Ya know... the more I think about this, the more I'm pretty sure that Kojima was in a really shitty place with Konami (like we've heard rumor of), and the sudden viral success of the P.T. Demo was his bargaining chip as a way to un-fuck himself from the situation he was in.
Konami, reacted as a big corporation does by attempting to stamp it all out as hard as possible -- resulting in only exacerbating everyone's awareness of the situation because of the lack of transparency, and then the resulting negative backlash when the demo got pulled and everything went totally dark. Again -- Kojima being as well versed as he is, I don't think that he didn't know this would happen, and was probably counting on it.
He had to stick around to finish out MGSV - again with Konami fucking around with things, and once that was done, them putting him on his extended "vacation" that no one believed. The whole silence did nothing but exacerbate ire for Konami and more love for Kojima.
Then, PlayStation picks him up, and does the most open-company thing ever by making a video about it in Japanese with subtitles and puts it online.
I think that if there's any company that really understands what the viral success of the P.T. Demo was and the value of Hideo Kojima is, it's PlayStation. I'd be stunned if they aren't working to make a spiritual successor to what they'd been building with "Silent Hills". Specifically, because of what went down when, not to mention that there's no way that Kojima doesn't know every single legal line he can and can't cross if he were putting that together. Pairing that with apparently being a PS4 exclusive with a later PC release. I don't see how you can do any wrong at this point.
Also, I'm way happy that the other trapped Japanese developers know that there IS a light at the end of the tunnel to getting out from the oppressive corporate bullshit.
His official site looks to be up: