You need to think outside of just pure damage, its all fair and good for older content but you think you're just gonna get by on new content with Ex weapons only?
Of course not... but if you're new, the *bulk* of content available to you doesn't need an LD to clear.
What it needs is a *stat* beatstick. And if you just sit on ingots until you pull someone's LD, you're gimping yourself of taking advantage of all the resources out on the board. You don't need LDs until you try for Lunafia.... and even then, there's characters that *will* work without their LD's so long as you know how to use their kits right.
What is much more important than getting LDs is *learning* how your favorite character's kits synergize. I used Sephiroth and Garnet for Chaos content before they them had LDs (heck, Garnet *still* doesn't have one yet and she's still one of the best enchant supports in the game) because I knew how their kits all works and could dance around most mechanics with them. Getting their LDs/BTs was more of the cherry on top than *vital* to my playstyle.
There's plenty of LDs and BTs I have gotten by *accident* that I never use because I simply don't get how their character's kits work (or am really bad at using them optimally. So they just sit in my inventory gathering dust while characters that don't have LDs but do have EX+s do the boring mundane content (granted that list is growing shorter as more of my favorite characters get LDs and I can branch out more).
The important thing to learn with OO isn't to go after the new LDs/BTs whenever they come up. That is just a waste of resources. What is much better is to learn how to make viable parties and save up gems/tickets until one of your key character's weapons rolls around and then spend everything you saved up getting their gear. You'll get a lot farther by learning the ins and outs of a smaller group of character mechanic interactions than jumping on the hype train of every new weapon effect.
Like... here's my list of BT/LD weapons... the ones with * are ones I never planned on pulling and were gotten with free pulls... which means I rarely use them because I never used those characters before I got their BT weapons (except Ardyn and Garland)...
Vaan, Squall* ,Shantoto*, Ardyn*, Kefka*, Kuja, Lightning*, Sephiroth, Cloud*, The Emperor*, Y'shtola*, Garland*, Golbez*, Eald'arche, Layle, Cloud of Darkness, Tidus*
That's... eight out of seventeen BT/LD holders I have that I actually *use* in some capacity. Those other nine BTs I have... I might as well *not* have them since they just sit in my inventory. LDs are rather similar...
LDs I have and never use...
WoL, Firion, Leon, Desch, Cecil (Paladin), Yang, Faris, Strago, Vincent, Reno, Vivi, Beatrix, Wakka, Penelo, Basch, Gabranth, Hope, Noel Noctis, Aranea, Ramza, Seven, Jack, Trey, Ciaran, Amidatelion
LD's I have and *do* use
Celes, Aerith, Kadaj, Rinoa, Fujin, Ultimacia, Arciela, Serah, Caius, Gladio, Cor, Keiss,
LDs that are niche uses
Tifa (only use her in Summon Board Farming)
Kam'lanaut (his LD call ability befor BT is gold)
Characters without LDs that I *do* use (read, have high priority to save up to get their LDs!)
Kain, Zack, Quistis, Eiko, Garnet, Auron
That's... 12 LDs I use vs 26 I don't. And realistically the number of characters I reguarly use is a lot smaller than that. I have five "main" teams...
Story Mode Clears
Cloud of Darkness, Sephiroth, Rinoa (okay, so I might have liked having all green crystals characterss here...); sometimes I swap Garnet or Ultimacia in
Gods of Launches
Layle, Keiss, 3rd character as fight needs (often is Garland, Cor, Glaido or Celes); Layle and Keiss's launch prowess (and frequent delays) breaks a lot of boss fights... why yes, Cid Raine is very much joining this team once he's out on Global...
Goddess of Enchant/Imperil
Garnet, Sephiroth, Ardyn; Sephiroth and Ardyn *really* want some more BRV Gain and Enchant/Imperil and someone who can moonlight as a healer... Garnet is still crazy good at all those roles even at Level 70 and with no LD...
Crystal Auto+ Farming
Kain; no really, that's just it... Kain with only his S1 on is one of the fastest Crystal Farmers in the entire game.... sometimes I put extra characters with him when I need to complete panel missions... (I *always* need more T3 Crystals....)
Summon Board Auto+ Farming
Tifa, Character 1, Character 2; Tifa is not my favorite character to actually *do* content with, I don't like the way her kit plays (I don't like *most* kits that involve doing tricky turn manipulation in general...), but I can't deny that with her LD, she's one of the fastest ways to farm Summon Board points...
So yeah... I probably do 90% of content with less than ten different characters... Even though I could be using like... 60 maxed out characters instead. But learning *all* those character kits is... a lot of work. So I instead find characters who have kits I like and then just stick with them and save up to get all their gear. If I can't pass content while it's out... It's not really a big deal, I can always do it later once it comes around again....