New Dissidia Arcade Game (NT)


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
I think you're over thinking it. I think this is just a straight up sequel, with the key point being the cycle of wars is officially over. All the characters will be 100% themselves at this point, rather than fudging through mixed memories and weird echoes of their past being played through other characters.

This is a good thing. I can't stand the way they wrote the storylines for the original two games.

I read the Cloud thing as an excuse to just put in a total original costume set in. All of the characters are going to be post-game.

In Dissidia, it seems all the games have already happened anyways. The difference is that not everyone has complete memories. Cloud was just plucked with his darkest memories it seems.

It isn't a reboot (in terms of story/lore) at all, Tasha. It's a sequel.

I get the storyline, but what I'm pointing out is that two years ago they said that it was a reboot when the Arcade version was released, and for years I thought the PS4 version would follow that example in re-doing everything-story-wise and all, unless they changed their minds on that when they were developing the PS4 version.

And no offence, but it's Tash, not Tasha. I kindly ask people to call me Tash, since it's my nick-name on the board here underneath my other user name. Not that either one is my real name.

Edit: Other than that, I'm actually really excited about this. That reminds me; if they're doing Cloud post-Advent Children, are they gonna have Lightning post-FFXIII-2 or post-Lightning Returns? Not that I'm a fan of Lightning(I'd rather have Rinoa or Serah, and while I know that this will never happen, I still wish they'd put Reno and Zack into this game or in Opera Ominia), but I can't help but be curious about this.
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The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
I remember that one article from a couple of years ago that called the arcade mode a reboot, but they didn't give a source for the claim. I always had doubts.


Pro Adventurer
Can I just say that I'd love the idea of bringing in Saban, and giving him the ability to wall rush enemies by literally THROWING other enemy party members at them?


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
I remember that one article from a couple of years ago that called the arcade mode a reboot, but they didn't give a source for the claim. I always had doubts.

I found out on Wikipedia.

And really, after a couple of years of silence when they were in talks about the PS4 version in that same year, especially when they said would release a year later, when I waited for new info a year later and nothing happened, I honestly had come to accept that the PS4 version was a no-no and silently cancelled.

Like how I had the feeling that the IOS prequel game Final Fantasy Agito would be released world-wide and was eventually terminated and cancelled. And while this is a bit off-topic, but I seriously doubt we'll be getting an english version of Final Fantasy Type-0 ONLINE game since it's beta version was released in China. It hasn't even been released in Japan yet.

Other than that, I get your point. That's why I'm treating next month's info on KH3 as bad news since I strongly doubt it's good news.

But yeah, I'm actually relieved that the PS4 version is a HD sequel. Team Ninja Company's done much better job with the development with Dissidia Final Fantasy than CC2 is doing with FFVII Remake at the moment.


The Sublimely Magnificent One
You treat all news about Kingdom Hearts 3 as bad news, even when there is no news at all.

"Sora will be able to transform his Keyblade for certain situations! Please be excited."

"KH3 postponed to 2025 confirmed. WHY DOES NOMURA LIE TO USSSSSSS?!?!?!"


Eyes of the Lord
From all information released thus far, I am a bit dissapointed that story mode will more in line with a "generic fightinh game story mode" style (i.e: chose character -->cutscenes-->fight another character-->cutscenes-->repeat until reaching the final fight-->roll credits-->repeat this process with the remain cast)


Pro Adventurer
Other than that, I get your point. That's why I'm treating next month's info on KH3 as bad news since I strongly doubt it's good news.

This way of thinking is not going to get you very far in life. I'm being incredibly serious right now.

Video games have done a lot for me, emotionally, over the course of my life. But at the end of the day, it's just a video game. I don't base my happiness and my life around this, even when it was all I had at one point.

Your posts about KH3 alone have me convinced that you should be talking to a therapist, and I say that out of deep concern. This is not healthy Tasha. It's really not.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
Sorry, I don't mean to sound like that. I do other things other than just waiting for KH3, because I don't go ranting on about it every five seconds all day everyday(that's just a waste of time), but it's just everytime I'm excited about whatever Nomura announces, it's not a good idea to assume that whatever else he'll be giving will be what everyone's been waiting for nearly five years.

For example: Everytime he or Square makes announcements and most people assume it's release dates or at least new trailers, most of the time we're left with disappointment. So I'm not getting my hopes up for next month.

And please just call me Tash.

Anyway, wasn't the last Dissidia games like that in the first place? Battle gameplay-cut scene-Battle gameplay-cut scene until the last battle? For the PS4 sequel, it's not that different at all. In fact, the only things that are different are Materia and Spiritas replacing Cosmos and Chaos, and of course, like the prequel, new added characters.



