New Dissidia Arcade Game (NT)


That Man
Nice. It looks like this will actually deal with a certain golden dangling plot thread from the previous games.

You mean Shinryu? Well, if that's the case, then the plot may be that he wasn't happy that Cosmos's Warriors(Warrior of Light, Firion, Onion Knight, Cecil, Bartz, Terra, Cloud, Squall, Zidane and Tidus) fought and defeated Chaos and all returned to their own worlds to live out their lives, as did those who faded but had also actually returned to their own worlds(Kain, Tifa, Yuna, Vaan and Lightning).

So when he saw that Materia and Spiritus bickering, he may have manipulated both to call upon the previous warriors as well as force new ones who are trying to save their own worlds and/or save humanity to find it a new home(Shantotto, Vaan, Lightning, Y'Shtola, and Noctis) to one; imprison them in a new and permament never-ending conflict, two; have all of their worlds destroyed as he pleases, and possibly three; to rule everything as the true God.

If that makes sense.

They said "multiple beings" were sucking in the "materia", so it may not just be one entity this time around.

Abyssea (Eureka?) is a big place you know, and as far as I know it isn't well-charted...


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
I read something interesting on the wiki that I don't think was mentioned here:

Cosmos was erased at the end of 012, but her will survived and that's what formed Materia. Same deal with Chaos and Spiritus.

Which is basically what Warrior of Light meant in the trailer. I took it as someone else who took over rather than a reincarnation.

:huh: That can't be right. I mean, if that was the case, then why was
Cosmos in 013-the Final Cycle during the events of the original game and the remake that was set after 012


That Man
The Final Cycle ...uh... wasn't a normal cycle if I recall correctly.

The events took place inside Cid's mind in a Nightmare that
had trapped him in.

After everything was resolved Cid returned to world A and the Moogles were all that was left of World B (or so we thought... apparently
is still alive).
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ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
This is the scene I was referring to, it was a secret report that took place right at the end of the 13th cycle, but was on 012:

So basically
Cosmos and Chaos faded into the rift and got reincarnated


That Man
Okay, I see where people are confused here:
1. Chaos destroyed Cosmos at Cycle 013, and the Warriors of Light confronted him and fought him, but despite his defeat, he and Shinryu cursed Cid for his betrayal and would have fallen in to the rift... however:

2. The Crystals that the Warriors of Light generated from their memories broke Cid's dream curse, restored Cosmos, and even restored Chaos to an extent.

3. As a result, Cosmos was chosen by the Crystals (bound to them to some extent), but despite this, and despite Cid's imploring she come with him to his world, she opted to remain in Abyssea (World B) along with Chaos, though her reason for this is not known, it came at a price to the stability of her existence.

4. As a result of the instability of the realm, Cosmos was reconfigured in to Materia, and Chaos was reconfigured in to Spiritus, not exactly a reincarnation per se, but an "inheritance of memory" (similar to Sage Lukahn of FF1 and his prophecy).

5. And so now the two are using "conflict" as a way to stabilize the realm more, but something that eats "existence" is getting in the way of that.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
After seeing a new scene that involved Kefka
walking in a very stupid way like he's skip-running like an idiot
yesterday on Youtube, that makes him even more annoying.

Out of all the Final Fantasy villians in Dissidia, I think I still prefer Sephiroth. Golbez is okay, and I like him too.

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
After seeing a new scene that involved Kefka
walking in a very stupid way like he's skip-running like an idiot
yesterday on Youtube, that makes him even more annoying.


~The Other Side of Fear~
Did anyone else get a pre-order? I did and I got an email telling me it's due to come arrive after Jan. 4th. You know's I'll be playing it for hours after that! (provided it doesn't suck, oh please god, don't suck!)


That Man
You're getting the Japanese version, I think.

U.S. English Pre-Order is end of January.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
You're getting the Japanese version, I think.

U.S. English Pre-Order is end of January.

The actual English release for the game is at the end of January.


That Man
I get the impression Cloud of Darkness' alt design smacks of Mwinn from Nova Crystalis


Pro Adventurer
Nissin Cup Noodles teaming up with Square Enix again.


Gamespot Source

Players who purchase a specially marked package of Cup Noodles will receive a download code for Final Fantasy XV protagonist Noctis's Royal Raiment outfit. The promotion is available now, but it's currently limited to residents in the US.

You can view the outfit on Nissin's site.


AI Researcher
i downloaded the open beta because my router was finally letting me get on the psn and i don't know when it will kick me off again but then i started it up and it tells me i can't play it at this time because i didn't bother to read the description on the store page and didn't realise there was only a small window on certain days you can play it. so i've missed three of those days now and have to wait another 9 hours before the last beta period starts, on a sunday which isn't a day i can just sit around undisturbed so i guess i will only get a little bit of time with it now

also i saw 'treasure' mentioned on the store page as one of the things you can experience in the beta and 'costumes and emotes' sound like loot box stuff and wow, thanks square, thank you for including that in my demo experience, i love it and everything about it, i can't wait to have to pay to get outfits i actually want or just get a bunch of tat i don't.


