So I lucked in and pulled Squall's Burst weapon while using a few tickets to try and get Tifa's EX which I did also manage to get some tickets after.
I had no intentions on pulling for it as I know the rates are low, kept telling myself if I got if along the way, thats cool but not necessary i've only been playing for about 4 months so for now i'm still all about building some solid teams and aiming for favourites to get them mastered, I was happy enough getting Squall's LD weapon while aiming for his EX as I've always wanted to fully Kit out Squall to at least purpling his Ex and calling it a day so I pulled for him (and Steiner as well as Tifa cause I love our good old Rusty) but damn if he isn't fun to use in Burst mode.
Took him in to summon board farming to play with his kit and master his boards and it was so much fun just going nuts with the damage, as well as hearing the change in music when you hit the burst i've seen the rework he gets later down the line too after he fell off the powercurve again so now i'm pretty happy i've invested in him now.
I really like the change to banner only cp 15, 35 etc weapons made it very easy to get EX weapons and dupes of the 15 and 35s for obs, best luck so far i've had for EX Weapons. I was running low on orbs so its helped replen my stash.
I hear Noctis is going to be next to get his Burst and his utility is supposedly excellent, used a friend Noctis lately to see what hes like when fully purpled and I really liked using him but I only have his CP 15 and his armor mastered, i've not enough power tokens to get his CP 35 and i've been cleaned out of purple T4 and 5 crystals lately to get him to C70, I just had enough for Squall to get him up,. So he's on my list to build as much as I can before his banner drops still a ton of summon boards to work though thougt, so I won't be short on gems or Tickets to aim for when it does drop.
Wow this post was longer than I thought.