Naruto Anime/Manga (Manga Spoilers Not Tagged) [WSJ]


Kishimoto once again uses a cliche in such a way it isn't a cliche at all. Where exactly did he get the idea of a wood dragon?

He's had a water dragon, a fire dragon, a lightning dog, a chakra lion, a clay everything. just typical ninja art, hmm.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Don't know if this is important or not, but knowing Kishimoto, it could be.

If Rin had a grave in Konoha, someone (probably Kakashi) brought her body back to Konoha. And we still haven't seen the reason Kakashi killed her.


Don't know if this is important or not, but knowing Kishimoto, it could be.

If Rin had a grave in Konoha, someone (probably Kakashi) brought her body back to Konoha. And we still haven't seen the reason Kakashi killed her.

Kakashi will tell him after he whoops Obito's ass no doubt, be revealed pretty blameless in the matter, then be forgiven, like Itachi with his parents and Shisui.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Well, Rin having a grave in Konoha more than likely means that she likely wasn't a traitor. If she had been, but Kakashi kept her secret, I doubt that he's still be visiting her grave and talking to her afterwards (plus, it probably wouldn't have activated his Mangekyo if he didn't still consider her to be his closest friend). I'd assume that the rescue team would have brought her back, as Kakashi would have been too fatigued.

I'm also wondering if Kakashi will actually be able to take down Obito. He's already HELLA fatigued from using his Mangekyo so many times, so he's clearly at a physical disadvantage to Obito, who's still barely affected from the two hits he took from Naruto. On top of that, Kakashi doesn't have the same level of emotional detachment to the situation, because he clearly doesn't want to kill his friend - especially after just discovering that he's alive, whereas Obito has no such qualms. Additionally, I wonder how Kakashi potentially not being able to gain the upper hand is going to affect Naruto/Gai in their fight.

Also, looking back at Naruto & Sasuke's fight at the end of the original series, it would have been devastating for Kakashi to have had his prodigy student leave him, know that Naruto & Sasuke fought against each other, and that Naruto was left alive unconscious on the battlefield. That whole situation's gotta be just a mess of déjà vu that's just washing back over him again now, in addition to all the memories about Obito directly.

Additionally, it wasn't until Madara whipped out the First Hokage's dragon that I realized that he would have been able to copy ALL of the First's techniques by using his Sharingan, but would have lacked the biological capability needed to perform them until now. I hadn't really question him using them before, but for whatever reason, it just clicked in this chapter.

X :neo:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Yeah, that "I can copy any jutsu regardless of whether I have the biological requirements to do the jutsu" part of the sharingan that makes me think the Uchiha was every other clans' nightmare during the waring clans era. Imagine trying to keep jutsu secret from a clan who can dissect jutsu in less then a second. I can also see it being part of the reason the Uchiha weren't trusted.

I've been toying with this idea for the last couple of chapters and I think I'm going to finally put it out here. I think Obito is a foil for Sasuke. While they both want similar goals, they want them for the opposite reason. I think what's eventually going to happen is that Obito is going to tell Sasuke that he can rebuild his clan in the dream world. Only because of what Sasuke, Orochimaru, and Co. have been doing right now, Sasuke's going to say no and become Obito's enemy.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Yeah, that "I can copy any jutsu regardless of whether I have the biological requirements to do the jutsu" part of the Sharingan that makes me think the Uchiha was every other clans' nightmare during the waring clans era. Imagine trying to keep jutsu secret from a clan who can dissect jutsu in less then a second. I can also see it being part of the reason the Uchiha weren't trusted.

Oh yeah, they'd have been an absolute terror. The idea that they'd have EVENTUALLY been able to master all of the elements if they had been able to unlock the Rinnegan is just harrowing. This is probably why during the clan wars, Kekkei Genkai became such an asset, because their abilities couldn't be copied, because they're locked out genetically. (That's why I think Kabuto with his mutable biology is so damn terrifying).

I've been toying with this idea for the last couple of chapters and I think I'm going to finally put it out here. I think Obito is a foil for Sasuke. While they both want similar goals, they want them for the opposite reason. I think what's eventually going to happen is that Obito is going to tell Sasuke that he can rebuild his clan in the dream world. Only because of what Sasuke, Orochimaru, and Co. have been doing right now, Sasuke's going to say no and become Obito's enemy.

I think that's exactly why they sort of worked together, post Itachi's defeat, but never really forged any sort of real alignment. I'm more concerned that Obito's gonna get screwed over by Madara. Now that Madara's got an immortal body, I can't really see him wanting to make the entire world into a dream anymore. I think that Obito's entire character conclusion is gonna take place between Kakashi & Madara.

