New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

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Pro Adventurer
I don't know. I like the LTD debate. Maybe because I've just recently gotten into it. Yeah. It's true. I had no idea that there was a LTD debate until very late last year. I just assumed that people sat by their TV screens and cheered on for the pairing that they supported. But for this thread to work, we need more clerith's to debate with. QUE ! I demand that you bring some clerith's here ! :@

I've been stalking on C/A and alot of them don't give up on their pairing because they don't believe that they're any wrong. How would they stop supporting something when they believe what they believe in is the correct path and the truth ? Doesn't make any sense.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
QUE ! I demand that you bring some clerith's here !
Err... sorry I don't control Cleriths, that's up to them to decide if they want to come here :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
QUE ! I demand that you bring some clerith's here ! :@


Ok. You can.

I've been stalking on C/A and alot of them don't give up on their pairing because they don't believe that they're any wrong. How would they stop supporting something when they believe what they believe in is the correct path and the truth ? Doesn't make any sense.

Even when SE and creators and the storyline tell them otherwise? They don't have to stop liking clerith. No one even cares that they like it. But they're trying to force a square peg in a round hole when they claim it's canon. And some of the things folks come up with (whether pro-clerith or anti-cloti) is insulting to the whole damn story.

ETA: Q, stop following me :awesome:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
But they're trying to force a square peg in a round hole when they claim it's canon.
Most of them say it's up to interpretation but just argue their interpretation is the one that makes most sense.

ETA: Q, stop following me :awesome:
No u :monster:


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Most of them say it's up to interpretation but just argue their interpretation is the one that makes most sense.

"It's up for interpretation, but your interpretation is wrong." Yeah.

The word "interpretation" is like their drug. Or a fail safe. They fall back on it when their arguments have all been destroyed by facts and logic.


Pro Adventurer
Err... sorry I don't control Cleriths

Sorry Q. But we all know that is all lies. We all know that you control the Cleriths with your secret mind- control powers :awesome:

Even when SE and creators and the storyline tell them otherwise? They don't have to stop liking clerith. No one even cares that they like it. But they're trying to force a square peg in a round hole when they claim it's canon. And some of the things folks come up with (whether pro-clerith or anti-cloti) is insulting to the whole damn story.

Yeah but they all believe things like how the flower field in Dissidia means that Cloud loves Aerith.... Like I used too. :(Yeah but, some people wonder why they won't stop supporting C/A. Yeah, that's true some people come up with some random stuff.


Ok. You can.

I would like a large glass of coke and a pillow to rest my feets on. :monster:

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Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Sorry Q. But we all know that is all lies. We all know that you control the Cleriths with your secret mind- control powers :awesome:

There are no cleriths. They are all secret accounts created by Quexinos. And that is the truth.

Yeah but they all believe things like how the flower field in Dissidia means that Cloud loves Aerith.... Like I used too. :(Yeah but, some people wonder why they won't stop supporting C/A. Yeah, that's true some people come up with some random stuff.

They believe the things they think they see and "interpret". Most of it is baseless. Then parade it around as canon stuffs. It's more humorous than anything else.

I would like a large glass of coke and a pillow to rest my feets on. :monster:

I bring it with a bendy straw :monster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
There are no cleriths. They are all secret accounts created by Quexinos. And that is the truth.
I should probably be concerned that this isn't the first time this idea has been brought up.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
That's nothing, it's maintaining the two websites that really is the killer :monster:


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Does anyone know anything about a petition to Amano to draw Cloud and Tifa together? Just curious.


Higher Further Faster
Never heard of anything like that. Would be kind of lame, though. A professional artist like him would more than likely not take requests, but that's just a guess (read: sarcasm, he won't do it). I don't know if he even cares about FF, really. I think he views it as more or less just another job.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
@Tres- I'm an evil sadistic motherfucker who wants you all to suffer, didn't you know?

Trust me, a different person is all over that. :awesome:

Who's also the perfect example of 'interpretation/ opinion' as their safety word and making things up and treating them as canon.

