Factiō Rēpūblicāna dēlenda est.
- The Man, V
vB doesn't currently offer an option for that. Of course, it could be programmed again, but again, the person who did it would have to be better at vB than I am.
The only way to find out who's on a person's ignore list currently is by running a database query. I could do that without any real trouble, but it would be a pretty big pain to have to run a query for every person we have to warn/infract. Again, it would probably be possible to code something into the board that would show us this information more easily, however.
The only way to find out who's on a person's ignore list currently is by running a database query. I could do that without any real trouble, but it would be a pretty big pain to have to run a query for every person we have to warn/infract. Again, it would probably be possible to code something into the board that would show us this information more easily, however.