New Dissidia Arcade Game (NT)


Terra + Cloud forever


That Man
My thoughts on the Beta so far:

Would it kill them to at least let you change the Jump button to anything besides Circle? I'm still not used to this layout, though I tweaked the Guard/Evade and Dash triggers so they're on my Right Hand.

Cecil's Dark Knight Mode got BUFFED from Duodecim. He's awesome.

Neutral Triangle EX is "Limit Break", as I did Lightning's Army of One, still trying others.

You only get ONE 1 HP Attack now per moveset, but I hope that changes as you Level up. Haven't seen any Brave to HP chains yet either.

Still haven't figured out Lightning's Paradigm Shift input if she has it anymore.

Summon Tutorial is the best area to test all your moves, and if you follow the clear requirements out of order, you can see what your Summon does, though I don't think Summons do HP attacks, or I didn't see any.

Core Battle is harder than it looks, so best try it in Multiplayer rather than Single.

No way to completely "Lock off" any target unless your Target is respawning, too bad, as I liked Free Camera.
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That Man
Couple other things:

Get used to evading/dashing rather than guarding, as only a few characters had an autoguard move like WoL has.

Don't bother chasing after fast enemies, as they could literally set up an airdash trap with allies.

Summons are impacted by a Stage's Terrain, for example Ifrit is good at damage AoE in Wide open areas while Leviathan's spells can cover uneven ground better, and some Summons have a vacuum effect that makes dashing/dodging really hard.

Likewise characters with strong melee are better suited to Tight cramped terrain like Midgar, and characters with Spells are better suited towards wide open stages.

Consider using the opposite EX skillsets the game recommends depending on your Party. For example Emperor can share his Bravery as a Buff because of how effective his Traps are.

L3 stick is Paradigm Shift for Lightning. Cecil's is his Paladin Force or Class EX Skill.
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AI Researcher
for characters like lightning and exdeath who have different modes, you can change their play styles by pressing in on of the analog sticks

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
I'm getting used to how this plays now, but it's a bit weird they changed the attack controls from 012. X for jump with Square and O for attacks, but now O is jump and X is bravery attacks.

Does anyone else ignore tutorials then spend ages trying to figure out how to play it?:P


AI Researcher
I don’t get why they’d change jump, the Japanese version used x for jump

I’ve got a bit of extra money and I’m tempted to maybe get this or ffxv:sadpanda:


Double Growth
I did the tutorials, but I've also still found myself mashing X and wondering why I can't get my character to jump. I'm not very good at managing my target yet, either.

It's great to see all these characters/levels in full console-level graphics, and I know this style of fighting game is very big in Japanese arcades, but my goodness it's so much more chaotic than the other dissidia games. I'm going to miss the focus/strategy of the one-on-one fights in those.

Nonetheless, the ability to play as HD Ramza makes me so happy. And I'm surprised to have won my first few ranked matches with him :)

I like the look of that menu in the party ranked battle, it looks like you can form a large group of friends? Sounds ripe for a TLS group :awesomonster:
Shantotto versus Ultimecia

Despite not knowing what is being said, I love this scene. I can feel the sass in the air and the verbal catfight of magic users. :D


That Man
I know a little spoken Japanese, and I can tell you they were not mincing anything... actually Ulti was bashing Shan's "single status" while Shan was talking smack about Ulti's "age"....



That Man
Does it only happen to me that I can't find anyone online? I waited almost half an hour:rclosedmonster:

It might be that people don't feel confident for netplay just yet, as many characters have to be leveled up to at least Level 3 to have the most options for a battle.

That, and like others said, the Jump Button should be X not Circle... :wacky:


So I've been watching people streaming this and good god, most of the soundtrack seems obnoxious as hell in my opinion. O_o


That Man
Tutorial Mode song is obnoxious, the actual battle themes in a normal fight are the same as what old Duodecim had.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
Tutorial Mode song is obnoxious, the actual battle themes in a normal fight are the same as what old Duodecim had.

Which is a pity. I was expecting all of the soundtracks to be remixed to be much better than in the Arcade version.

Change of pace here.

The way how the Warriors on both sides had fought each other and then when Shinyru turns up, they all suddenly team up and then fight HIM and kill him for good was admittedly very cool. He finally got the true taste of his own medicine, especially what he did in the first two Dissidia games(which makes me think that he was toying everyone, even the gods, for his own liking).

The ending in the credits got me confused, though. Guess we'll have to wait until the English verison comes out in three weeks.
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Alex Strife

You might want to specify that your spoiler tag is actually "Ending spoilers" rather than a generic spoiler tag that could be related to the music you had been talking about.

I know a spoiler tag is a spoiler tag, but it doesn't hurt to specify and save some people from unwanted spoilers. :)

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
Roster changes today, 10:00pm UTC. We'll get:

Warrior of Light
Cloud of Darkness

The current phase ends at 9:00pm, the reopens at 10:00.
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Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
You might want to specify that your spoiler tag is actually "Ending spoilers" rather than a generic spoiler tag that could be related to the music you had been talking about.

I know a spoiler tag is a spoiler tag, but it doesn't hurt to specify and save some people from unwanted spoilers. :)

Sorry about that. Well, here's a bit more.

Change of pace, in the ending credit pictures, another, more cheeful smiling Lightning appears before Lightning, Noctis and the Warrior of Light who are shocked to see that. Not sure what this means yet, though.
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That Man
Man... this is really depressing.

Lost three times in a row (to an all Sephiroth Team... geez, isn't that illegal?)

I think I'll grind in Gauntlet mode later after a break, but seriously... I thought there was a rule where you can't have all the same character on one team?

My defense is crap, so ironically Exdeath is currently my highest ranking character.

Scintilla/Delta Attack are godlike because of autoguard.... :/

(I hope they fix the defense system in this later, you should at least be able to parry stuff while blocking if you time the blocks right).

Also the Camera system needs work... it should prioritize your closest foe automatically, not cycle through them.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
I thought there was a rule where you can't have all the same character on one team?

The arcade version did the same thing in having the same character on one team-both sides, actually.

Maybe things are different with the new Dissidia and the rules don't apply anymore. Unless these are
Manikins that take on more exact copy replicas of all of the heroes and villians instead of the crystallized abominations.


That Man
I was playing ONLINE so I don't think you fight Manikins there, lol

I think they're just taking advantage of the Beta's lack of rules or they have modded accounts or some kinda exploit.


Tash for Short
Sailor Moon, Mini Moon, Hotaru, Cardcaptor Sakura, Meilin, Xion, Kairi, Aqua, Tifa, Aerith, Yuffie, Elena, Misty, May, Dawn, Casey, Fiona, Ellie
Could be the Beta. Especially since Demos and Betas of games aren't the final quality.

Or maybe they just decided to screw the rules all together this time for this game-Online, Arcade and PS4 equally.


That Man
Currently my favorite song is Trisection (FFT ftw!)

I am messing around in Gauntlet mode..., so apparently if you clear a rank and rank up your party, you have the option to ignore lower ranked parties to increase the difficulty.

Bronze > Silver > Gold > Platinum > Diamond > Mythril? If I'm not mistaken.

So far I've only been able to pick Bronze or Silver Rank courses as the initial option.

I guess I'll have to try harder (unless there's a way to level your characters even higher than Level 3).

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
Roster changes for the last time today:

Cloud of darkness
Onion Knight
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