New year, New LTD thread. (Round 5)

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unsavory tart
Personally, I find any one pairing side that plays the victim card, eyeroll worthy.

Yeah, some of us are shitheads. Some of them are shit heads too. This entire fandom is full of shitheads.

But everyone is trying to make the otherside look like they are bigger assholes but anyone who is not on either side can see that both sides are equally as bad. I'm not saying this as a warm hearted- aw we are all are the same as the others in a world of ~equality. I'm saying that everyone inside an LTD is living in a glass house and everyone else can see it and think it's retarded.

I don't know what the big deal is with trying to make "our" or "your" side look better or worse because no one outside of their own choir is buying the preaching.

Look at the other LTDs. Narusaku and naruhina are absolutely obsessed with each other, constantly trying to make each other look like the bad guys. But in the end, they both are dipshits. Nobody cares until they start trying to paint the otherside a certain way, and then they start to look crazy.

So hurr durr look at the circle jerking. But there's circle jerking on the otherside all the time. That's one fandom is half the time, saying otherwise is deluding yourself. The same goes for people who are like "they are refusing to the see the light" but I've seen plenty of Cloud/Tifa fans who refuse to let ANY evidence of CxA in. Anything that might remotely looks like CxA is trash talked and ignored in this thread as if the very idea is heresy and there was absolutely no way ever could the creators mean something by it.

I like the debate and all. And sometimes I like the mocking of stupid ideas. But this whole "LOOK AT THEM" finger pointing gets assanine.


in the Ultimania Omega(I think) there's some quote talking about the two different versions of that Highwind scene that calls the low version 'apathetic'. Is that the right translation?

Can anyone answer this?

(Sorry, the LT stuff isn't quite as tedious for me(minus the squabbling)as for most people who post here I guess, since I'm not too involved in it. :loopy:)


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
There are, of course, Clerith assholes/trolls/idiots too. Did not mean to imply otherwise.

Fair enough. My point there though, is that it's not as though people are being assholes for no reason.

I'm...not sure what this has to do with anything? I'm sure the LTD is nothing near as volatile as what it used to be - I wasn't around for it back then so I don't really know - but that doesn't change the underlying issues of people needing to invade other people's space just to prove a point.

Which... they aren't.
The people involved in that- and I don't think there are any left, really- are trolls in general, and Tana and her ilk irritated both sides of the dispute. I know plenty of people who get kicked out of the forum as trolls who are exactly the sort of 'Enjoy it is fanon' cleriths who rub the pinkers the wrong way.

Right. And the ones who claim it's canon are cray cray, I think everyone's agreed on that. I still don't get the constant need to drudge up their idiocy and screech at them when they clearly aren't going to change their minds.

For the edification of others. Antivaccers are similarly entrenched in their beliefs, and we're not trying to convince them- if we do, all the better- but keep a voice out to keep people from falling for their nonsense.

I have nothing wrong with the namecalling that goes on here. By all means, Cleriths and Clotis can sling poo at each other in the streets until their arms fall off and I won't give a fuck. But taking it into another person's house just because you don't like their pink wallpaper that they insist on keeping even though everyone knows pink is wrong is immature and just plain ol' rude. It's their house, they paid for it and they're allowed to be stupid in it if they want to be.

But that's the thing... no one's DOING that. No one here anyways. Not even Vendel. As far as I know.

...Except this is about a fictional pairings with fictional characters in a fictional universe that's 14 years old now. I hate to deflate anyone's sense of self-importance, but making Clerith's see the error of their ways will not cure AIDS. If they still think it's canon now, after all the shit including Word of God that made Cloti canon, you are never going to change their minds.

I'm not trying to compare the severity of the issue at all, but I find the methods and the mindset quite similar. And I, personally, hate the sort of willfull ignorance they peddle. Not that they believe, but that they peddle, that the convince people of, that they spread through the website.
They aren't simply being quiet and believing, they're trying to spread the word, they're just not as able as before.

To be clear; I have no issue with the LTD in and of itself, even if I do think it's usually incredibly tedious when it's actually on topic. I just don't like it when people feel the need to go invade someone's sanctuary because they can't stand it when other people don't realize how right they are.

