...making this the most counterproductive sacrifice evah!Ironically, that whom he set out to protect sacrificed herself to protect him.
Ouch.Revived as a warrior of Cosmos, he searches for a meaning to fight out of the sense that he has lost something dear within his memories.
Star Wars.
I thought it was Star Trek because the Trekkers can't stand the minute detail they love being thrown in their face showing Star Wars is quicker, more powerful and just apparently more bad ass - which - correct me if I'm wrong Ryu, is the crux of the debate.
As far as I once peeped, it came down to factual details as to which was the most powerful.
Which in fairness to them, if it wasn't for that minute extended detail, it would be something you probably could debate endlessly. With this, the answer was very much in the narrative without needing to know every line/read every companion book etc.
Such jokes require me to be somewhat more educated than I am. I accept teh fail most graciously.
Just surfing through the site at the incredible amount of data since I last peeped. It's incredulous people still fight. Bless. All so unnecessary. Could have told them that all along, oh wait, I did. Most of us did.
...making this the most counterproductive sacrifice evah!
it's almost like they took everything the Cleriths saw as Clerith in the game and retconed it..
Revived as a warrior of Cosmos, he searches for a meaning to fight out of the sense that he has lost something dear within his memories.
It's not a retcon if that stuff was never canon to begin with.All that materia and flowerfield crap was the craziest stuff I'm still shocked anyone ever took seriously.
Also, Kingdom Hearts. If SE does care at all about Cleriths it's not the way they think they do. Anytime they go nuts over something SE changes it to be all about Tifa and obviously about Tifa and makes it very clear it's not about Aerith.
As if they are trying to tell us something.![]()
LOL, seriously? It's like they do this on purpose.
We have to find pleasure somehow. There's nothing wrong with finding relief in oneself's readiness to appreciate how great we are.i have decided to start calling this thread the 'love triangle dicksuckery', because you can't get much more masturbatory than this thread.
That's only because people see romance where romance is not in it. Herp derp, Cloud misses someone- it must mean love and not the fact that he has a special relationship with at least three people that this could apply to? No, no, this is definitely ltd.the thing that's so weird about this is that it's almost like they took everything the Cleriths saw as Clerith in the game and retconed it...
i have decided to start calling this thread the 'love triangle dicksuckery', because you can't get much more masturbatory than this thread.
... the materia crystal can't be Clerith now because Tifa has the crystal too
well... actually idk, does Tifa have the same crystal?... I thought I read she did... but now I'm not sure...
So.I think the crystal is the same. Consider that in 012 Tifa is the only one searching for the crystal. Cloud isn't. Then in 013 Cloud takes up the task, now being a warrior for Cosmos. And of course the crystal is for each world, not of each individual. I mean, assume for a second they are both Cosmos warriors at the same time - would they be searching for two different crystals to restore their world?
i like your post.i don't think you can handle how ~sane and ~rational this discussion is
I guess you could try to make an argument that since your crystal is revealed by overcoming adversity and crap that Tifa's crystal would have manifested differently than Cloud's. But short of her getting a crystalline version of Cloud's cock, I doubt it matters anyway.
aki wanna touch penises and talk about how great cloti isi have decided to start calling this thread the 'love triangle dicksuckery', because you can't get much more masturbatory than this thread.
aki wanna touch penises and talk about how great cloti is
(no homo)
But short of her getting a crystalline version of Cloud's cock, I doubt it matters anyway.