New Spider-Man Game


Am I the only one that feels like this game came out of left field and I have no hecking clue why it became so popular so fast?

Maybe I'm underestimating the popularity of post-Rami spoderman though.


Harbinger O Great Justice
Spider-Man games were generally well-received, and Spider-Man's been one of Sony's biggest franchises for a while, and I think with all of that backing, the Marvel MCU hype train on top of it, and just being a good game, this had the perfect set of elements and conditions to just EXPLODE.

X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
Because it is a good effing game and the best portrayal of Spider-Man outside of the comics. The writers get his personality soooo, well, right. :monster: And it's just compelling with great battles and sidequests and is just fun overall.

And Insomniac made some ballsy choices with the story and ending that really pay off and give you something a bit more fresh all the while breaking and mending your heart at the exact same time.

Also, good marketing. I had somehow missed this epic promo:



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Higher Further Faster
hahaha That's awesome.

I took a selfie in front of the Cathedral a bunch of us went to when we want to the Big Pom. :monster:

Keveh Kins

Pun Enthusiast
Just finished the main story, I'll probably try and platinum this game. All in all I absolutely loved this game, it was just pure fun, it's still such a joy to swing around the city, and they really did justice to the characters. Definitely picking up the DLC packs once they come out :monster:


Harbinger O Great Justice
For anyone who has finished the game already: The first issue of Marvel's Spidergeddon comic event that came out yesterday actually involves the game's version of Spider-Man.


X :neo:


Higher Further Faster
I just want to say one thing about this issue.

Out of everyone who could have gone to recruit him it had to be Otto. Otto is even right there on the cover.

I wonder if he'll flip his shit when he finds out. :P

It's kind of ironic, actually.


Harbinger O Great Justice
I just want to say one thing about this issue.

Out of everyone who could have gone to recruit him it had to be Otto. Otto is even right there on the cover.

I wonder if he'll flip his shit when he finds out. :P

It's kind of ironic, actually.

You DEFINITELY need to read it. That's an important point in the issue. It's also why I made sure that anyone interested in reading it should finish the game first.

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Man, I REALLY need to find some time to get in and pour through the story on this soon, 'cause I know I'll love it. I've been really bad about keeping up with things on a number of good games and shows lately. -_-;

X :neo:


Harbinger O Great Justice
Duuuuuude I thought you had already beat it???!!!!

I don't even own it. I'm just aware enough of it to know I'll enjoy what it's doing when I do get around to it, and I'm aware of
Doc Oc being in it as him
so that I could call it out as a spoiler for anyone who wanted to read the comic, but aside from that I don't know much of anything about it at all. ^^;

I just beat Chasm last night – and even that was over a sporadic period of almost two months, and I managed to put ~14 hours into the game over that span of time. Outside of that, the last new game I completed is probably... FFXV (unless you count the missus and I co-op playing Knack II together on occasion from like October to mid-April). The last game I played with a story on my own was Shadow of War earlier in October last year, and I just completely got sidetracked and never finished it. The last new game I consumed was via the missus playing God of War from April to May, but even with, I dove through a no commentary playthrough, so that I could help her out with it without running into spoilers out of context. That's not even getting started on my growing inability to keep up with shows. I haven't seen literally any of the Marvel Netflix shows after about halfway through Iron Fist, so like... mid-2017?

So yeah. Since about mid-to-late 2017, I've been more and more disconnected from being able to follow even more media things that require longer, isolated binge-able pockets of my attention than I usually am (the number of games I own and have forgotten about early on is quite large). I've managed to keep hold of a few things, and pick up maybe one or two others – but a lot more slips by me these days. Not sure how much of it's related to mental prep around planning for moving and all that, but there's likely some correlation there. By and large, most of the game stories that I keep up on, I grab in small chunks of playthroughs as I have a little time to devote to watching them.

Clearly it's more time-management than much of anything else, but yeah. That's me!

At any rate, I do plan on, at the very least, consuming the game's story vicariously at some point in the (possibly?) near future so that I can have a proper discussion about it with some of you fine folks.

X :neo:


3x3 Eyes
Internet is back ... so I can now share that I have finished the game!

Everything was just so on point. The final battle against Doc Oc was incredible and very atmospheric. It was very movie-eque in it's approach and I absolutely loved it. The final punch / dodge sequence on the side of the building was incredible. It was sad to see Doc rendered helpless without the neural interface and arms, even knowing Pete's secret identity. Aunt May's death hit me hard. She was so good in this, and I loved the reveal of Miles with the spidey-powers.

But that final reveal was SOOO exciting too. Harry having the symbiote? Yes please!


Finished the game, got the platinum~

I'm sad it's over now =(
Will probably come back to it just for some post-work relaxing web swinging through the city though :3
And photo mode. Apparently there's gonna be some more additions to it soon! And NG+ as well.

Also, does anyone else occasionally enjoy strolling through the streets just greeting and high-fiving people? :D Love little details like that.

The Doctor

The Definitive Article
This game was ok, very pretty and can't really fault it as a Spider-Man game. It just felt a lot like the Arkham series to me, ok the mechanic of swinging was different and I don't know what I'd have done differently but it left me with a massive feeling of deja vu.


The DLC was on offer so I got it and just finished it and yay, more Spider-Man. I like how it actually takes place post-main story and some of the developments in the DLC are gonna be relevant to the sequel i.e.
Yuri going rogue, Pete starting to train Miles
. Fun stuff. The missions for the most part were mostly more of the same but I'm okay with that :monster:
Man, Screwball is annoying as heck though.

The warehouse type missions with the enemy waves get quite ridiculous in this, whip guys, jetpack dudes, minigun bros and dig boys galore! Liked them though, made me use every gadget and technique at my disposal.

The writing in this is a ton of fun, love Spidey and Sable's interactions. I need the sequel now. :(
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.. ? ..
King of the Potato People
I'm currently playing the first DLC, how the heck do you take down the minigun guys?
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