Once again though, WHO IS DOING THIS?

im sure someday if you just keep tellin yourself that all those cleriths over there are all crazy and hate canon just like the evil christians and science, someday it'll come true

just for you :3

You might want to reconsider mixing LSD, Crack, and Weed, Aki. It's not going well.

he made the comparison himself

i like to think people at least read ryu's posts instead of skimming when i mock him i mean come on

I'd like to think you read my posts as well. As you showed no signs of comprehending it, that seems not to be the case.


wangxian married


o wait

this thread just went full retard

Why the fuck does it matter so much if someone sees Clerith as canon? It's a video game pairing that's over a decade old. sry2say people can go on without the glorious light of ~CLOTI CANON~ in their lives.

They were from just a couple months ago. It was actually scary how one single die-hard Clerith was fighting so hard to keep their pages neutral.

maybe because tvtropes/wikipedia/etc is supposed to generally be a neutral site and is not the place for a ship war at all?

i mean it's as obnoxious as pissing all over the floor to mark your territory. there is not enough no1curr in the world


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu

Woman, are you high?

Besides, there's a difference between Neutral and the golden mean fallacy.


wangxian married
I don't involve myself with TVTrope edit wars, I just read 'em. And I avoid most pages with shitty love triangles. :monster:

Woman, are you high?

i'm in this thread, so yes


Deus Admiral Parsimonious, PHD, DDS, MD, JD, OBE
Tim, Ryu
I don't involve myself with TVTrope edit wars, I just read 'em. And I avoid most pages with shitty love triangles. :monster:

Which has nothing to do with TV Tropes being one of the most Un-NPOV places on the internet.

i'm in this thread, so yes

Yes Zee, we're all aware that the LTD is your heroin.

Dana Scully

Special Agent
YACCBS, Legato Bluesummers, Daenaerys Targaryen, Revy, Kate Beckett, Samantha Carter, Matsumoto Rangiku
Can anyone answer this?

(Sorry, the LT stuff isn't quite as tedious for me(minus the squabbling)as for most people who post here I guess, since I'm not too involved in it. :loopy:)

No need to apologize for being on topic or finding the LT interesting. :monster: Unfortunately I can't answer your question, but I'm sure one of our resident Japanese-knowledgeable folks will be able to.

Which... they aren't.
The people involved in that- and I don't think there are any left, really- are trolls in general, and Tana and her ilk irritated both sides of the dispute. I know plenty of people who get kicked out of the forum as trolls who are exactly the sort of 'Enjoy it is fanon' cleriths who rub the pinkers the wrong way.


But that's the thing... no one's DOING that. No one here anyways. Not even Vendel. As far as I know.


Once again though, WHO IS DOING THIS?

No one is doing this right now, at least that I know of, and I never said they were. It was just that Aki mentioned how Clotis invaded the CxA forums for 2-3 years and I commented on how I think that invading someone's fansite clearly dedicated to a pairing just to denounce that pairing is a stupid thing to do. And somehow it got drawn out a bunch.

All I've seen you guys do is take comments from CxA and paste them here - which, tbh, I think is kinda silly too, though I guess it provides you with more fuel for the Cloti-is-canon fire - but I don't have any problem with that. By all means continue. :monster:

For the edification of others. Antivaccers are similarly entrenched in their beliefs, and we're not trying to convince them- if we do, all the better- but keep a voice out to keep people from falling for their nonsense.
Right, that's all fine and dandy, though I don't think it's that necessary. Anyone who's actually interested in the Compilation should be able to understand that Clerith isn't canon (outside of the OG, at least) and any OG-Clerith fan looking for more info should pick up on it pretty quick as well.

I'm not trying to compare the severity of the issue at all, but I find the methods and the mindset quite similar. And I, personally, hate the sort of willfull ignorance they peddle. Not that they believe, but that they peddle, that the convince people of, that they spread through the website.
They aren't simply being quiet and believing, they're trying to spread the word, they're just not as able as before.
I just don't get how it's such serious business that they have their ~wrong~ opinion and are (sometimes) vocal about it. Again, fictional pairing/fictional characters/fictional universe. This isn't Hitler spreading hate about the Jews, it's just some folks a bit too obsessed with a video game. Which you can say the same thing about pretty much everyone here. :awesomonster:

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Stupid is always waiting to crop back up, like all the people trying to push creationism as science. I'm certainly not advocating invading any churchec, but I'm sure as hell going to call a moron a moron on that one.
im sorry for calling an insane comparison between clerith and cloti wars to religion vs. science insane

ill be nicer next time i promise


Pro Adventurer
Can anyone answer this?

