Opera Omnia Dissidia News/Discussion Thread


Waiting for something
Aww that sucks Ite, i've missed the December part 2 ones because I didn't complete one of the missions and I hated that I'd forgotten it and missed out on books and tickets.

Zidane is absolutely still relevant, in Lufenia content I've ran him more than I ran the twins before Machina came into play because while the Twins bring nutty damage with their LD and BT effects, Zidane brings utility.

I used Machina a lot lately because I knew how much damage he could bring to end fights quickly, worth noting you can use more than 1 BT finisher move in the party just not the full rotation so I've paired him with Machina although sometimes doesn't work because his followups can steal Zidane's breaks but they do work very nicely together if I want to delete turns to bring Machina back faster but I run them separate a lot.

We are in a period now where the orbs are non fatal, c90 is bringing old units back up to scratch and giving them life again and the Lufenia fights are more straight forward without crappy strict mechanics so I'm going back to Zidane as my main for a little bit because he brings a lot of utility and still a lot of damage.

My favourite thing I ever used him with was a party comp with Iroha, her abilities allow you to hold brave damage and after using Zidane's finisher he had a 500k brave surplus in hold which immediate got fired into the enemy, had never seen anything like it.

Locke is up next on my list his kit is a little complicated to get the most damage out if him but I'll learn the rotation and he also brings heals i've a BT book and 3 ingots waiting for him and i'm ready to realize his high armor.

I don't know what to expect for the anni but can't wait for the stream.

Just read on what JP is getting for their 5th anni, lots of really cool changes I forgot theirs runs same time as ours I can't wait til we get that stuff next year!


Waiting for something
Live stream for the 4th anni is starting in just over 45 minutes

Will be updating this post with my thoughts, I've heard some cheeky rumours since the update on Friday. If they're true, well I am going to be one extremely happy girl.


Waiting for something
Yup I saw the announcement, doesn't matter from what I've heard the door is wide open now for BT candidates. I can hold a bit longer for Tifa her c90 rework is coming shortly to us anyways so she'll still get plenty of use until then.

I'm loving the FR partnerships in JP all of them have been pretty good in the pairing departments

Never bought a costume BUT Terra's most recent costume is making my fingers itch towards the wallet.

First thoughts: while waiting for the stream to go live always loved the several variations they have of the original dissidia psp opening music

Second thought: Cute 4th anni artwork!

Anni running from 31/1 - 2nd march

Daily multi draws woop for all the FFs every 5 days

10 free mutli draws also whoop on the select banners whoop!

Third thoughts: ooohh lightning c90 rework happening NOICE time to use Light again!

4th thoughts: 10% back campaign, not gonna lie I spend in game I'm happy to spend in game so this is nice to see again.

Portal app time! Always love some freebies! And they're updated!

5th thoughts: Q&A
Oooohh nice they may updated choco and sylph summons, that's nice!

I'd also like to see some of the UI changed

Skipping lower levels has just been announced on JP

Change to the friend system would be good.

6th thoughts: ohhhh wow Strangers of Paradise coming to Opera Omnia! Did not know it was the same producer!

7th thoughts:


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Waiting for something

I already have Garnet full maxed, artifacts and blue armor, she's an instant pity for me. Pull plans will be reorganised!

Time to go purchase an ultima weapon staff as well for her!

Ooohhh kay this new global first event looks interesting!

The lag is going to be stupid at reset tonight! Glad I'll be asleep at that time!

YES A BOOK ON THAT RETWEET loling at how we got that in like 20 mis

I'M STILL NOT OVER GARNET, I rewatched the BT again during the coop including Eiko in there is so perfect!!.

Her BT is busted, stacked effects! Stupid good!

Changed my avatar couldn't help myself!

Ooohhh ANOTHER global first event!

Yes! I Intersecting Wills I do love those IW events

Jesus what a stream.

There's something that wasn't announced that I've heard on good authority is also coming on an equinox banner. Based on the rumours about Garnet I heard, I'm assuming this one will go through but they're not mentioning it in stream so can't say for sure just yet.
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Listen closely, there is meaning in my words.
Smooth Criminal
That... was an impressive Burst.

Holy shit, they captured that incredible moment from FFIX effectively.

And what the actual fuck were those passives. LMAO she's busted.


Waiting for something
Her Burst is completely busted, shes without a doubt the most overpowered support we're gonna have in game for a very Loooooong time and I am so glad I have her fully built. I just went and purchased an Ultima Weapon staff as well although it's not needed honestly but she's gonna end up being a 100% staple in my party for a long time at this rate.

This will also be the first costume bundle I buy


Waiting for something
That burst is beautiful isn't it Eiko appearing is just perfect.

I understand why IX get's a lot of love in OO and I am all for it! I think a few posts back I was gushing about Garnet's Intertwining Wills chapter as well.

Depending on how much I have to gem on her banner I may forego Locke, honestly given that Garnet offers ridiculous support now and damage, considering we're getting a very early c90 rework for her as well I think Machina is gonna help me plow through content for quite some time if there's any Lufenia's

Apart from that I am super excited to do a Garnet, Zidane and Beatrix run for a lot of content as well.