Pro Adventurer
Sorry, I don't mean to sound like that. I do other things other than just waiting for KH3, because I don't go ranting on about it every five seconds all day everyday(that's just a waste of time), but it's just everytime I'm excited about whatever Nomura announces, it's not a good idea to assume that whatever else he'll be giving will be what everyone's been waiting for nearly five years.

For example: Everytime he or Square makes announcements and most people assume it's release dates or at least new trailers, most of the time we're left with disappointment. So I'm not getting my hopes up for next month.

And please just call me Tash.

Anyway, wasn't the last Dissidia games like that in the first place? Battle gameplay-cut scene-Battle gameplay-cut scene until the last battle? For the PS4 sequel, it's not that different at all. In fact, the only things that are different are Materia and Spiritas replacing Cosmos and Chaos, and of course, like the prequel, new added characters.

The problem with Dissidia and Duodecim (To a lesser extent) is how the characters were divied up. The biggest group was Firion, Cecil, Cloud, and Tidus together (Who the fuck came up with that idea!?) but then quickly divides up. Likewise, Squall, Zidane, and Bartz share a narrative, but then quickly split up, and Squall's entire storyline is basically him being alone trying to find Bartz (Who I swear is a stand in for Rinoa)

The characters brush briefly, but largely only to play as each other's NPCs in the mind boggling bad attempt to retell all 13 storylines. Many of the characters pretty much never meet each other either. You'd think they'd try to play up the fan rivalry between Cloud and Squall, but the two have said more to each other in Kingdom Hearts 2 than they've ever said in Dissidia.

So with this new set up, they aren't confining themselves to "Play character, get story centralized on character, and everyone else is a bit player or doesn't participate in that 20 minute segment)"

Instead we get something much closer to other cross overs. I imagine it'll be like an Avenger's movie, where we get to see characters really play off of each other's strengths and weaknesses, especially with team play being oriented.

Its really sad that World of Final Fantasy has already accomplished this far better than the first two games that should have been doing that in the first place.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
The problem with Dissidia and Duodecim (To a lesser extent) is how the characters were divied up. The biggest group was Firion, Cecil, Cloud, and Tidus together (Who the fuck came up with that idea!?) but then quickly divides up. Likewise, Squall, Zidane, and Bartz share a narrative, but then quickly split up, and Squall's entire storyline is basically him being alone trying to find Bartz (Who I swear is a stand in for Rinoa)

The characters brush briefly, but largely only to play as each other's NPCs in the mind boggling bad attempt to retell all 13 storylines. Many of the characters pretty much never meet each other either. You'd think they'd try to play up the fan rivalry between Cloud and Squall, but the two have said more to each other in Kingdom Hearts 2 than they've ever said in Dissidia.

So with this new set up, they aren't confining themselves to "Play character, get story centralized on character, and everyone else is a bit player or doesn't participate in that 20 minute segment)"

Instead we get something much closer to other cross overs. I imagine it'll be like an Avenger's movie, where we get to see characters really play off of each other's strengths and weaknesses, especially with team play being oriented.

Its really sad that World of Final Fantasy has already accomplished this far better than the first two games that should have been doing that in the first place.

I do have to admit, the downside with the Dissidia titles is that it doesn't allow the player the freedom to move around to certain areas at most of the time. The chess-board like movement in non-battle gameplays were boring.

At least it's not a 2.5D runners thing like Super Smash Bros Brawl.

Maybe the storyline for the PS4 port will be a tad better than the two previous games. But all the same, we can only wait and see what happens. Looking forward to new story trailers of Dissidia PS4 in months to come.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
Duodecim had world map areas to run around in.

Yeah, but that wasn't much as fun despite the freedom of it. I'm talking about that sort of thing within the illusion areas of each characters' worlds as well as the current world everyone's been taken to by Materia and Spiritas, instead of the same old chess-board like gameplay, moving just one spot to another.

You know, entering portals to explore certain areas to fight off enemies. Similiar to FFX and KH, but nothing like in FFXV.

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Sorry, I don't mean to sound like that. I do other things other than just waiting for KH3, because I don't go ranting on about it every five seconds all day everyday(that's just a waste of time), but it's just everytime I'm excited about whatever Nomura announces, it's not a good idea to assume that whatever else he'll be giving will be what everyone's been waiting for nearly five years.

For example: Everytime he or Square makes announcements and most people assume it's release dates or at least new trailers, most of the time we're left with disappointment. So I'm not getting my hopes up for next month.

And please just call me Tash.

Anyway, wasn't the last Dissidia games like that in the first place? Battle gameplay-cut scene-Battle gameplay-cut scene until the last battle? For the PS4 sequel, it's not that different at all. In fact, the only things that are different are Materia and Spiritas replacing Cosmos and Chaos, and of course, like the prequel, new added characters.

