romance crops up in a crisis situation, as it's most likely fanservice and doesn't fit the characters, but this so works!

Really, really like how even now Naruto is still having doubts that what he's doing is right, it keeps him from being a no-it-all. Until Hinata and Kurama snap him out of it and talk some sense into him. And then Shikaku, Inochi, Nagato, and Itachi show up in the "people who sacrificed their lives for me" panel. That makes it much more relevant.

On another note, it looks like Madara and Obito don't agree on how to handle the Juubi, which can only be good for everyone else.



I knew Hinata wasn't just pining for no reason, but omggg this chapter was so so so good, I know I'm not contributing much, but that was my main ship throughout the series, and I really hope Hinata comes out of this okay <3333

So many feels~~~~

I am a bit miffed that team gai didn't really get their own reactions to his death, Lee and Tenten were really close to Neji in different ways, so I am looking forward to how they portray their grief as well, and here's to hoping tenten won't be put on the backburner for that much at least..:/


get cape. wear cape. fly.
Wow, I'm surprised (pleasantly I suppose) that a lot of you are jizzing over the fact that NaruHina is pretty much canon at this point. I thought most of the fans were in it for the actual shonen part rather than the glimpses of the shojo. (not that I'm the one to talk, been waiting ages for a SasuSaku scene)
Anyway, it was a good chapter, Hinata's magnum opus scene (after the oh-so-famous ilu tons of chapters ago) finaly made its appearance and she actually demonstrated the qualities she herself admires so much in Naruto; being brave and courageous when needed.
Now, let's see if Obito is gonna get his ass handed to him because honestly, his fail speeches and the fact that he's doing all this basically because of Rin's death, totally stripped the coolness that Tobi used to have.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I am also crazy pleased how many people here are also pleased about the pairing developments this chapter. It really does make my day. Speaking of which, I just had to put this in here now:


This realization of his life not just being his own also makes his conflict with Sasuke more complex, because he himself stated that if they fight again, both of them are going to die. While this is something that I believe he would have been willing to do before, he's no longer in a position to make that call, because his life isn't just his own anymore. I think that this will make for an interesting twist in what he has to do with that dilemma/conflict, and how it's going to play out from this point forward.

On another note, I'm almost certain that Team Gai will get some proper reaction time, once they have time to be closer and react to it. It's not like Shikamaru & Inoichi, where everyone knew about it, they were on a different area of the battlefield entirely. Whether or not there's time for that during this upcoming chapter, or it'll happen afterwards when they have time to properly mourn for him, I'm sure it'll happen. Personally I'm hoping that Lee, Gai, & Tenten get a little bit of time to step up and kick some serious ass.

I should also add that this chapter also goes to reinforce that a lot of the reason that Obito turned out the way that he did is because when he needed this moment, his friends got stripped away from him, and left him without the support that he needed to pick himself back up. It's like if right when Hinata was about to talk, one of the other original 12, just walked up and stabbed her through the chest, Naruto wouldn't have recovered from the shock emotionally, and Obito would've won Naruto over the same way that Madara won him over. Just a little bit more to the awesome villain development that happened this chapter, and probably what's sparking Obito to be retaliating so rashly as to fire Jubi's bijudama straight at the ground.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Here's the preview image of the next comics.

Text relevant to Naruto:

&#20803;&#26086;&#12395; J &#12364;&#35475;&#12358;&#65281;&#65281;&#28459;&#30011;&#12398;&#12488;&#12483;&#12503;&#12395;&#12490;&#12523;&#12488;&#27770;&#12417;&#12383;&#65281;&#65281;

Here's my quick/rough translation:

Jump's New Years Promise!! Naruto will be at the top of the manga!!
"This is what I've decided to become dattebayo!!" (note there is also a "Hokage" sign to his left).
The Fourth Shinobi World War gets super-heated with a color into!!
The question of reality that Obito posed to Naruto...?

Yay for color pages (most likely of Hinata & Naruto), and Naturo being on the cover of the manga for the first release of 2013!!! I'm assuming since New Years is a pretty big holiday in Japan, we'll be skipping this week, and POSSIBLY next week, but we'll have to see when the Scanslation folks manage ta get their hands on it. The release date is listed for the 21st, but the scanslation teams have always been notoriously sneaky about getting releases early, so just keep an eye out on the internets. (I also think that this is gonna help Shonen Jump Alpha so that they can catch up to current chapters for English release by the 21st, too). Happy New Year, everyone!!

X :neo:


This wasn't really an afterthought but the happiness of the last chapter kind of subdued my feels for my other ship that just sunk forever...

Idek if anyone ships this but NejiTen was one of my OTP's, that with Neji being my favorite character really makes me more and more upset the more I think about it :(

It's hard being a shipper...

btw does anyone know when the road to ninja movie is supposed to come out? It was released in Japan already I think.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Shipping is difficult business.

DVD/Blu-Ray release for Road to Ninja is April 24th, so that's likely when we'll start seeing it in some format that is actually watchable. (Pretty excited about that).

X :neo:


It looks like a really good naruto movie, I stopped watching them since the first shippuden one so I'm really looking forward to this one!~


Harbinger O Great Justice
There's a reason that it looks so good. It's the first film that Kishimoto was directly involved with in terms of the plot and the characters, so it's got a bit more going for it. I've seen a few of the movies, but they've all been pretty... ok, but not really stunning. This one looks amazing, just based on the alternate aspects of the characters, especially because Kishimoto designed them, so they're about as accurate as you can get. :D

X :neo:
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