New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

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Higher Further Faster
Hey, so, in case you missed it, this thread is for discussing the LTD, NOT discussing what people do on other websites. LET'S KEEP IT THAT WAY.

Seriously, take it to PM or something. I'm not going to say this again.

I don't know if that would convince me. But yeah I guess it's there. What do you guys think? Do you think it was an intentional reference or just a phrase he was saying?

I'm not sure. It seems like such an odd and random thing to have Cloud say. You would think there would have to be a reason behind it. Whether it's romantic or just an expression of his desires went as far as joining SOLDIER when he was fourteen remains to be seen. Perhaps the new game will cover it?

I still find the whole flowers = Aerith thing mindbogglingly stupid... like not enough face palms in the world kind of stupid. And no, not because of the Clerith, but because people are jumping to that conclusion without thinking of the 'why'. WHY is she being represented? What does this mean to the story of Dissidia?


Flowers=Aerith does not make any sense to the story of Dissidia. Why would they just randomly throw her in at the end like that?


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
I still find the whole flowers = Aerith thing mindbogglingly stupid... like not enough face palms in the world kind of stupid. And no, not because of the Clerith, but because people are jumping to that conclusion without thinking of the 'why'. WHY is she being represented? What does this mean to the story of Dissidia?

Because every other character has a nod to his or her romantic love interest when they leave... except for the ones who don't... which is all but Squall... but STILL, Squall does so Cloud MUST have a nod to his love interest too because everyone else does... except.. you know for everyone else... or something... :shifty:
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Because every other character has a nod to his or her romantic love interest when they leave... except for the ones who don't... which is all but Leon... but STILL, Leon does so Cloud MUST have a nod to his love interest too because everyone else does... except.. you know for everyone else... or something... :shifty:


Alexia Ashford

Dissidia has nothing to do with anyone's relationships. XD It's just what if you took all these characters, put them in a room together and told them to fight evil.
Cut and dry. That's all it is. I wouldn't really take anything from Dissidia as proof. Especially since they ruined half the characters. Kuja now lives for theatrical puns. :O

I mean unless it actually said "I love so and so" or something like that I wouldn't take much into account from it.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Got it

back on topic

do you guys feel as if Cleriths have any evidence that's really good? Like what do you think Cleriths best evidence is?
Evidence of what though? This isn't a game of who ever has the most points wins.

If you are asking if I think there are any points in the game or otherwise that are an indication of Cloud having romantic feelings for Aerith then the answer is a simple no.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Evidence of what though? This isn't a game of who ever has the most points wins.
I didn't say it was...?

I'm not asking for points, no, just wondering if you think Cleriths have any evidence that makes you go "Well that IS a good point..." or anything.

Alexia Ashford

Well I've never been an active debater, so I don't have much experience hands on, but I've never really heard anything that made me go 'well that makes sense'.
Not that I'm not open to that either, it just doesn't make sense to me. And I didn't think of Clerith as a real option until I got online. XP I dunno. It just didn't register to me. So no I don't think there are any extremely good points, but as I said I don't know all of their points.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Kuja now lives for theatrical puns. :O

Well, Kuja was always quite theatrical. But yeah, Dissidia seems to have exaggerated it.

I mean unless it actually said "I love so and so" or something like that I wouldn't take much into account from it.

Well, Squall does blatantly refer to Rinoa during the game. Something to OK about someone waiting for him, idr exactly what he said. But if they wanted to specifically refer to Aerith, they'd have Cloud do so. And of course, just referring to her doesn't necessarily mean it would be romantic. I mean, he has other concerns of Aerith besides romantic ones.

As for the flower field, it's just a representation of the FFVII world. The flowers are the most recognizable thing from the Planet. There really is nothing else significant enough for Cloud to walk away into. How else could he have left that give the viewer as much of an emotional and memorable tie to the FFVII universe?

Celes Chere

Especially since they ruined half the characters.

Eh... half the characters is a bit of an exaggeration, the only one I had a problem with was Kuja. They really messed him up and made him seem almost... stupid. While in IX he was sinister, and cunning. Dramatic, but not dramatic in the way that they made him act in Dissidia. It's like Kuja is a whole different character now, and totally not the impression I had of him in IX. If you mean half of the characters, besides Kuja who else sucked? XD

Like what do you think Cleriths best evidence is?

Probably Aerith appearing to Cloud in his dreams. In FFVII, that is. I do see how that scene could be romantic.
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Alexia Ashford

To me Aerith was an important symbol to FFVII and an important character.
So why does it have to mean that it's Clerith if they include a symbol of Aerith when she's a key player in the FFVII world? You could take Cloud out completely and Aerith is still important.