The problem with Dissidia and Duodecim (To a lesser extent) is how the characters were divied up. The biggest group was Firion, Cecil, Cloud, and Tidus together (Who the fuck came up with that idea!?) but then quickly divides up. Likewise, Squall, Zidane, and Bartz share a narrative, but then quickly split up, and Squall's entire storyline is basically him being alone trying to find Bartz (Who I swear is a stand in for Rinoa)

The characters brush briefly, but largely only to play as each other's NPCs in the mind boggling bad attempt to retell all 13 storylines. Many of the characters pretty much never meet each other either. You'd think they'd try to play up the fan rivalry between Cloud and Squall, but the two have said more to each other in Kingdom Hearts 2 than they've ever said in Dissidia.

So with this new set up, they aren't confining themselves to "Play character, get story centralized on character, and everyone else is a bit player or doesn't participate in that 20 minute segment)"

Instead we get something much closer to other cross overs. I imagine it'll be like an Avenger's movie, where we get to see characters really play off of each other's strengths and weaknesses, especially with team play being oriented.

Its really sad that World of Final Fantasy has already accomplished this far better than the first two games that should have been doing that in the first place.
Since there's apparently not going to be a delineation between story mode and arcade or free play mode, I interpreted this announcement to say precisely the opposite of what you took it as: i.e. I expect NT will have brief intro-dialogues before battles as well as brief outro-dialogues after, and from these, the very minimalist story will reveal itself.

certainly nothing on par with the Avengers movies nor the first Dissidia. Though I thought the original did a fairly decent job in that department -- but that's neither here nor there.


Pro Adventurer
Sorry, I don't mean to sound like that. I do other things other than just waiting for KH3, because I don't go ranting on about it every five seconds all day everyday(that's just a waste of time), but it's just everytime I'm excited about whatever Nomura announces, it's not a good idea to assume that whatever else he'll be giving will be what everyone's been waiting for nearly five years.

For example: Everytime he or Square makes announcements and most people assume it's release dates or at least new trailers, most of the time we're left with disappointment. So I'm not getting my hopes up for next month.

And please just call me Tash.

Anyway, wasn't the last Dissidia games like that in the first place? Battle gameplay-cut scene-Battle gameplay-cut scene until the last battle? For the PS4 sequel, it's not that different at all. In fact, the only things that are different are Materia and Spiritas replacing Cosmos and Chaos, and of course, like the prequel, new added characters.

The problem with Dissidia and Duodecim (To a lesser extent) is how the characters were divied up. The biggest group was Firion, Cecil, Cloud, and Tidus together (Who the fuck came up with that idea!?) but then quickly divides up. Likewise, Squall, Zidane, and Bartz share a narrative, but then quickly split up, and Squall's entire storyline is basically him being alone trying to find Bartz (Who I swear is a stand in for Rinoa)

The characters brush briefly, but largely only to play as each other's NPCs in the mind boggling bad attempt to retell all 13 storylines. Many of the characters pretty much never meet each other either. You'd think they'd try to play up the fan rivalry between Cloud and Squall, but the two have said more to each other in Kingdom Hearts 2 than they've ever said in Dissidia.

So with this new set up, they aren't confining themselves to "Play character, get story centralized on character, and everyone else is a bit player or doesn't participate in that 20 minute segment)"

Instead we get something much closer to other cross overs. I imagine it'll be like an Avenger's movie, where we get to see characters really play off of each other's strengths and weaknesses, especially with team play being oriented.

Its really sad that World of Final Fantasy has already accomplished this far better than the first two games that should have been doing that in the first place.
Since there's apparently not going to be a delineation between story mode and arcade or free play mode, I interpreted this announcement to say precisely the opposite of what you took it as: i.e. I expect NT will have brief intro-dialogues before battles as well as brief outro-dialogues after, and from these, the very minimalist story will reveal itself.

certainly nothing on par with the Avengers movies nor the first Dissidia. Though I thought the original did a fairly decent job in that department -- but that's neither here nor there. a terrible idea, and I refuse to accept that's even a possibility.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
Since there's apparently not going to be a delineation between story mode and arcade or free play mode, I interpreted this announcement to say precisely the opposite of what you took it as: i.e. I expect NT will have brief intro-dialogues before battles as well as brief outro-dialogues after, and from these, the very minimalist story will reveal itself.

certainly nothing on par with the Avengers movies nor the first Dissidia. Though I thought the original did a fairly decent job in that department -- but that's neither here nor there. a terrible idea, and I refuse to accept that's even a possibility.

I second that. If that's the case, then you might as well not have a story and just have it as an port for PS4 with no story.