Now I went back on the recap to check the other stuff because it kinda flew over my head with the Garnet BT stuff.

lots of VERY nice rewards here coming our way and a bucket load of mutli pulls to boot.

These global first events look awesome, one of them being a beta and choose your own Lufenia style is something I am all about.

Equinox event is always a good one, the new LD they didn't announce, they normally keep equinox banners quiet. They did with Setzer, so that may be where the one that didn't come up on the stream will be.

I love Intersecting Wills so far I've really enjoyed all 3 of them and the character development expansion so I look forward to Edgar's being released.

All in all this has been an amazing stream, I swear this is the most stupidly generous gacha game out there right now.


Waiting for something

Edit: she is so fucking stupidly overpowered and I haven't even touched her c90 yet, she's like JP meta level right now I can't believe they gave us this for our global first BT.
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Waiting for something
Ok so Crevasse event I have had a go with but its definitely in its beta stages and needs retweaked.

Its basically choose Lufenia code and code weapon ir crystal restrictions to get more points, but the lock out of team comps as well as trying to do the math for the points as well as having to redo stages if you want to free up another restrictions is....a bit of a pain.

I think in theory this is going to be fun upon feedback and tweaking but right now it feels a bit overwhelming and difficult to manage.

I'll keep trying though.


Save your valediction (she/her)
I only have a single team who stands a chance against Lv 180+, so Crevasse B is a no-pointer for me. Ah well. Because of how I arrange my roster, I’ve functionally crippled myself for any activity that uses the Perfect mechanic, but I’ve made my peace with it.

Wish there was some way to remove badge icons (the red dot notifications telling me I suck at Abyss :P )
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Waiting for something
Yeah I'm finding Crevasse a bit of a weird one. I really like the concept of it but it just needs some tweaking and you need such an indepth roster for it I have at this stage a really indepth roster of built characters and even I'm struggling to go for best comps right now

Meanwhile Garnet is officially the most ridiculously overpowered offensive support this game has after trying her out with several comps and watching even characters I didn't have built dishing out damage thanks to that BTeffect, I then went back and did load of Lufenias I had on the back burner because of crappy mechanics and restrictions.

Screw, the restrictions, Garnet with Machina can pretty much ignore every single mechanic of the older Lufenia because they can race the orb its absolutely gobsmacking and I am living for it.

I Can understand why they're essentially locking out perfect runs in crevasse, if you were to use Garnet in them all they'd be a cake walk its more fun strategising.


Save your valediction (she/her)
The rewards for Thalassic whatever are pretty great. Cheap and abundant guard and power tokens? I remember when one power token was worth a whole day’s grind lol. My backbench will be wearing blue in no time.


Save your valediction (she/her)
And another 300 from the new event ?

Also, I just dealt over 5 million damage in a single burst with Zidane. I achieved this only because Dagger’s Ark eidolon was active, and I was basically filling everyone’s BRV and throwing enemies with every turn. But still! 5 MILLION.
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Waiting for something
Garnet's gonna get a mental amount of mileage. She makes so many damage dealers viable because of being able to cap damage and if you pair her with another support like Selphie or Llyud shes just crazy. I Still can't believe they gave her to us.


Waiting for something
One pull before the pity for the BT and it dropped, now I'm trying to decide with 480 tokens do I do one more pull and exchange for a dupe and sell it for 5 tokens or do one more and exchange for BT book and a power stone.

First World pulling problems! Least I didn't have to pity the LD on the way.
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Waiting for something
Tifa's already has as well, she came to JP with her BT and remake costume for their 5th anniversary.

So while I spent today recovering in bed from an allergic reaction, I finally mastered every summon board for every character been on the back burners for a while but as they all have double exp right now and I had a few triple exp books, seemed like the right time to finish up what I still needed to.

I also finally completed every lost chapter fully, thanks to Locke with his ignore defence mechanic on his BT and Garnet being Garnet for some of the Lufenia+ fights.

I still have a few bits of endgame content to complete like Dimensions End Transcendence and I've gotta do our current events Lufenia and Lufenia+ fights but glad to have something to keep me occupied over the weekend.
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Waiting for something
Did a pull for Edgar using tickets got him in 60 which was nice after Eiko took a ton of my tickets.

He has a very fun kit, I really enjoyed using him and I think I might have some fun doing some FF6 battles with him, Locke and Terra for a while.


Waiting for something
Haha always straight in there! Thanks as always!

I did watch the stream nearly missed the beginning of it though!

The final co op was.....extemely annoying with those two stickers spamming eejits teaming up with Joshua.

Nothing too unexpected in there the QOL icon changes is really nice though!

Gilgamesh BT is a skip for me he's not really on my radar but Leila is getting gemmed, Ceodore is getting tokened and depending on resources I'll maybe pull for Rem's LD.

I'm looking forward to Beatrix's rework especially as shes still very viable in todays content without one and I look forward to a Rosa rework.

I believe I saw some hints about future free multidraws after this round of them is over! I Have a funny feeling we'll get something Stranger of Paradise related shown on that particular stream. They mentioned it would make an appearance in OO during the last live stream.

P.S Joshua's cat is adorable!

Finally I awakened DKCecil today, I must admit he's been extemely fun to bring off the bench! He deserved that rework! Now if we can have a future BT for him that would be awesome!
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