Does anyone know anything about a petition to Amano to draw Cloud and Tifa together? Just curious.

It happened. Around 8 years ago. Nothing came of it. The movement died quickly. Are people still not shutting the fuck up about it?


Aerina, Elle
Thank goodness. Amano's artwork freaks me out. :scared:

No seriously, I can see why you think that. Especially how he draws hands *shudders*

The interpretation vs canon thing is my biggest beef with the LTD debate though. There's nothing wrong with liking other pairings, but liking pairings and thinking said pairings supercede canon are two sepeate things.
I remember getting confused on that particular aspect a few years ago (I was a Clerith who hadn't gotten past disk 1 & argued it simply because I liked it more than "boring" Cloti), it took a debate with Ryu on some random FF board to help me see the error of my ways :monster:


wangxian married
Vorona, where'd you get your icon from?

On topic: this topic is the scum of the earth


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
Thank goodness. Amano's artwork freaks me out. :scared:

Given the sheer scope of styles the man draws in, you can't really use such a sweeping statement.
Unless Gatchaman freaks you out, anyways.

No seriously, I can see why you think that. Especially how he draws hands *shudders*

Which hands do you refer? Like I said, he deliberately changes style every so often.

The interpretation vs canon thing is my biggest beef with the LTD debate though. There's nothing wrong with liking other pairings, but liking pairings and thinking said pairings supercede canon are two sepeate things.
I remember getting confused on that particular aspect a few years ago (I was a Clerith who hadn't gotten past disk 1 & argued it simply because I liked it more than "boring" Cloti), it took a debate with Ryu on some random FF board to help me see the error of my ways :monster:

Glad to be of service.
Do you happen to remember what board that was on, or at least how many years ago that was?

I'm sure they'll be back up soon Vendel :monster:

Of course you can say that. You run all the websites.


Pro Adventurer
Case of Tifa said:
At night, they slept under a plate in Midgar where rumor had it that it could fall anytime.

I think we agree that Cloud wanted to begin a new life with Tifa by his side, there is the argument that he was determined and supportive, looking forward to this new life, but... the above part... doesn't sound suicidal to you? They sleep under a place they know it might collapse and smash them anytime? How does that indicate any desire to live in order to repent for past sins and whatnot??


Not suicidal. Risky, certainly. Considering this is part of the group that chased Sephiroth around the world, it probably doesn't even register that high a blip on the danger-o-meter. Heck, after having a Meteor that was about to fall at any time, they'd probably look at that plate and say "bring it".

...More seriously. (Although I am partly serious that they simply take risks more cautious people would balk at without thinking much of it.) It is "according to rumor". What else would've been suicidal according to rumor? Taking in Denzel, since people believed Geostigma was contagious. The plate must have looked in bad shape, but it didn't actually fall, did it? They had a whole small battle under a plate's main support without it falling until the explosives went off, so there's a good chance they'd have more faith in the integrity of the structure than others. Not to mention that everyone in Gaia has been agitated with both Meteor and then the emergence of Geostigma, so it's probably easy for new fears to spread. And there's likely a usefulness to staying in that location, since they're gathering supplies and intel in the Midgar area.

So I guess, mostly, whether it's suicidal or not depends on whether Cloud, Tifa and Barret actually believed it might fall themselves. Which we're not told.


I'm sure they'll be back up soon Vendel :monster:

Oh you. :awesome: Stop trying to cheer me up.

Also on a related note to my first post. I had someone on youtube disable comments on their video (after much cursing at me). Followed up by comments on my channel itself railing against me for trying to tell them that something they have believed for 10 years is wrong.

Again because saying C/T is canon is a personal attack on them right?


reality is a prison
May I ask what video this was exactly, Vendel?

And I don't think their point is that you are making a personal attack necessarily, it's that you are going on a piece of their art, a creation they made, and starting a debate that won't change their mind. They probably feel inclined to reply more out of rage than anything. Unless they specifically said they wanted to debate through comments in their video (which they obviously didn't) just layoff man, all it does is piss people off.
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