Opera Omnia Dissidia News/Discussion Thread

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
Here's April's content:
There's going to be 5 free multi draws:
Marauding Mimises featuring Sephiroth, Vincent and Cait Sith
Vayne LC featuring PCecil and Cyan
Beatrix redux (NOT LC) featuring Steiner's EX and Vanille instead of Krile that we had last time
Mission Dungeon x2 - One featuring Selphie, Noctis and Lyse, the other with Rosa, Barret and Agrias

We also get EX tokens to spend in a limited time shop, which match the one for Dimensions end. Look at this on reddit for planning gems/tokens:

The stream date is set for April 27th, if it comes.

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
May's events will go ahead as planned, not sure about June yet. Here's a summary of the latest stream:
You'll be able to use weapon skins from tomorrow's maintenance. So you can have Cloud's Force Stealer equipped, but with the appearance of the Buster Sword, provided you have the passive for it. You can't equip other characters weapons.

There's going to be daily free draws from the 29th-11th, rotating every 3 days, there will be 12 of them in total.


I've been trying to "git gud" and improve my characters. Keeping track of summon boards, character boards, artifact farming, crystal levels, character levels, and passives that come with equipment is tiring. I just want to purple my favorite characters, and now I hear that the "Burst Era" is coming up soon. D:

I'm impressed with other players who can keep up with all of that. It must take a lot of work and time to build up good characters.

Also, there was a Global Twitch stream today. This person on Reddit made a recap for those who want to see. I'm glad Aranea is coming back because I missed her event. Also, Eald'narche is coming soon! Now I can have both Zilart brothers fight together. :D

ultima espio

Pro Adventurer
Amidatelion and Desch.

They changed the way draws work now, you don't have that build up anymore. Previously when you got a gold, it would take a second, turn silver, wait again, turn gold, wait then give you it, now you just get it as soon as you press on the orb.

They said the rates wouldn't change until the next draws, but I spent 10 tickets and got 6 golds. Never happened before.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Well, I know Desch, but I've never heard of the other one. I just hope that Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge (FF7R) get added at some point. The Turks were, so it's only fair that the trio gets a shot to be in the game as well.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
I understand that, though the Turks came out pretty quick after FF7R did. How soon (and how often) are new units added to JP? As in, theoretically, if the trio were added to JP today, how long would it take for them to show up on global?

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
It's the same speed as it in on Global... Probably about a year... maybe 8 months? For comparison's sake... the current new character now, Trey, was released on 10/23/19 on JP. So we're looking at a while.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Okay. How often are new characters added to JP? Is there a list of the ones they have in JP and the ones they're going to add to it? FF:BE has something like that on its wiki.

Obsidian Fire

Ahk Morn!
The Engineer
Here's the best Opera Omnia Database I've found: https://dissidiadb.com/

Here's the page of when the JP character's come out: https://dissidiadb.com/timeline#character-events
Just make sure "Japan" is selected at the top.

It looks like it's... one new character every two weeks or so. Last year it was around 23 different characer events... which is about 52 weeks divided in half. It seems like Global is 12 characters behind JP.... or about half a year more or less.


Author of FFVII: Lifestream & FFVII: Reflections
Thanks, I'll keep an eye on that, then. Hopefully they'll add the trio sometime next year. :)


Waiting for something
So I lucked in and pulled Squall's Burst weapon while using a few tickets to try and get Tifa's EX which I did also manage to get some tickets after.

I had no intentions on pulling for it as I know the rates are low, kept telling myself if I got if along the way, thats cool but not necessary i've only been playing for about 4 months so for now i'm still all about building some solid teams and aiming for favourites to get them mastered, I was happy enough getting Squall's LD weapon while aiming for his EX as I've always wanted to fully Kit out Squall to at least purpling his Ex and calling it a day so I pulled for him (and Steiner as well as Tifa cause I love our good old Rusty) but damn if he isn't fun to use in Burst mode.

Took him in to summon board farming to play with his kit and master his boards and it was so much fun just going nuts with the damage, as well as hearing the change in music when you hit the burst i've seen the rework he gets later down the line too after he fell off the powercurve again so now i'm pretty happy i've invested in him now.

I really like the change to banner only cp 15, 35 etc weapons made it very easy to get EX weapons and dupes of the 15 and 35s for obs, best luck so far i've had for EX Weapons. I was running low on orbs so its helped replen my stash.

I hear Noctis is going to be next to get his Burst and his utility is supposedly excellent, used a friend Noctis lately to see what hes like when fully purpled and I really liked using him but I only have his CP 15 and his armor mastered, i've not enough power tokens to get his CP 35 and i've been cleaned out of purple T4 and 5 crystals lately to get him to C70, I just had enough for Squall to get him up,. So he's on my list to build as much as I can before his banner drops still a ton of summon boards to work though thougt, so I won't be short on gems or Tickets to aim for when it does drop.

Wow this post was longer than I thought.


Waiting for something
So since we got the free mog pass i've been going nuts on the summon board farming like its so good to farm right now with the pass, I will happily pay the £5 (I think) for the standard pass in the future to gain extra character board points and summon board points for the time being considering the investment you get back.for grindin boards in terms of gems, tickets and armor tokens. Premium is a stay away for me thoughcanr justify that extra cost, the freebie is really nice though.

Anyhoo, only thing annoying me was pressing on the nodes on the boards to keep gaining stuff....until I noticed and realised for the first time in 4 months that theres an auto button!!!! I have never been so happy to see an auto button in my life! The anount of time i've previously wasted manually clearing these boards....good lord i'm an idiot.


Not sure about Aerith's LD, I thought it looked good but then people were like well actually ... I will probably still get it when it comes to global anyway. I thought about redownloading JP version so I could play around with it but if it's not that good guess I can wait.


Waiting for something
Uhh I think you've misread what her LD does, it debuffs the enemy and makes them take more damage not the other way around she debuffs the enemy defence by 60% I believe its been confirmed as of now, think it was originally mentioned as 40%

Her LD is amazing and pretty busted, shes probably as of now one of the best support units in the game I look forward to her global release several months down the line.


Waiting for something
So I heard good and interesting things about Amidatelion, while I haven't touched the banner yet I am tempted to pull on it because, this unit straight up deletes enemy turns...that's kinda nuts! But I am straight up lacking in tank type units I only have Galuf built, so I feel like maybe pulling on the Garland banner for Wol Is a better choice of resources?
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