*has only played the first game and has no idea who people are talking about but is excited nonetheless*
The Netflix show is based on Castlevania III. The PS2 game "Castlevania: Curse of Darkness", where you play as Hector, takes place three years after Castlevania III. I have a similar relationship to CoD as I have with Dirge of Cerberus (which, abbreviated, is CoD in reverse
) where I recognize its many flaws but I still have a soft spot for the title.
The voice acting in Curse of Darkness is wonderfully dramatic and helps you enjoy even the parts of the dialogue and writing that are of questionable quality. I recommend you check the game out, whether that be playing the game or watching the FMVs. The only connective tissue you lose by watching the video below are the boss battles and the journey through the game's environments.
One piece of disappointment I'm preparing myself for in the Netflix show is for Hector's voice to no longer have that dramatic flair. The voice acting in the show is quite restrained, which is a pity since over-the-top acting performances are a Castlevania legacy. If they can get Crispin Freeman to re-voice Hector then I'll still be ear-gasming though.
Edit: I learned just now that Curse of Darkness was released for the Xbox as well.
Wikipedia said:
Despite development for both Xbox and PlayStation 2, only the PlayStation 2 version was released in Japan. An Xbox version was released throughout Asia under the NTSC-J Format, with English language dialogue.