YOU'RE THE PERFECT BAIT FOR ZIDANE FISHING <---- no. Kuja would never say ANYTHING like that. :/

I know I didn't like someone else in there... I don't remember who know though. D:

And I was exaggerating. I shouldn't have, but I did. XD
There was someone else though..... :/


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
To me Aerith was an important symbol to FFVII and an important character.
So why does it have to mean that it's Clerith if they include a symbol of Aerith when she's a key player in the FFVII world? You could take Cloud out completely and Aerith is still important.

YEEESSS! Aerith is important in so many ways. Of course she is going to be mentioned and thought about. And that's aside from Cloud's personal connection to her. But that doesn't mean its romantic. It means she's special to him.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
I'm not sure. It seems like such an odd and random thing to have Cloud say. You would think there would have to be a reason behind it. Whether it's romantic or just an expression of his desires went as far as joining SOLDIER when he was fourteen remains to be seen. Perhaps the new game will cover it?

I meant to reply to this before XD It is very unusual to hear such a thing from Cloud; it seems almost OOC. Which is why it seems like it could be specifically referencing something. But here's what I was thinking: Cloud is trying to compare Firion's dream to something he can better understand. Maybe wishing on a star is a common, whimsical equivilent of the FFVII world.

Celes Chere

Someone else? Probably Tidus, lol. Remember when he started his inner monologue in Dissidia and we were like FUCK NO!!!!!

Alexia Ashford

@ Celes-
OMG that was PAIN

But like I said, unless directly mentioned, like Squall did, I don't think love interests really play a part in dissidia. And FFVIII was very romance based, so it kinda makes sense that Squall would mention the who--- Rinoa.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
okay wow That Guy with the Glasses had a thing on Cloud Mows the Lawn... I won't post the link since its adult (i can't right?) but... wow

I figured since the conversation always turns to that anyway :monster:

Basically it's some dude reading the story with comments and footage showing throughout it. FYI I've never fully read the fanfic... I skimmed through reading selectively mostly... and I could only get through about 5 minutes of that. How that guy kept a straight face is just beyond me.
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Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
he must have read celebrian

nothing's that bad after reading celebrian


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I meant to reply to this before XD It is very unusual to hear such a thing from Cloud; it seems almost OOC. Which is why it seems like it could be specifically referencing something. But here's what I was thinking: Cloud is trying to compare Firion's dream to something he can better understand. Maybe wishing on a star is a common, whimsical equivilent of the FFVII world.

Well, it is in our world, too. The problem with that interpretation though, is that at no time do Cloud or Cecil consider that Firi's dream is Whimsical. So, while he could be comparing it to the same idea in his own world, I that suggests that the idea is anything but whimsical to Cloud.

okay wow That Guy with the Glasses had a thing on Cloud Mows the Lawn... I won't post the link since its adult (i can't right?) but... wow

I figured since the conversation only turns to that anyway :monster:

Basically it's some dude reading the story with comments and footage showing throughout it. FYI I've never fully read the fanfic... I skimmed through reading selectively mostly... and I could only get through about 5 minutes of that. How that guy kept a straight face is just beyond me.

It's the guy who reads all the Fanfics, no? He's read My Immortal. This is par for that course.


Pro Adventurer
Tifabelle, Nathan Drake, Locke Cole, Kain Highwind, Yamcha, Arya Stark
Well, it is in our world, too. The problem with that interpretation though, is that at no time do Cloud or Cecil consider that Firi's dream is Whimsical. So, while he could be comparing it to the same idea in his own world, I that suggests that the idea is anything but whimsical to Cloud.

But...whimsical in the sense that it's not practical. I doubt Cloud expects a wish on a star to really come true. Doesn't he refer to it as childlike? idr exactly. Although he does say it after Cecil says, "Honest men have honest dreams."

@Quex - I've actually seen the video you're talking about. There is little to no editing. Besides the ick factor of it, it's actually incredibly impressive that he can read that without laughing...or vomiting. He doesn't even crack a smile! Masterful.


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
But...whimsical in the sense that it's not practical. I doubt Cloud expects a wish on a star to really come true. Doesn't he refer to it as childlike? idr exactly. Although he does say it after Cecil says, "Honest men have honest dreams."

Whimsical!= not practical. Whimsical is means capricious or fanciful. Firi's dream is fantastic, but it's anything but capricious or prone to his whim. He's dedicated to it. The dream is childlike, but that's speaking of the ideal, not the devotion.

@Quex - I've actually seen the video you're talking about. There is little to no editing. Besides the ick factor of it, it's actually incredibly impressive that he can read that without laughing...or vomiting. He doesn't even crack a smile! Masterful.

You should see the My Immortal reading. It's hilarious how he reads all the typos and missing grammar out 'properly.'
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