Pro Adventurer
Do you have a European one? It doesn't open until the 12th anyway so plenty of time if you want to make an account :monster:

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
Pre launch livestream happening on the 10th at 8.00pm JST. We should finally find out who the season pass 6 are, FFXV,0 and Tactics stages.

A lot of the voice actors will be present for the event.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie

Says January 12th to 21st, so it should be fine.

(Got mine in reserve by the way... Season pass too.)

Pre launch livestream happening on the 10th at 8.00pm JST. We should finally find out who the season pass 6 are, FFXV,0 and Tactics stages.

A lot of the voice actors will be present for the event.

And between those two days (The 10th and the 12th) is when the actual PS4 version of the game finally comes out. I'm more looking forward to see how the story turns out, and it does look like that in order to get those story-cut scenes, you have to play through other parts of the game in different modes to unlock them.

Sort of like Super Smash Bros Brawl had you play through the Adventure Quest and once you complete a certain level you can go and check out the cutscenes section. Then again, most games these have that optain-Kingdom Hearts for example.


AI Researcher
I managed to play a few hours of the jp beta

I made the mistake of not going through the tutorials and playing the offline mode as the emperor, which meant I was using a traditionally tricky character and being confused as to how and why I was winning at all with this new 3x3 style

After reading the instructions I got the hang of it and enjoyed what I got. The beta character lineup changed each day so the last day was warrior of light, frioneil, the emperor, Cecil, kain, golbeza, exdeath, Tina, cloud, kuja, tidus, vaan, y’shtal???, ramza and noctis. I think that was all. I tried out emperor, noctis, kuja, cloud, y’shtora???(what is her name), and in the tutorials wol, ramza and exdeath.

The new fields like midgar are interesting with all the trenches. I don’t know if they just didn’t have it in the beta but I feel like it’s lacking in customisation for move sets (you could only change hp attacks and the two of the new ex skill commands). The only move liste I saw was a web link on the PS4 dashboard which kinda sucked, would have liked a I didn’t understand how summoning worked at first (press the touch panel) and I didn’t find the effects as immediately understandable as classic dissidia’s. Or maybe it was just harder to track with three characters running around on each side.

Very briefly tried the core battle mode but first picked it without doing the tutorials and on a map I hadn’t played before so at first I thought the red and blue crystals were part of the map. Didn’t get a chance to play once I knew the rules. Didn’t play any online matches because I knew I’d still suck and didn’t want to be up against people who’d been playing the arcade version for months. Plus I’m not that bothered about online play.

The story section was just cut scenes you unlock with ‘memoria’ you get from playing other modes? I hope that’s just the setup for the beta because that’s a disappointing step back from the original game’s board game style and duodecim’s world map. Just disjointedly watching cutscenes when you get an unlock item.

I got a fair number of treasures /loot boxes for a few hours. But each only contains three items and the major of those were player icons for me. Then a few emotes/dialogue lines to use and one costume for y’shtar????? Which was a disappointing ratio. I didn’t notice if I was getting duplicates or not. I don’t think I was but maybe you later on. I know they started holding costumes ransom with duodecim but at least when you bought one you knew you were getting what you were after. Idk I’m not too chuffed about this.

I’m not sure what’s happened to the classic ex mode. I managed to get kuja to turn into his good old pink furry form but only after using his unique ex skill a few times. So do you have to build it up to get the old ex mode? Maybe I didn’t read the tutorials close enough since I was trying to get on with playing the game (skipped the advanced ones entirely).

Characters could only level up to 3 but I’m not sure if that had much of an impact. I don’t remember seeing stat parameters but maybe I was rushing. Also, will they have weapons and accessories to equip. I saw a weapon skins option but does that include stat boosting.
Overall though I did enjoy it, even if I found having more characters at once harder to navigate. On the character stats/records I saw a tab marked ‘solo’ so I kind of hope you can still play one on one battles. (I would kind of like to see duodecim’s full story mode replicated in fancy new graphics but I guess that might be asking much, plus they had to change the actors for garland and iirc exdeath so maybe they wouldn’t want to put the old and new together anyway).

I’ll play the euro beta if I can but I won’t be buying it right away because I have to buy some new shoes first :sadpanda:

And that’s my expert review of the nt beta


That Man

I think there's a lot the Beta doesn't reveal... though, out of curiosity was there mention of any Save Game bonuses? (Like how you get Aerith for beating the Duodecim Demo?)

I think the game will have a lot more content once we get the full version.

Also, stuff like EX Trance/Bursts are delegated to something you equip that has a huge cooldown time, last I heard.

Not too bad.
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