I think
cleris Clack is the canon couple of FFVII. Actually, I KNOW it is, without a doubt. You people who are raving about cloti are just a little bit..uh..

for shipping such an awful pairing, no offense.
There is SO much evidence that points to
cloud x aeris Cloud x Zack, So much. I dont seem to recall there ever being an amano art for cloti. HM. How many did
cleris Clanaki get though? was it 5? or more.
All this talk about the highwind scene....just...what

nothing HAPPENED, you guys. Stop getting all hot and bothered and take a chill pill, will you?
Cloud and tifa thought they where going to die the next day...I can so see them banging eachother with all that going on.....
so..uh. Stop embarrasssing yourselves, please. xDDD