Might be around.
Sic, Anthony
Since there's apparently not going to be a delineation between story mode and arcade or free play mode, I interpreted this announcement to say precisely the opposite of what you took it as: i.e. I expect NT will have brief intro-dialogues before battles as well as brief outro-dialogues after, and from these, the very minimalist story will reveal itself.

certainly nothing on par with the Avengers movies nor the first Dissidia. Though I thought the original did a fairly decent job in that department -- but that's neither here nor there.

Yea my thoughts to a tee, and while this type of minimalist story telling works in other franchises, (Dark Souls and Bloodborne comes to mind), I do want to see how a FF game handles it.

I bet everything from subtle background hints to the character's dialogue is going to let the community decide/ figure out what the story is.

Also, because this hasn't been brought up at E3 to my knowledge, can any point to the hints of Noctis being added?


Pro Adventurer
Since there's apparently not going to be a delineation between story mode and arcade or free play mode, I interpreted this announcement to say precisely the opposite of what you took it as: i.e. I expect NT will have brief intro-dialogues before battles as well as brief outro-dialogues after, and from these, the very minimalist story will reveal itself.

certainly nothing on par with the Avengers movies nor the first Dissidia. Though I thought the original did a fairly decent job in that department -- but that's neither here nor there.
Yea my thoughts to a tee, and while this type of minimalist story telling works in other franchises, (Dark Souls and Bloodborne comes to mind), I do want to see how a FF game handles it.

I bet everything from subtle background hints to the character's dialogue is going to let the community decide/ figure out what the story is.

Also, because this hasn't been brought up at E3 to my knowledge, can any point to the hints of Noctis being added?

Noooooooo. T_T Stahp! DO NO WANT!

I want cool conversations and stunt pieces! Not half-ass story drops in 5 second blips.


Pro Adventurer
Pointlessname, Pointer
Also, because this hasn't been brought up at E3 to my knowledge, can any point to the hints of Noctis being added?
Are you asking where this information exists? It was in the Amazon listing that leaked the game, now removed. Here is the description:
Final Fantasy, everything you could ever want - Over 20 playable Final Fantasy heroes and villains to play, over ten iconic battle arenas, legendary summons, tons of equippable weapons and moogles

The return from Eos - Noctis makes his triumphant return to the PS4 as a combatant, fighting to save the world of Dissidia

Legendary narrative - Dive into an all-new Final Fantasy story, written by writer Kazushige Nojima (Fantasy VII Remake, Final Fantasy XV, Final Fantasy X, Kingdom Hearts, and Kingdom Hearts II)

Your fantasy. Your fight - Each battle you wage, you will gain XP and gil to deepen the customization of your Final Fantasy champion - from EX skills to weapons to skins, level up

Only the brave survive - The bravery combat system allows a much deeper and more methodical approach to the fighting game genre, separating luck from skill

The Twilight Mexican

Ex-SeeD-ingly good
Noooooooo. T_T Stahp! DO NO WANT!

I want cool conversations and stunt pieces! Not half-ass story drops in 5 second blips.

I'm with you there. I just don't see how else to interpret "There is no story-only mode, fighting is the focus through and through. As you continue to battle, the story will naturally tell itself."


The problem with Dissidia and Duodecim (To a lesser extent) is how the characters were divied up. The biggest group was Firion, Cecil, Cloud, and Tidus together (Who the fuck came up with that idea!?)

Someone who wanted to help introduce you to characters you were perhaps less familiar with instead of just taking the path of least resistence, pairing up the most popular characters for cheap pay-offs (the KHII approach).

The characters brush briefly, but largely only to play as each other's NPCs in the mind boggling bad attempt to retell all 13 storylines. Many of the characters pretty much never meet each other either. You'd think they'd try to play up the fan rivalry between Cloud and Squall, but the two have said more to each other in Kingdom Hearts 2 than they've ever said in Dissidia.

Dissidia does not retell the same 13 stories. Squall, Tidus, Terra and maaaaybe Warrior of Lights can only be said to do this. For the rest, the revelations are behind them and the villains already reached the most powerful form.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
I don't remember if you guys knew this, the NT for Dissdia officially stands for "New Tale"

Makes sense. I like it.

I mean, it is new with a new story....Just hope it'll be an actual storyline and not making-up-one-as-you-go-until-the-final-boss-battle sort of thing. Like, it'll have a story-mode as well as a battle-adventure mode(Non-Story) with actual dialogue, not just snippets of characters just fighting each other.

If you know what I'm saying. Thanks for posting the link, by the way.


Pro Adventurer
Happy that isn't Dissidia Final Fantasy Nomura Tetsuya :monster:
I still hope for a less invasive HUD.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
Happy that isn't Dissidia Final Fantasy Nomura Tetsuya.

:huh:....Why would they put his name in a title of a game? At best, Northern Territory, New Tale, New Trial and New Test were what I had in mind of the meaning of NT.
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