I think that Sasuke & Co. are off with an entirely different goal in mind, and it doesn't really feel like they'll become involved during this stage of the conflict. If they do, I see them and their CRAZY mystery scroll more as being a counter to Madara's plans or more likely, even his Edo Tensei - since NOBODY known more about that jutsu or all the ways of coming back to life than Orochimaru does. I'm CERTAIN that if there was a way to obtain a flawless, unkillable, immortal body, he'd have done it already. There's CLEARLY a risk that's still present to Edo Tensei that's exploitable, and they're the people who are most likely to be able to exploit it with Kabuto out of the picture.

X :neo:


I know this was a few chapters ago, but it kind of bothers me that Tsunade was crushed by a huge ass tree, was on the edge of death, and then she's just ignored and we don't know what happens... :|
She's one of my favorite characters, and its kind of annoying that kishi just let her out to dry like that, I mean I know she's probably going to die but still...


Harbinger O Great Justice

I wouldn't say that she's being ignored at all. Gaara, A, Oonoki, & Mei are also left on the verge of death cliffhanger from the aftermath of Madara's attacks. It's accomplishing two things: One it keeps tension by leaving whether or not they'll survive in question, and Two- it prevents any of them from helping in this fight, and keeps the focus on who's involved here really tight.

When managing all the events taking place within a ~18-page weekly release, you've gotta time when to stick with one arc (like the flashbacks), and when to move back to keep your tension and pacing with all the things taking place. I'd say that the main focus has to be with Naruto & Kakashi right now, because of all the emotional and thematic developments that he's been pushing. Hell, we GOT the cut away to the Kage because of Madara's comments, so I'm sure that there will be an opening for it to go back to them, but what's happening there is very secondary right now.

As for the chapter:

Man... This stuff with Kakashi just kicks me right in the feels. His whole development in Kakashi Gaiden made his fallen friends into some of his biggest heroes. He's always down on himself over the mistakes that he's made that've cost him (losing Obito, Rin, & Sasuke), and seeing him honestly believing everything that Obito hates about him just hurts, ESPECIALLY because he's been idolizing Obito as a hero of Konoha this whole time. Obito really changed Kakashi's whole outlook on life, and those words cut really deep.

Seeing him just getting stabbed, kneed in the face, and injured in a really personal one-on-one fight with Obito, as he's flashing back to all the moments they spent together, while juxtaposed against the MASSIVE battle behind them really focused on the deeply intimate nature of their conflict.

Speaking of the massive battle: Hashirama's Mokuton Dragon is a fucking beast to deal with. I love how we still get the epic battle taking place and progressing in the background as Kakashi's losing, so is Naruto. The fact that the pivotal thing that sets Naruto off is Madara assuming that Naruto's just annoyed by everyone else around him was perfect.

Seeing him combine the Yellow Flash with his Kage Bunshin to save Bee/Gai AND Kakashi was just awesome, especially because he quotes something that Kakashi said SUCH a long time ago, back at the beginning of the series, "I won't let any of my comrades get killed." - which we now know was inspired because of Kakashi's past with Obito.

The change in Kakashi's expression, shown just by his single eye between that page and the next is. JUST. EPIC. We've seen him getting completely lost in self doubt, and broken down all chapter, and then in a single moment, you can see his resolve just snap back into place, and he's determined as hell not to let Naruto die.

Also, just let me add this: Gyuki & Gai are the most hilariously fantastic duo ever. Watching Gai sucker punch Madara with his Morning Tiger was A.MAZ.ING. and then seeing Gyuki react all surprised by it just sealed it for me. I have a feeling that things might start to get ugly with Madara soon - given the state of that the Kage were left in, but leaving this week on a high note has me unbelievably optimistic.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Just watched the anime episode. I REALLY liked the developments, although I think that it was a LITTLE bit confusing for some of the anime-only folks who may have mistaken that girl to have actually been Rin.

Aside from that, I was TOTALLY blown away at the parallels to this week's chapter, even down to little things, like Kakashi's Doton technique. It seems like the developments have been working a lot more closely with the manga, which I'm ENDLESSLY pleased about. It's using the filler in order to help build up the thematic elements to match the manga, while fleshing out the bits that the manga doesn't have time to focus on (like all of the 7 swordsmen).

Speaking of which, Kushimaru was just as fantastically terrifying and brutal as I was hoping for from one of the 7 Swordsmen from the Bloody Mist Era. Really, the opening sequence with him was exactly what I wanted from him, and Kakashi actually kinda fighting with Kubikiri Bocho was wonderful to finally see.