I believe that's correct.

Why the fuck does it matter so much if someone sees Clerith as canon? It's a video game pairing that's over a decade old. sry2say people can go on without the glorious light of ~CLOTI CANON~ in their lives.

You must know. You still come to these threads after all this time.
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Clotis invaded the CxA forums for 2-3 years
They had a few trolls. We get those here too. Except they fed them well and we generally just ignore them.

I have no sympathy for 30 year old doctors who claim they're cyberbullied by 12 year olds.

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
They had a few trolls. We get those here too. Except they fed them well and we generally just ignore them.

I have no sympathy for 30 year old doctors who claim they're cyberbullied by 12 year olds.
we did?

i recall like two legit clerith posters, and no one who really posted consistently since this thread's third incarnation a year or so ago.


i like to think people at least read ryu's posts instead of skimming when i mock him i mean come on

read ryu's posts instead of skimming

read ryu's posts

girl are you forreal? I could get through all three Lord of the Rings before making it past Ryu's posts.

As for actual on topic - no1curr about canon when the source material is a steaming pile of horseshit anyway. It's like I'm watching an argument as to whether you'd rather have sex with Charlie Sheen or Garey Busey. In the end you're still going to be fucking a train wreck.

...even though Garey Busey is clearly the preferable option :awesome:


Mr. Thou
In summary, the internet is a bad place for sensitive folks who can't handle being criticized, mocked, trolled, or disagreed with. Mosh or get out of the pit.


Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
Why the fuck does it matter so much if someone sees Clerith as canon? It's a video game pairing that's over a decade old. sry2say people can go on without the glorious light of ~CLOTI CANON~ in their lives.
That goes both ways you know. Why is it a big deal to you that we see Cloti as canon and like to discuss it? No one here is forcing our opinions on others. You don't see Cloti as canon, that's fine. I disagree with you, but I don't have a problem with you thinking that, and I wouldn't hold it against you. You make it sound like we all have guns to CxA's head and are forcing them to think someway. No one is doing this. Yeah I agree, we shouldn't talk about the people from there. Discuss arguments, not people. But people are right when they say people there do the same thing there only with Clerith.

People come into this thread to share their thoughts on the LTD and yes, it's going to be generally Cloti because there's mostly Clotis here. If you don't have a problem with Cleriths talking about how Clerith is mostly canon and things like that, why do you make such a stink of it here if we do the same thing with Cloti? :monster:

Not trying to pick on you Zee, but I really don't get why so much of this topic has to be about finger pointing as Splintered put it.
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That goes both ways you know. Why is it a big deal to you that we see Cloti as canon and like to discuss it?


It's that awkward moment when you walk into a room and find a bunch of internet nerds touching each other's dicks.


Then you get curious... and you start asking yourself how long they can edge themselves without cumming.


and despite how gross it is...


...50 pages later and you realize you're completely mesmerized at how long they can go.


and then at some point you either join in, get bored and find some new weird porn to watch, or just get fed up and yell at everyone to just fuck already.





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Sonique, Quexinos, Pinkie Pie, Derpy Hooves
OMG you guys, I just realized.

Tidus and Yuna
Cid and Siera
Vincent and Lucrecia
Squall and Riona
Lulu and Wakka
Cecil and Rosa

Cloud and (yep) Tifa!

LTD solved amirite? :awesome:

okay I'll go be bored somewhere else now...

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
what about zidane and garnet?

Elisa Maza

Wasn't Garnet's real name Sarah...?

... I think? :doh: (has been a long time since I played the game)

Not that it proves anything. :P

Alessa Gillespie

a letter to my future self
Sansa Stark, Sweet Bro, Feferi, tentacleTherapist, Nin, Aki, Catwoman, Shinjiro Aragaki, Terezi, Princess Bubblegum
Wasn't Garnet's real name Sarah...?

... I think? :doh: (has been a long time since I played the game)

Not that it proves anything. :P
i think so, but then her name ends with an h.
also beatrix and steiner
rikku and gippal
celes and locke
setzer and daryll
cyan and elaine
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