X :neo:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Well, at least Kurama and Hachibi aren't in the Juubi. That has to count for something.

I love how every time Kurama comes out he proves he's more then just a bunch of chakra shaped like a fox. I'd love to see the look on Naruto (and Jiraiya's) face if they were told at the beginning of canon that Kurama is intelligent and all too willing to help out if they would just admit he's a sentient being.

Oh dang, I just got and idea for Naruto fanfic: the series from canon Kurama's POV... I really did not need that plot-bunny.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I loved how Kurama was just lounging, like this event I'd no big deal. Hand on his jaw and everything. I can't believe that this chapter slipped in tactics, humor, sarcasm, and deadly danger, all in one chapter. Just. SUCH a good bit of development this week.

Oh and that Clone Naruto fired a Bijudama while other Naruto is still fighting with Kakashi? Holy cow he's powerful.

X :neo:


Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
Goddamn, how fucking awesome was that chapter?

They're not letting some Eldricth Abomination Tailed Beast scare them are they? And did Kakashi just fucking level up with his usage of Kamui now? He's fucking capable of using the same technique Obito uses with pulling shit in and out of his pocket dimension. How'd that happen?

Kakashi's just fucking leveling up left and right. And Kyuubi basically being able to heal people now is pretty boss. They just might have a chance.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Jubi is a damn sight uglier than I'd been expecting. His power is REALLY intense to see, especially given the scale. Its chakra being like that of the world itself and Naruto trying to sense it was incredibly terrifying, and an awesome representation of how it's a force of nature. I also like that Obito and Madara are physically linked in to Jubi in order to control it. It reminds me a lot of the Shukaku vs. Naruto confrontation from the original series for that reason.

Also- can we take a moment to acknowledge what a FUCKING BOSS Kurama is? Holy shit, he just takes command of this situation without a moment's delay, and he knows exactly what he's doing handing out chakra to whoever's power he needs. I'm REALLY hoping that Guy is gonna get to do some serious damage with his Gates Mode.

I'm certain that Naruto and his clone being in KCM and Sage Mode is gonna come in handy.

X :neo:

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
I get the feeling being told by Madara that you're better then he thought you were is worth serious bragging rights.

Now I really want to know how SSP turned the impersonal, force of nature, Juubi into cute, fluffy, Kurama who just wants to be acknowledged as an individual. That might be why Kurama wants to be acknowledged in the first place; he wants to prove he isn't like the Juubi. It's really cool how we can now refer to the Bijuu by their personal names and they're definitely a "he" and "she" while the Juubi is still being referred to as a "what".

Space-Time jutsu is awesome! I bet Obito is hating the fact that Kakashi is ridiculously good at using it.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
A little bit of Trivia....

According to Naturo Volume 62's cover, Madara's Susano'o is blue:


Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
^^ So Itachi's was red/orange, Sasuke's is purple and Madara's is blue. Houston, I think we have some symbolism here.

I love how early on in the manga, Kurama's chakra is established as being really bad for people to come in contact with, and now it's like "We need a medic! Where's Kurama!" Talk about being a combat medic.

I just got to thinking that Tsunade and the rest of the Kage wanted to keep Naruto and Bee from meeting up with Madara and Tobi. Imagine how that would have gone.

Dark and Divine

Pro Adventurer
^^ So Itachi's was red/orange, Sasuke's is purple and Madara's is blue. Houston, I think we have some symbolism here.

Well, since mixing red with blue gives you purple, I guess it's the way to simbolize the influence that Itachi and Obito (and Madara by extension) have over Sasuke.


Harbinger O Great Justice

Weekly Shonen Jump Alpha FINALLY steps it up, and we'll be getting OFFICIAL translations of Naruto, Bleach, & One Piece on the same day as the Japanese release.

This is probably an attempt by them to have better leverage to crack down on the scanslation distributors and other fan-based online distribution groups, since they were always unable to offer the "same day service" that those groups were.

Honestly, if Shonen Jump are willing to step up and provide official versions of the same content, I'm all for it - especially 'cause it gives me a way to actually contribute back to the creators of the manga (moreso than reading it online at least), and get a service that is finally going to be on par with what's being offered otherwise. I'll still make a point of checking around to see if there are any alternate translations to provide better clarification (same reason I check MS & MP weekly to get a better understanding of the chapters), though hopefully I won't have to be reading them in English forever. ;)

X :neo:
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